

When all is said is done, a person shall rest. Yet for me Mary Green, my rest didn't last long. Don't confuse my name for that of a girl, I am a man. In the midst of my rest, my past came looming back and gave me chaos. Girls from other worlds have started to disturb my rest, making me part of their troubles. I can't go back now.

Endeko · Fantasy
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23 Chs



If you guys have noticed... I barely upload. It's not the usual where I wouldn't write because I'm lazy. This time, I truly am unable to write anymore because of busy schedules and less motivation. I will try to finish the current arc Volume 1 part 1 though, and after I finish, I will rewrite everything from the start.

I had a massive expectation in this work, even though It is just a hobby. I planned the entire plot and how I am going to split it into parts. This series would have a two part story line, with 5 volumes on the first one and 3 volumes on the second one. The current one, part one of the 1st volume, is about the introduction of the main character and his chemistry with the "first" heroine. And I struggled to find chemistry between them both *Crying*. And now, I can't even finish it. School works piled up, and I lost my sense of fantasy and imagination to the point that I don't want to do this hobby anymore.

I wanted to write as a stress relief. Now, stress is to much that I can't even relief this on writing. That is why I am going to drop this. I might pick this up if my future me wants too, but the current me wants to stop it. So, goodbye for now. And...