

"Ahh...that was kinda easy, so weak for a guy named 'super evil boy' aka "azuza." aiko says.

"Seriously though, I'm surprised that fight with 'death' was a dream. guess I have a 'big imagination' huh?" aiko says while touching super evil boys body aka azuza with a stick.

"W-woah...how did you do that in one attack, aiko?" iris says shocked.

"Like I said, I can do whatever I want with my ability. like making new abilities for example." aiko says.

"Like this stick I'm holding, it let's me stop time with one swing of it. I'll call it...lemon." aiko adds.

"Wow so amazing, hero." someone suddenly says.

"I know...I'm so powerful." aiko says.

"I see...so what's your name, hero?" the same person says.

"It's aiko...why do you need to know my name?"

"Ahh...aiko, I was looking for you. it's me, sion!" sion says.

"no way, jin? as jin in my class?" aiko says.

"yes, it's that jin...it seems you got a ability also, aiko?" sion says.

"Yeah, I did. So what's your ability?" aiko says.

"It's blood manipulation, I can shoot blood out of my fingers." sion says

"Yeah...I don't need a weak person on my damn team." aiko says.

"Y-yo...you bitch! why...why would you take me with you?" Sion says shocked.

"Because, blood manipulation sounds boring as fuck." aiko says.

"Yeah, okay...you're my enemy now." sion says as he leaves.

wait...I need him on my team, so why am I acting like this...it seems I grown a ego...

"I AM A EGOIST!!!" aiko screams.

"Huh? what was that?" Sion says.

"Sion, I need you on my team to...to win as a egoist." aiko says.

"All right egoist, I'll help you win." sion says.

"Woah, is that a adventurers guild?" aiko says while pointing at a building clearly named "adventurers guild"

"Yeah, it is..." sion says.

"I was waiting for this moment, to become a egoist." aiko says.

"let's go in" aiko says.

With a firm nod, you steel yourself and make your way towards the Adventurer's Guild. The building seems even larger up close, its exterior made of sturdy stone and its windows displaying various weapons and equipment.

As aiko iris and sion step through the doors, you're met with a bustling atmosphere. The air is filled with the sounds of voices, footsteps, and the occasional clash of metal as adventurers hone their skills.

aiko make his way over to the registration desk, as iris and sion check out the decor. allow notices the receptionist stationed in the back.

"Damn you're so cute... anyways, I'm trying to register as a adventurer." aiko says.

The receptionist, a young woman with a sharp and professional demeanor, raises an eyebrow as aiko address her as "cute."

"Right," she says, unfazed by aiko casual demeanor. "You want to register as an adventurer, huh? Well, let's start with the paperwork then."

She slides a stack of papers and a quill across the counter to you.

"Fill these out and we'll get you registered."

"Alright, then." aiko says.

aiko sits down and begin to fill out the paperwork the receptionist has given him. The forms are somewhat standard, asking for personal information such as his name, age, and current abilities. It also asks him to specify areas where you excel (strength, agility, magical ability, etc). 

As aiko fills out each form, the woman glances over occasionally, checking your progress. She does this mostly to make sure aiko aren't skipping out on anything important.

"If she keeps looking at me like that... I might just run..." aiko says.

Your comment seems to throw the receptionist off guard, causing her to look up at you quizzically. 

"Run?" she asks, arching an eyebrow. "Don't tell me you're gonna ditch filling out the forms? They're a pain in the ass, I know, but they're mandatory for all new adventurers."

"i'm the one doing it though, bitch." aiko says bluntly.

The receptionist's eyes flicker with a hint of annoyance at your comment, but she manages to maintain her professional demeanor. 

"Watch your tone," she warns you. "We have a reputation to uphold here, and we don't appreciate disrespect." 

She points at the paperwork. "Now, just finish up so I can get you your Adventurer's License."

"Why would I wanna use my charisma on a ugly girl...? Seriously, I got self respect." Aiko says bluntly again.

The receptionist's face hardens as she realizes just how disrespectful you're being. 

"You're walking on thin ice, pal," she retorts. "If you don't knock off the attitude, I might just refuse to process your paperwork." 

And indeed, she looks like she means it. Her hand moves towards an alarm bell stationed on her desk, as if she's prepared to summon security.

"Anyways, I'm done with the paper work." aiko says.

The receptionist looks over the paperwork quickly, checking to make sure everything has been filled out correctly. Satisfied, she smiles politely.

"Alright, everything seems to be in order," she says, gathering up the forms. "You passed the first step - congratulations. Just have a seat, and I'll go process these real quick."

She gestures to a row of chairs lined up against the wall of the registry waiting room.

"Alright, bet." Aiko says as he walks over to the chairs and sits down while picking his nose.

The receptionist eyes you warily as she carries the paperwork over to her desk. She takes one last look back at him as he sit on the chair, picking his nose in a less-than-heroic manner. However, she decides to ignore it, focusing on processing the forms instead.

As aiko waits, the other adventurers in the waiting room dart glances his way, some with curiosity, others with barely-concealed disdain.

"God...this is taking too long." aiko says annoyed.

Aiko shifts impatiently in his seat, getting restless from the wait. The receptionist seems to be taking an inordinate amount of time processing the paperwork.

Aiko overhears hushed whispers from some of the other adventurers in the waiting area, their eyes darting towards aiko every now and then. They're gossiping about the newbie who's obnoxiously picking his nose in public.


The minutes feel like an eternity as aiko's continue to wait, boredom slowly setting in. The whispers from the other adventurers continue, their words just loud enough for aiko to understand their judgement. They see him as strange, perhaps a bit repulsive.

The receptionist, meanwhile, continues to work diligently. She seems oblivious to aiko's restlessness and the gossiping around him.

"I'll just play on my PSP!" aiko thinks in his head.

Aiko fish's his PSP out of his backpack and switch it on, the familiar startup sound bringing a smile to his face.

A few of the other adventurers perk up as they hear the sound of aiko's PSP. One of them, a burly warrior-type, leans over curiously.

"Hey, pal," he says, gruffly. "What you playin'?"

"Final fantasy VII: Crisis core." aiko says.

The burly adventurer whistles in appreciation. "Crisis Core, huh? Good choice. That's a classic."

The other adventurers are listening in now, their interest piqued. One of them, a roguish-looking man, pipes up.

"Man, I haven't played that game in ages. Great gameplay and story, that one."

"I know, that's why I'm playing it." Aiko says.

The rogue grins. "You've got good taste. What part are you at?" 

The conversation has drawn the attention of the receptionist, who can't help but look over from her desk.

"I beaten it 14 times, but right now I'm on the final boss." Aiko says.

The adventurers' eyes widen in surprise as aiko mentions beating the game 14 times. Even the receptionist can't hide her surprise.

"Fourteen times?" the roguish man exclaims. "Damn, you're dedicated. I only beat it once, and I struggled the whole way through."

"Okay." Aiko says bluntly.

The adventurers seem taken aback by his blunt response, and they exchange glances. A momentary silence hangs in the air before the receptionist decides to speak up.

"Uh, I'm... going to go check on the paperwork," she says, her tone a bit uncertain. She rises from her desk and disappears into the back room, leaving aiko alone with the adventurers again.

"And there we go, I beaten it again..." Aiko says pretty bored.

The adventurers watch intently as aiko finishes the final battle, his character victorious against the odds.

The burly warrior-type speaks up again. "Wow, you made that look easy."

The roguish man nods in agreement. "I don't know if I could pull off a win like that on any difficulty, let alone on the toughest one. Impressive stuff, pal."

"I normally reset the whole game if I die at the boss to be honest..." aiko says bluntly.

The roguish man laughs at aiko's comment. "Resetting the whole game, huh? That's some dedication right there. I wouldn't have the patience for that!"

The burly warrior-type smirks. "I think that just means you love the game too much. Or you're just really damn stubborn, haha!"

"I'm a egoist." Aiko says.

The adventurers exchange knowing grins at aiko's statement.

"An egoist, huh? Didn't expect that from you," the roguish man chuckles.

The burly warrior rolls his eyes. "Yeah, no kidding. I bet you're good at everything, huh?"

"Wow, looks like my paperwork is done..." Aiko says.

Just as aiko's finishes his thought, the receptionist steps out of the back room and returns to her desk. She regards him with a bit of a forced smile.

"Ah, finished playing your game, huh?" she asks, gathering up the last of his paperwork. "Good timing. Your registration is all finished."

She slides a small badge across the counter towards him. It's his official Adventurer ID, marking him as a registered member of the guild.

"Congratulations," she says, her voice somewhat flat. "You're an official adventurer now."

"Hey...uh...I'm sorry for calling you a ugly girl, it was my ego getting to me." Aiko says.

The receptionist blinks, clearly not expecting such an apology. Her expression softens a bit, and she gives him a nod. "Apology accepted."

Behind him, he can hear the adventurers murmuring among themselves, pleasantly surprised by his unexpected display of politeness.

"Alright see ya." Aiko walks right out of the adventurer's guild with iris and sion, without looking back.

As aiko's walks out of the guild, he can feel the eyes of the adventurers on him. They're probably still surprised that he actually apologized to the receptionist, especially being such a stubborn egoist.

But he don't look back. he has places to be and quests to embark upon.