

As I was waiting for some monstrosity to come out of the thicket, after a bit more rustle a short green humanoid came out of the bush with a small rusted sword in his hand.

He laughed lewdly after seeing me The look he was giving was enough for me to shudder in disgust,

But for some reason I couldn't really gather the courage to shoot my spell seeing me in fear goblin slowly approached me with a disgusting smile but when he was about to touch me I finally snapped out of my stupor and shot the < Earth lance > spell right through his head blood splurted all me as I watched in horror as spike of earth went right through it finally it set in that I have killed it it's disgusting stench covering me as his brain matter splurted on the ground I puked without being able to control this can't be game, this reality sunk in my very bones this was biggest wake up call that I had about reality I just wanted to run away but I knew I couldn't do that so I breathed in and breathed out, it seems normal people from modern era can't really kill something that appears like human, even though I was from archery club all I did was shoot non-living targets even if they were moving they were just targets in the end but killing living thing is harder then I thought I couldn't help but tears came out I was really scared view of body of goblin kept repainting in my head as I started moving towards the water body after taking sword as precaution.

I left the sight of the battle as early as possible so I didn't want to fight another goblin or any of the other monsters if possible but I knew it wasn't really a realistic thought in the forest but due to how shaken I was I didn't clean the blood that had splurted all over my body and to my horror it came back to bite me as I was surrounded by 4 goblins.

While I was walking while I was still in thoughts I heard sound from all four sides rustling of leaves from all sides and to my horror they were 4 goblins and one even had small bow while others had rusted knives I shuddered at the thought if this goblin had bow with little more reached he would be able to kill me while I am unaware of it, so I decided that I don't have time to be in stupor as I am attacked by 4 goblins this times my first spell would go for Archer one so I used < Earth lance > as early as possible Archer was taken a back and couldn't react in time and died but all other didn't seem surprised and came from three sides I could only jump up to avoid there charge and surprisingly I jumped far higher then I thought possible and I decided to use that time to kick one of goblin in head using knock back from the kick I again gained the distance so I decided to give more momentum to the earth lance and too my infinite relief it pierced through first goblin and logged into leg of second goblin it screached in pain while third last goblin came to brandishing is knife and as I have already shot the spell I would need time to prepare spell ones more but I didn't have enough time for that I watched in horror as his knife approached my neck they seem have forgone the thought of taking me alive with them as they had aimed at first he took one last Jump towards me only thought going through my freaked mind was powerful thought to stop him in his place I closed my eyes in horror but my mind still had thought to stop him but after waiting for pain it didn't come so I slowly opened my eyes and to my relief last goblin was suspended in air looking around surprised but his knife had cut on my wrist and blood was coming out of wound so I thought to be kill this goblin and get on with treating my wound as early as possible and with just thought of breaking goblins neck it happened this was without doubt [Telekinesis]

so I could do something like that too I sighed in relief but I just decided to take the short bow that goblin Archer had I decided to get away from the place I climbed the tree a little away from the place of battle.

After climbing up I thought the wound could get infected so I used it < Water make > and I imagined the small stream of water to wash the wound after washing the wound I decided to imagine healing magic as the wound was superficial I imagined layers of my skin joining and my wound disappeared in front of me without even leaving even scratch behind.

After healing myself I decided to clean any blood from my body so they won't come smelling blood, so I used the same magic I performed to wash my face I decided to do same with my legs and removed all blood that was on my body by washing my hairs there were some blood stains on my clothes and leather breast plate Armor I was wearing so I decided it was time to strip after taking of leather breast plate with lot of difficulty I was for some reason wearing white one piece dress that looked like froke which only came above my knee and I also wore high socks with white boots so, blood stain came out quite easily from leather Armor this time I imagined water enclosing blood molecules and imagined them dissolving blood and removing it from the leather armour it was really difficult and I had to use [Telekinesis]

To remove the water blob which had blood stains in the middle.

After that I used wind magic, to shoot warm air at the wet spot and it became dry in no time, I am really good at magic aren't I after looking at a clean breast plate I placed it beside me I have climbed a big tree with extremely thick branches so I didn't have to worry about space so I slided zip that was back of my dress and stripped and to my surprise I was wearing white panties and bra I felt little uncomfortable but decided now was not the time to worry about it so after cleaning stains from dress I also cleaned socks same way after drying them I wore them once again with lot of difficulty mind you!?

And after I wore back my clothes I decided to leave the tree as it wouldn't be wise to stay there where the smell of my blood could've lingered

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isekaigiffycreators' thoughts