
A new face in town... Azuza Vs. Aiko?

Aiko was shocked that he won against "death."

"I did it," Aiko says, still shocked.

But suddenly, Aiko opened his eyes and sat up from the chair he was in on the train.

"Aiko! Hurry up and run! There's a villain attacking the train!" Iris says, screaming in Aiko's face.

"H-huh? Nah, I'd win." Aiko says.

"No, you can not win!" Iris says.

With a subtle twist of his will, Aiko found himself standing right behind Azuza, who was completely unaware of his presence. Taking a deep breath, Aiko focused his powers and mentally prepared himself for the confrontation. 

Then, with a swift motion, Aiko slams him into the wall with all his strength, the impact echoing throughout the deserted alleyway. Azuza let out a hiss of pain as he found himself pinned against the wall, the surprise evident on his face.

"Your evil deeds are done. Uh, I don't even know your name, random ass villain." Aiko says.

Azuza looked at Aiko with a mixture of shock and anger, his body still pressed against the cold wall of the train. He tried to struggle, but your strength was overpowering. 

"You..." he growled out, his eyes narrowing. "Who are you supposed to be?" Azuza says.

"HUUUUH? You expected me to be a famous hero or something?" Aiko says.

Azuza's expression turned to one of confusion and annoyance. "Well, yeah," he snapped, struggling against Aiko's grip. "Who the hell are you if not some famous hero?" 

He was clearly taken aback by the fact that this kid didn't fit his usual mold of a hero.

Suddenly, Aiko slams his head against the train wall. Azuza cries out in pain as Aiko slams him into the brick wall again and again, each impact causing him to wince and grimace. He tried to struggle, but Aiko's strength was too great.

"No one in this verse can really touch me, so I'm just going to kill you," Aiko says.

Azuza's eyes widened in panic at Aiko's words. He had clearly underestimated Aiko. 

"Wait a minute," he pleaded, starting to look a bit terrified.

"You don't have to do that. I'm sorry, okay? I'll stop being a villain; just let me go!"

"I actually turned your bones into cake," Aiko says.

Azuza's expression turned to one of absolute shock and terror as your words registered in his mind. "Y-you what?!" he blurted out, his voice cracking slightly. 

He attempted to move, to push himself away from the wall, but he found that his bones were, indeed, as solid as cake. He couldn't budge an inch. 

"You... you changed my bones into cake?!" He stuttered out incredulously.

"You see those hungry kids? It's their birthday. And they want cake." Aiko says.

Azuza followed Aiko's gaze to see a group of children standing nearby. They were peering into the alleyway, their eyes widening as they saw the scene before them: Azuza pinned against the wall by an unknown hero. 

Azuza paled as he realized what was about to happen. "No, you can't be serious," he sputtered out, disbelief in his voice. But before he could protest any further, the children approached with wide grins on their faces.

Azuza watched in horror as the children closed in, their gazes trained hungrily on him. They were chanting in excitement, "Cake, cake, cake!" 

"No, no, no, no," he muttered under his breath, struggling against the wall but to no avail. His bones were completely solidified, and his once-mighty body was trapped as if in a cage. 

The children were nearly upon him now, their faces filled with gleeful anticipation. One of them reached out a finger and poked his side, which yielded soft cake.

"Nah, they are all fake. disappear now," Aiko says as the "kids" disappear instantly.

The children and the scene around Aiko suddenly flickered and faded away, as if evaporating into thin air. Azuza blinked in confusion, disoriented by the sudden shift. 

Looking around, he saw that the alleyway was now completely empty. There was no trace of the children or of anyone else. It was just him, pinned against the wall by your powers. 

"What...? What the hell was all that?" he demanded, confusion and fear evident on his face.

"Honestly, I can do whatever I want, so I was showing off my powers to you. Because I'm bored." Aiko says.

Azuza stared at you, his expression a mix of bewilderment and shock. The display you had just shown him was clearly beyond what he had expected or experienced before.

"You did all that just because you were bored?" he asked, disbelief in his voice. "You can just do whatever you want, like... make people turn into cake or disappear entire scenes?"

"My ability imagination lets me do whatever I want with no effort. Honestly, I should come up with a name for it." Aiko says.

Azuza's eyes widened even further as the full implications of your powers sank in. "So, let me get this straight," he said slowly. "You have the power to do whatever you want, and you're just using it because you're bored?"

He seemed genuinely stunned by this, struggling to wrap his mind around the concept of such limitless power.

"Yep, since I explained it. I'll kill you now." Aiko suddenly snaps his finger and kills the deadly hero "Azuza."

"Oh fuck! I forgot to say it's name." 

『Immediate Death Activated!』