
I Guess, Another World is Really Different

Akira, a weak boy after dying gets transmigrated in an anime world in a weak poor boy named Arthur. And with full hope to start a new life he proceeds but he only sees the dark side of world. Will he will lose to the dark side or he will keep hope in the darkness? Read to find out. --- This is a Kenja no Mago Fanfic. --- To support and read advance chapters, go to - ko-fi.com/mewriter

Me_Writer · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter 60. Aftermath

The sun was down making the blue sky red and orange. But still the people were on the roads, shops brimming, well after all this is magic world.

Arthur and Violet both of them were walking as usual towards their house.

Yuri already left before when he and Violet went to Shin's house.

"Still, I think you shouldn't have said harsh words, Arthur-sama!"

Violet pouted a bit looking at Arthur who was smiling wryly. Looking at him more expressive than usual, Violet was indeed happy.

'Arthur-sama has indeed changed. Though he still has the old perks.'

"Well, it was needed to tell him the truth. This way at least he will know the ways of the world. Who knows one more girl comes and tries to sway him to use his powers? The world isn't that easy."

After listening to him, Violet was silent as well.

Arthur and Violet's relationship is not a normal one. Both have gone through the dark. This the big difference between them and other students.

Violet being a former resident of the Bluesphere kingdom knows the evil side of nobility. And Arthur, well he got his dream shattered by reality as soon he reincarnated.

"Besides if both of them know the truth it can strengthen the relationship between them."

In love trust is the most important. And for trust, truth is important. As long Cecily and Shin remain truthful, their love is unbreakable.


"What happened Violet?"

Arthur turned and looked at Violet who was fidgeting for some reason.

"T-That... I am also truthful to Arthur-sama!"

Violet blushed and shouted with a red face. Her blonde hair with the red face and the beautiful background came to sync making Arthur's heart speed up.


Hearing no response, Violet looked up and called him.

"Cough! It's nothing. I am also truthful to you, Violet."

With turning his face sideways, he replied to Violet. If someone could see him, they would be astonished to see the cold stoic Arthur making such a expression.

'Is the change within myself is so much?! Violet is somehow is looking more beautiful.'

Then he quickly calmed down and faced forward to not make Violet suspicious.

"By the way, Shin-san is very talented in Enchantment, unlike me."

Violet remembered the sight of Shin re-enchanting Cecily's uniform.

He erased the previous enchantment and then added his enchantment.

Only some capable enchanters can do that.

"Well, he is talented in his way. You might be not talented in Enchantment, but you talented in fighting. I am sure that you can defeat Shin easily."

Violet Evergarden. When he picked him up, Arthur was geniunely surprised by her talent in combat. She was perfect in killing people and beasts like a weapon.

If not for Adam's Body, he is defintely behind her in terms of talent in combat.

"I meant to ask but isn't Shin-san is different from the rest?"

Violet looked him and then said.

"What do you mean?"

"It's like... I mean it's kind of hard to describe but I feel like he is a person like you. I don't mean by personality or something but how to say..."

"I understand what you want to say."

Arthur kind of grasped what Violet wanted to say. And he have to admit that Violet was right to some extent.

The kind of creative thinking and mannerism Shin carries is something akin to modern world.

Specially the magic Shin casted at that time.


Shin's Mansion...

"It's really a national treasure!"

After listening to his description, everyone were shocked to know the facts of th uniform casted by Shin.

"This artifact is indeed very helpful but it is not unbreakable."

Everyone looked at Arthur who looked at uniform with simple eyes. To him it was not worthful.

"If someone has high magic power which can override the effects than it can be easily surpassed. And it's endurance is weak as well."

Everything has a limit. And it is same for artifact. There is no way it is invincible. If someone surpassed that limit, they can easily damage the user surpassing the artifact.

"You're right. But for now, I think for now it is alright."

Merlin understood what Arthur meant to say. Shin got a bit worried thinking if this uniform is not enough to protect Cecily.

"Don't worry, Shin. Arthur is right, but this Armor is already good. It is enough to protect her."

Melinda smiled and assured him. Shin smiled and also chose to believe in his grandparents.

After that the king advised Shin not to cast this enchantment as he wish since it could create chaos. People are tempted to power. And knowing such an artifact exists, it will be literally hell out to get this Armor.

Arthur also nodded agreeing with the King.

Then with everything over, Shin finally showed the magic that made Arthur's eyes widen.

<Space magic - Gate>

The magic to connect two points to travel instantly.


'Why didn't I think of it?!'

Arthur felt that he is stupid to not think of such a simple magic. But this also let him understand that Shin is not what he is. That kind of thinking is quite hard for a person living in this world. Arthur felt that Shin might also be an otherworlder.

Maybe that's why he is kind of attracted by that guy. But he might be wrong as well. Who knows if he is surely a prodigy?

'Well, I will think about it later on.'

And he didn't think much about Shin being a reincarnator like him.

'And even he is, it is not a big deal.'

Arthur smiled and followed Violet who was hyped looking at stall all around selling different commodities.

"Arthur-sama, let's go."

"Sigh! Well let's go."

With a helpless smile, he walked around with her.