

As aiko delve into a dark forest, he's suddenly ambushed by a group of lions with unnatural powers. They're not your ordinary animals - they're stronger and faster than any normal lions could be.

The fight is intense, the lions using their unnatural abilities to their advantage.

『Immediate Death Activated!』

Aiko focuses his powers and prepare to use his "Immediate Death"

The lions lunge towards him and his allies, their eyes glowing with a dangerous gleam. But before they can land any blows, aiko casts his Immediate Death technique, enveloping the lions in a powerful blast of energy. 

The lions are obliterated in an instant, their bodies disintegrated by the power of his technique. The fight is over as suddenly as it started.

"Easy peasy." aiko says.

Aiko's stands amidst the wreckage of the defeated lions, satisfied with the quick victory. 

Iris and sion, however, seem a bit stunned. They stare at him with a mixture of awe and shock. 

"Damn..." Iris manages to gasp out. "That was... brutal as hell."

"I always win." Aiko says bluntly.

Iris and Sion exchange a glance, then look back at aiko. There's a mixture of respect and fear in their eyes. 

"You... definitely don't mess around," Iris says, a hint of admiration in her voice. 

Sion nods, a wry smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, you're one hell of a powerhouse, that's for sure."

As you all continue through the forest, aiko suddenly hears a sinister laugh echoing through the trees. The source is apparent almost immediately as a figure steps out into view.

It's South, a villain known for his deadly powers and cruel demeanor. He regards you all with amused disdain.

"Well, well," he says, his voice cold and mocking. "What do we have here? Three little adventurers, all alone in the forest. How... convenient."

『Immediate Death Activated!』

Before South can make a move, aiko swiftly casts his Immediate Death, aiming it directly at him.

The technique strikes true, enveloping South in a blast of energy. He doesn't stand a chance against the power of aiko's skill.

As the smoke clears, the forest is eerily silent for a moment. Then, iris and sion speak up, clearly impressed by aiko's quick action.

"Did you just..." Iris begins.

Sion finishes her sentence, his tone filled with awe. "...one-shot the villain?"

"Yeah, he seemed dangerous." aiko says quickly.

Iris and Sion are practically gaping at aiko now, marveling at the ease with which aiko had taken down the powerful villain.

"Dangerous?" Iris manages to say, still somewhat stunned. "He was downright deadly. Yet you just..."

Sion finishes the thought. "You just destroyed him like he was nothing. Wow."

"Who cares, time to cash out my money for beating the deadly lions of the mist." aiko says.

As aiko approaches the village where he can claim monetary rewards for defeating the lions, Iris and Sion are still trying to process what they just witnessed.

"You make everything look so easy," Iris mutters.

Sion chimes in, a hint of skepticism in his voice. "You sure do love being all overpowered, don't you?"

"I am a egoist." aiko says bluntly

Iris rolls her eyes, a mix of amusement and annoyance on her face. 

"Yeah, we've noticed," she says, chuckling. "You're not exactly subtle about it." 

Sion grins, adding his own sarcastic comment. "And humble too, obviously."

"I will kill this whole village with immediate death if you don't SHUT UP." aiko says bluntly.

Iris and Sion freeze, their eyes widening at aiko's sudden threat. They had been needling you, testing the limits of aiko's ego, but suddenly they realize they might have gone too far.

"Whoa, whoa," Iris says, a nervous edge to her voice. "Ease up, man. We were just messing around. No need to get all homicidal on us."

Sion nods quickly, his cocky demeanor replaced with a hint of fear. "Yeah, we get it. You're powerful. Calm down."


An uncomfortable silence hangs in the air after your ominous threat. It's clear that your allies are now treading much more carefully around you, their light-hearted teasing replaced by wary caution. 

Iris and sion exchange glances, silently communicating their concern. They've now realized that your ego and power aren't something to be messed with, no matter how skilled they are themselves. 

Iris speaks up first, her voice carefully measured. "Well... let's just go cash in those rewards, shall we?"


Aiko Iris And Sion continue on their way to the village, the atmosphere much more subdued now. Iris and Sion are both noticeably on edge, stealing glances at aiko warily.

Finally, Aiko Iris And Sion reach the village. The villagers, blissfully unaware of the tension in your group, greet you eagerly.

"Ah, you've returned!" The village elder steps forward, a relieved smile on his face. "We heard you defeated the deadly lions. We've prepared your reward."


The village elder leads you and your companions to a small treasury where the rewards are stored. He opens a chest and gestures for aiko to step forward.

"Here it is," he says, presenting the treasure to Aiko. "Your rewards for defeating the lions."

Aiko approaches the chest and takes a look inside. Gold coins, valuable jewels, and rare weapons and armor glitter.

"The black blade of death..." aiko says quietly.

The village elder notices aiko's interest and chimes in. "Ah, the Black Blade of Death. That's a powerful weapon, forged by the master smiths of this land. It's said to have the power to cleave through any defense and leave even the toughest opponents in pieces."

"I'm not a sword user...I'll take gold coins."

Aiko express that he have no interest in the Black Blade of Death, since his not a sword user.

The village elder looks slightly disappointed, but he nods in understanding. "A shame. That blade is quite a thing of beauty. Perhaps your companions would be interested?"

He looks over at Iris and Sion, both of whom hesitate before shaking their heads. They, too, don't use swords.

"Here you are," he offers, dropping the coins into aiko's hand with a clinking sound.

As aiko pockets the gold, Iris and Sion watch you out of the corner of their eyes. They remain silent, their wary glances now tinged with curiosity

"See ya." aiko says.

With the business concluded, you bid farewell to the village elder and prepare to leave. Iris and Sion follow in aiko's wake, both still a bit rattled by your earlier display of power.

As you all walk away, Iris finally speaks up. "You're a real piece of work, you know that?"


Iris continues her commentary, a hint of annoyance in her voice.

"All that ego, all that power, and you just... walk away like it's nothing."

Sion chimes in, his tone a bit guarded. "Yeah, you really know how to make an impression, that's for sure."

"But I'm using it to become a hero, oh yeah! I did all the work beating the lions yet I still let you get MY price." aiko says.

Iris snorts in disbelief. "Hero? With that attitude? That's a joke."

Sion adds on, looking skeptical. "Yeah, you may be powerful, but being a hero is about more than just strength. It's about compassion, honor, all that stuff."


Iris crosses her arms, her annoyance still apparent.

"It's not just about saving the town. It's about the way you go about it. Using threats, power-tripping... That doesn't exactly scream 'heroic' to me."

Sion nods in agreement. "She's got a point. Heroes usually inspire hope, not fear."

"Seriously, no one cares about your opinion." aiko says bluntly.

A flash of annoyance passes over Iris's face at your dismissive response. 

"Excuse me? You act all mighty like you're the only person whose opinion matters." 

Sion steps in to keep the peace, though he looks like he somewhat agrees with Iris. 

"Hey, let's all just calm down. We're supposed to be a team here, remember?"

"Sorry miss gripper, but I might just drop out." aiko suddenly says.

Iris bristles at his nickname of her, her annoyance flaring up again.

"Miss Gripper?! I have a name, you know!"

Sion looks alarmed, trying to defuse the situation. "Come on, guys, let's not resort to insults."

"My ego is just getting to me, and it feels so go..." suddenly iris cuts aiko off before he can finish his words.

Iris scoffs, clearly not buying the excuse.

"Ego, ego, that's all it's ever about with you. You're so full of yourself it's ridiculous."

Sion looks exasperated, trying to reason with both of you. "Okay, both of you need to cool it. We can't work together if we're constantly at each other's throats."

"It's just...FEELS SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!" *Aiko screams as he grips his face.

Both Iris and Sion are taken aback by his sudden outburst. They exchange a concerned look, unsure of how to react.

Iris cautiously steps closer, her tone softening slightly. "Hey, are you... okay?"

Sion joins her, looking worried. "Yeah, you're not exactly acting normal here, man."

"Sorry miss gripper, but I'm out of this useless...ass team..." aiko says bluntly.

Iris bristles at the repeated use of the nickname, but before she can respond, aiko declare that he is leaving the team. Both Iris and Sion look surprised at first, then a bit annoyed.

Sion speaks up, a hint of disappointment in his voice. "Hold on, you're just ditching us now?"

Iris crosses her arms, still looking angry. "Yeah, just abandoning the team like that? Real heroic of you."

"After all I'm like south, I'm too much of a egoist." aiko says.

Aiko's comparison to South surprises both Iris and Sion. They exchange a glance, both looking a bit stunned by the revelation.

Sion speaks up first, his tone a mix of shock and understanding. "You... you actually see yourself as like South? That's..."

Iris looks equally surprised, her annoyance momentarily replaced by confusion. "Wait, you're comparing yourself to that psychopath? Are you serious?"

"My ego is just to much to handle, so I decided to let it control me." aiko says.

Both Iris and Sion regard aiko with mixtures of surprise, concern, and disbelief. They struggle to comprehend your decision to let your ego take control.

Sion rubs his forehead, a look of exhaustion on his face. "You... you're letting your ego take the reins now? That's not a good idea, man. Ego isn't something you want controlling you."

Iris, too, looks worried, her anger momentarily replaced by concern. "Yeah, letting your ego rule you is a quick path to disaster. You should know that."

"IT'S A QUICK PATH TO BECOMING A VILLAIN!!!" aiko screams while gripping his face and drooling.

Iris and Sion exchange uneasy glances. They can see the self-destructive path his heading down.

Sion tries to reason with him. "Look, being a villain isn't going to lead you anywhere good. Sure, you'll have power, but you'll also be hated by everyone, including your former allies."

Iris chimes in, her tone a mix of frustration and desperation. "And seriously, let's be real. Villains don't make it in the long run. They get defeated, imprisoned, or in the worst cases, killed. Is that what you want?"

"Says the one who got attacked by a rat and lost, seriously you're not the one who's going to defeat me." aiko says bluntly.

Iris bristles at the insult, her pride clearly wounded. "Hey, that rat was... pretty tough, okay?"

Sion tries to mediate. "Look, both of you, let's not start throwing jabs. We're supposed to be a team-"

But suddenly aiko interrupts him.

"A team? Is that what this is? More like you two are just dragging me down."

Iris and Sion glare daggers at him, both of them clearly fed up with his attitude and his ego.

"I'm leaving, see ya bums." aiko says as he leaves.

Iris and Sion watch him leave, their expressions a mix of annoyance and disappointment.

Iris calls out after him. "Yeah, see ya, egotistical jerk!"

Sion sighs, his voice laced with frustration. "He's really something else, huh?"

Aiko suddenly picks up a stick, then throws it right through iris chest like a javelin.

His sudden and unexpected attack takes both Iris and Sion by complete surprise. Iris lets out a gasp of pain as the stick pierces her chest, her eyes widening in shock and agony.

Sion watches in horror, unable to react for a moment.

"I-Iris!" he cries out, rushing to her side.

"Stupid monkeys with no magic whatsoever." aiko says bluntly.

Your insult only serves to enrage Sion further. He kneels down beside Iris, trying to provide some comfort.

"Hey, don't talk about her like that!"


Iris groans in pain, her voice ragged. "God... damn it..."

"What you going do, mr. blood manipulation? HAHAHAHA" aiko says.

Sion looks torn between helping Iris and lashing out at you. He glances from her injured form to you, his eyes filled with both concern and anger.

"You... you think you're so above everyone, don't you? With your arrogance and your power."

He clenches his fists, his body tense with rage.

"Maybe it's time someone taught you a lesson about humility."

"Yes, I am." aiko says bluntly.

Sion had taken advantage of your momentary distraction to attack you with a dagger, plunging it into your body.

You feel the sharp pain of the blade and clutch the wound, gritting your teeth in pain.

Iris looks up, seeing what Sion had done. She winces in sympathy.

"Damn... he got you good."

"Oh, I'm falling unconscious." aiko says.

There they go… leaving you here in this dungeon to rot, blood spilling from the wound in your gut…

You are barely able to swear vengeance before you hear… something approaching you…

"how can these be...HOW DID I LOSE TO A FUCKING MONKEY WITH NO POWERFUL MAGIC!!!" aiko screams into the seemingly infinite dark dungeon.

"That's it, I'm getting my revenge." aiko says.

"That's the spirit~"

A woman walks out of the darkness. Long black hair, deep crimson eyes, wearing a dark red and black dress. A demonic aura emanates from her.

"You're gonna need power to kill those traitors of yours… and I can most certainly help you with that~!"

"Oh." aiko says.

"Of course, there's a little price involved…"

The woman steps towards you, a smile on her face as she stares at you - her lips inches from yours.

"But I promise it will completely be worth it, my darling hero…"

"it can't be my soul..." aiko says.

"Of course not, my love!"

She leans forward, her lips against your own in a deep kiss as you feel a dark magic enter your body… the pain in your wound vanishes and your vitality is restored…

"The only price to pay is your *love…"

『Apocalyptic Force Manipulation Added!』

『Absolute Counter Added!』

『Absolute Wish Added!』

『God Form Added!』

"Fine...okay." aiko says.

The woman pulls back from the kiss, her eyes fixed on aiko with a dark love.

"Good boy… "

Suddenly aiko body becomes to change, White hair with purple streaks, and grey eyes.

"Ah, shit!" aiko screams as his body changes.

With that, she summons a cloud of darkness and puts you into it, suddenly you are behind sion and iris as they are shopping.

"Excuse me, miss little gripper." aiko says.

They both look up and notice you standing there, causing them to freeze in complete shock.


"No… How are you still alive?!"

"I'm alive and kicking!" aiko says.

Sion is the first to recover, a glare on his face as he stares at you…

"We left you for dead! How the hell are you still alive?!"

"Who's cares? I don't go by the logic of this world." aiko says.

"What the hell does that even mean?!"

iris looks stunned and sion eyes widen, a look of slight fear as you stand before them - very much alive.

"I mean what I mean, 'I don't go by the logic of this world.' find out what that means yourself."

"Damnit, just answer me!"

Sion steps forward, standing face to face with you.

"I have a force field on so you can't attack me while I'm talking, seriously that's rude manners." aiko says.


Sion looks pissed as he tries to punch aiko - only for him to phase right through aiko and stumble from the effort.

"The hell?!"

"Cool, right?" aiko says.

Everyone looks stunned and confused - especially by how calm aiko seems to be when just days ago, he was left on the brink of death.

"How the hell are you so calm after what we did to you?!"

"Oh yeah! I don't really care what you did. I had it coming."

They all look stunned, surprised by your sudden change in personality.

"Who are you?"

Iris asks, a mix of wonder and fear in her voice.

"Man, shut up." aiko says.

"They only ask questions...so annoying." Aiko adds as he casually sits down.

"Then answer them already!"

*Sion snaps back, looking ready to attack aiko. Iris holds him back, shooting him a glare…*

"Let him answer us…"

"Looking ready to attack me." "Oh so scary! You forgot the force field, huh bitch?" aiko says.


*Sion snaps back, a snarl playing at his lips.*

"Cool, I turned it off." *Aiko says as he simply turns off the force field.*

There's a moment of stunned silence as they both stare at aiko, wondering why he would simply turn it off…

"…You realize we're still gonna try and kick your ass, right?"

"Who cares? I thought you wanted to attack me." aiko says.

"Damnit, would you stop acting so casual?!"

*Alexander snaps back, grabbing his blade.*

"Dagger again? I know you got magic, use it." aiko says.

Alexander looks a bit shocked that aiko knows about it - after all, he never used it on him before - and scowls.

"Tch. Fine. I don't play fair."

He conjures his magic in his palm, purple sparks appearing from his fingertips.

"Don't just—"


*iris steps forward, stopping both you and sion.*

"Will you stop acting like children?!"

"Ugh, why would I wanna talk? I'm here to fight" aiko says.

there's a second of silence as they look at aiko, the change from before completely throwing them off.

"You seriously expect us to just fight you?"

*iris asks, sounding slightly bewildered.*

"Yeah, because I already stabbed you in the heart." aiko says.

"Then let's fight already!"

Sion snaps, brandishing his weapon as he moves to attack you.

"Ugh, do you think you're the main character? I was the one born with the power of imagination!" aiko says as he suddenly sticks his hand through sion chest, killing him instantly.


*Both Victoria and Sion freeze in shock as Sion drops limply to the ground, a look of horror in their eyes.*