
I hate to break it to you, But I am a fool.

A bunch of Oneshots, showing different stories with different characters after each chapter. I am writing this novel because I am experiencing a writer's block in my other stories. So I hope writing this book will help, even if just a little. I hope you guys enjoy these stories that I just wrote in my free time. Peace.

ManofcultureQ_Q · Realistic
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A Coward.


Endou Tamae.


Takeshi (protagonist)


{— Location:- School Grounds. Time:- After school —}


???:- "Uhm- Endou San-"


???:- "I- I wanted to tell you something for a while now. Please, if you are willing to listen, then I would like to tell you that I-"

That's what you will need more than anything when you are trying to express your feelings.

Endou:- "Huh? Hotaro-Kun? What is it? Your face is all red... Are you not feeling well?"

It doesn't matter what kind of feelings I am talking about, because they can be any kind of feelings; Let's just take anger for an example.

You need to be courageous if you want to express anger, unlike a coward who does nothing more than whimper when someone does something wrong to him. And the same can be said about fear.

Yup, you heard me, You need to be courageous even while expressing your fears to someone.

Everyone fears something, no matter how courageous they are... But what actually distinguishes a coward from a brave person is simple enough.

A coward would never be able to hide the fear present on his face. Whereas a brave person knows how to hide it well, as well as face that fear if the situation arises.

Hotaro:- "I-it's not that Endou San! I am not ill... It's just that-"

Welp; I think I got too lost in my thoughts back there. I even forgot about the scene taking place in front of me.

This scene, as most of you must have guessed already, is-

"I like you Endou San! Please go out with me!!"

A confession.

A confession of love at that.

One of the most scary situations a man whose words are actually sincere and not just a ruse, can find himself in.

I am not going to change the 'man' part, because our fairer sex never confess. They just give you silly hints and expect you to pick on them, and then puts their hopes on you to confess to them first.

So to all my folks out there, unless you are stupidly rich or handsome, don't expect to get a confession out of a girl. But if you actually do end up getting a confession despite not having the above traits, then screw you you lucky bastard!!

Anyways, confessing your love to someone is scary.

'What will I do if she rejects me?'

'Will our relationship as friends still be the same after this? What if she throws me out of her life altogether?'

'The worst she can say is 'no' right? What if she says 'ew' instead?' [ -Hotaro's thoughts]

The fear of getting rejected.

Confessing your love to someone, needs a lot of courage, considering you need to make up your mind to get over the fear of getting rejected and tell the person you love about your feelings.

Endou:- "Uhm... I am really flattered by your feelings Hotaro-Kun, really, I am."

"Does that mean—"

Endou:- "-But I will have to apologise to you, I can't reciprocate your feelings as I don't feel the same way about you. You really are a nice guy Hotaro Kun...but, I like someone else..."

He got rejected.

Poor guy...

"Oh. Uhm, it was expected to be honest. I just wanted to let you know how I felt..." Hotaro said while smiling. A smile that didn't reach his face.

"I am really sorry..." Endou said with a sad smile on her pretty face, while sneaking a glance towards the boy sitting a few yards away from them.

"I- I just remembered! I recently broke my back, so I am in a lot of pain right now..Ouch! I think I should take my leave now, bye!! " Hotaro blabbered some nonsense before running away.


That guy...Hotaro was it? He is courageous as hell.

For him to take this confession so well, unlike the other idiots who broke into tears after getting rejected by the school's belladonna, Endou Tamae, is a real achievement to be honest.

He really is a courageous fella, can't be me.

Then who am I you ask?

Welp, I am just an innocent bystander; sitting a few yards away from them, spectating this confession while talking to myself in my head like an idiot.

It's not my hobby to listen in on the confession between my classmates like a creep. It's just that today, I really wanted to know how this confession between them is going to go.

I wanted to know... If she will accept this confession or not.

"Takeshi, what are you doing here? Were you listening in on our conversation?! Mou~ I told you not to do it!" Endou said to me with a cute pout on her face.

She is the reason I was here. Endou Tamae, the girl I have been in love with since I was in middle school.

"Huh? Why would I try to listen in on your conversation? It's not like I am in love with you or anything."

Hotaro... He is a courageous fellow.... whereas me?

".....I wish you were."

"Huh? What was that?"


I am a coward.


Hello dear readers.

Author here.

I just wrote this chapter on a whim, so I am not particularly expecting anything great from this chapter.

I am writing this book to get out of my writer's block on my other stories. Just... wish me luck.


Are you a coward? If your answer is yes, then do you want to stay like this forever?

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