
I Have A Cultivation World

Author: Pure Nine Lotus Lamp
Eastern Fantasy
Ongoing · 1.8M Views
  • 678 Chs
  • 3.9
    20 ratings
  • NO.156

What is I Have A Cultivation World

Read ‘I Have A Cultivation World’ Online for Free, written by the author Pure Nine Lotus Lamp, This book is a Eastern Fantasy Novel, covering WEAKTOSTRONG Fiction, CULTIVATION Light Novel, TRANSMIGRATION Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: After 6,000 years of development by the immortal sect on Planet Earth, all of the leyline spiritual energy was controlle...


After 6,000 years of development by the immortal sect on Planet Earth, all of the leyline spiritual energy was controlled by the country. They only released enough spiritual energy for the cultivators to breathe. If a cultivator wanted to use the spiritual energy to train themselves, they would have to pay the immortal sect for that. Chen Mobai was a senior high school student at the Fifth High School of the Immortal Sect. He was studying for his entrance exam at the colleges of the immortal sect. His biggest dream was to achieve the Foundation Establishment Realm until he was transmigrated to a cultivation world. “There’s no one here despite how dense the spiritual energy is?” “Wait! Isn’t this the legendary spiritual herb? Are these not extinct here?” “Huh? Is this the method to extract one’s Spiritual Root? Also, isn’t this a divine technique?” “What a powerful cultivator! Please accept me as your disciple!” As his life in the cultivation world continued, his dream changed.

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all the things we lost

"Who are they?" I asked Sarah as the bikers got closer. "Bad news," she whispers, she looked at Tyler and James, who was already walking towards us in a hurry. "Get in the car," she warns. I almost did, but when I saw the look of fright in her eye I didn't move. I felt hands around my naked waist, I knew it was Tyler. He pulls me tightly against his chest, I could feel the heat coming from his body. "Get in your car and drive off. Don't say a word" he whispers into my ear. "Why?" why did they want me to leave? "Just fucking do it Bella!" he says angrily pushing me forward, I bumped into another hard chest. But this time I could smell cheap beer and sweat. I look up and saw a tattooed face with a nose ring. Taking a step back slowly when he showed me his yellow teeth. "Well, aren't you a pretty thing!" He laughs out, the others agreeing with him. "What's a pretty thing like you doing here?" I didn't reply, I didn't like the way they were watching me. I felt Tyler's hard hands on my shoulder, his grip was hard enough to make me wince. He pulled me up against his chest as if trying to shield me away. I look around the now deserted desert, everyone seems to have disappeared. It was just James, Jada, Sarah, Nelson and Tyler. They were all standing next to us. "Boy! We've been looking for you" they yelled at Tyler. He didn't look affected by them, in fact, I think they knew each other. Why would Tyler be hanging out with guys like this? "I see you got your self a new pretty bird" one chuckles pointing at Tyler's arm that was around my waist. "What are you doing here Stone" he growls at the guy that just spoke. "It seems you've forgotten you owe us money" the guy name Stone growls at Tyler. Does he owe their money? Why? "We made a deal, you said on the 7th" Tyler say, today was the 5th. "Well, you see our boss change his mind" Stone laughs casually. "I don't have that kind of money on me Stone" Tyler was breathing hard now. I knew something bad was about to happen, I just wasn't sure what. "Then we have a problem boy," Stone pulls out a gun and point it directly at me. I freeze tears forming in my eyes, I stare at the gun, not moving. I held Tyler's hands tighter, trying my best not to move. "She's got nothing to do with this" Tyler steps forward blocking me from the gun. I felt him reaching behind his back slowly. "Your gonna have to pay Son and that one looks like she's worth 50 grand" He owns them 50 thousand dollars! I wanted to yell. How did that happen? Doesn't he know people like this can kill you for that? "Come back on the 7th and you will have your money" James steps forward. Oh god, this boys looked like they did this daily. What the hell was I doing here, I should be with my friends getting wasted not stuck in the middle of what looked like a gang War. "Just give us the girl and will be on our merry way" "Not gonna happened," before I could blink Tyler pulled out a gun from his back making my eye wide. HE HAD A FUCKING GUN!! Oh my god, this is not going to be good. Does he carry that with him all the time? If he does how comes I've never felt it. "Be a smart boy, there are three of you and six of us. If you give us the girl will let you keep the other two" Stone says referring to Sarah and Jada. "We just want one!" another biker yells making me jump. "None of them are going with you" Tyler stood his ground, pointing his gun directly at Stone. "Fine," Stone spat on the floor and the other men behind him pulled out their guns some had long knives instead. "James gets Bella out of here," Tyler whispers deadly not taking his eyes off Stone. Bella Thomson, the queen bee. This was her senior year, she already planned everything-homecoming queen, Harvard. Tyler Carter isn't like every other typical 18 years old. Living in the wrong neighbourhood all his life and after losing his mother age of 15, never knowing who his dad was. He is known as the best fighter on the north side.

cluelessgixl · Teen
38 Chs

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Pure Nine Lotus Lamp



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This is strongly similar to that old CN - MC accidentally gets caught up in someone Ascension and goes to a higher world and treats dirt like treasure Lol. Kinda makes no sense when you think about it... (It was called World Of Immortals) I believe.


The concept is cool but the story is slow and there’s a lot of long boring explanations which are sometime repeated to increase word count… otherwise it could become a fun story


-Translation Quality (4 Stars) Translator clearly put more effort than the rest of other trial reads who just use ML translations. I would’ve given 5 stars if not for some terms being changed between chapters and some sentences that don’t make since since they’re just translated straight from the original Chinese version but it’s very much still readable -Stability of Updates (5 stars) Duh -Story Development (4 stars) I like the story thus far and it has shown promise to be a good novel in the future. The story is more down to earth with the main character being closer to a normal person with a father, mother and and extended family that he’s close to. Plus he’s not ridiculously untalented or talented and he’s not a transmigrator who knows absolutely nothing and he’s more of a person who has lived 17 years in his world. My only worry is that the author just rehashes the “a war has started and I need to do missions” when the MC enters uni. (Oh also there’s no nationalism until chapter 70 something cause that’s the farthest I’ve reached in the raws) -Character Design (3 stars) Very generic. -World Background (3.5 stars) I like how much information the author seems to give about the world however I would’ve liked it to be given more naturally and less through exposition (that sometimes feels like it doesn’t really matter) which will definitely put off a lot of people. -Overall I like this novel but it’s certainly not everyone’s cup of tea but I found significantly better than the rest of the trial reads this time around and obviously a whole lot better than some of the recent previous batches.


Reveal spoiler


It is not better to live and not die to reincarnate. You see, if the government controls spiritual energy, maybe it's just a lie to kill people and keep them from revolting.


Here's my one true complaint about this work: the story doesn't seem to have anything in common with the title. They are nearly completely unrelated. Title says he has a cultivation world. With this type of novel, that would mean he owned a world, possibly a small or inner world. He would also likely be the only "human" or sentient being with access to it. Basically, it would be completely his domain. This one in the story? It's anything except that. Up to the point I stopped reading, it seemed more like a planet located in a distant part of the same universe, and practically crawling with a Cultivator..."infestation" (heh! just kidding.) Anyway, he merely teleportation there. He doesn't own it, from what I could see.


This story seems to be a slice of life in a cultivation world. Story progress is quite slow and the daily life stuff is just too detailed. By chapter 20 I had already started skipping blocks of text looking for dialogs. By chapter 30 (raws) the skipping got larger and by 40 I could no longer continue. It's just too boring.....


the title is misleading since he didn't own the cultivation world but discover it instead but it's still a good read the story pacing is a bit slow but okay to me


Actually quite good, the cheat isn't as unbalanced as the synopsis makes it seem. It's not like he goes from trash to best in his school in 3 chapters. Cultivation system is rather interesting, with a heavy focus on the spirit roots. NU rating would be 4.0 ish


Typical cultivation stuff. The cheat is interesting, but the novel itself is not.


One of the better trial reads out there.


Five Star support Five Star support Five Star support Five Star support Five Star support Five Star support Five Star support Five Star support


I am deeply invested in this story and want nothing more than reading it to completion even if it means not missing a single day of logging into webnovel , watching ads and completing all daily missions because I am broke and thats all I can do .


other than like , translation quality the story is fire , noice .................


Very very slow story.No action for lots of chapters.To much detail for everything feels more like trying to increase word count.Boring to read for more then 5chapters.Will try again when I develop more patience


just wanted to ask can he go back to real world at later age and flex ? I will change the rating


Other than the fact that the translation quality becomes worse as chapters go by and the names keep changing. The plot development is good and the world building is the best in cultivation novels. Its refreshing to see a mc without a cheat. He has to cultivate normally the only advantage he has is resources.


I am enjoying this novel very much (up to ch. 35): the likable MC is smart, brave and diligent, and the setting is detailed and logical.


One of the better trial reads out there.


it's a year old with 50 chapters tf? bbbbbbbbb


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