
I fell for Him

For 9 years Aki was treated harshly by his family except for his little sister, Alisin and each time he slept he was plagued with dreams. Dreams of places, people and things he couldn't understand. Each time the same dream would appear and the same lady always repeats the same thing, "The next time will be different I promise. Your paths will cross early this time. You will live and survive." What did she mean? Who did she mean? ____________________________________________________________ Kenta was raised for by many different races but always felt empty. Then one day his leader sent him to kill a house of humans as a test of loyalty, but what will he do now that he found someone who makes him feel whole. Kill and obey or run and betray.

Gabby_Rat · Fantasy
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6 Chs

chapter 2- who?

I looked around I didn't know where I was. The swishing of branches behind me caused me to look over my shoulder. There stood a figure of which I couldn't identify. His face seemed to be cloaked in a black fog but even so my body warmed up.

I felt feverish. I wanted him, I needed him. He could complete me. My knees grew weak and I collapsed to the ground grasping my shoulders in an attempt to control the shaking. My neck grew hot and itched, I whimpered and bared to the open.

A heated growl could be heard but instead of fear it enticed me.

"$%^#@...please help me." I whimpered out in between sobs as tears fell gently down my cheeks.

The sound of him stepping forward made me look up and gasp.

Everything was out in the open, his subtle abs, tan skin with water droplets trickling slowing downwards. My eyes followed the droplets all the way down until it stopped at one place.

My face grew even warmer as did my body. His smell grew stronger and stronger making my body grow weaker and weaker.

At this point, I couldn't even make cohesive words all that was coming out was sobs and gasps.

Then my body felt weightless.

Gasping I sat up my body hot to the touch and uncomfortable. Glancing down at the tent in my shorts. Pulling down my shorts and gently grasping it in my hand I began to pant as I stroked it in short and quick intovoltes. Gasping as my body shuddered and I went limp. I looked down and nothing was there. Frowning at my hand I then shakingly pulled my shorts up I laid back down as I tried to stop the shaking of my body.

As time past the sounds of the crickets and wolves howling stopped. Tensing up I glanced out the cracks of the shed. It was still night and the the moon was still high in the sky indicating that there was still hours left until morning came. Which meant outside should still me buzzing with life.

Trembling I scooted to the back and pulled my knees up to my chest, trying to make myself small. I warily eyed the door. I knew that even if anything came in I would have nowhere to go but I gave me comfort thought little, it was comfort nonetheless.

The silent eerily seemed to get louder though it might have been my heart beat constantly beat in my ears.

As the silent drew on it was broken by the crunching of leaves and sticks. The soft mummers of voices grew closer and closer....then they passed.

They passed right by me and continued to walk, I let go of the breath I didn't know I was holding and gripped my legs tighter. Then the steps stopped. With a quick 'shh' from someone the voices did to.

Fear grasped my throat as I trembled. My heart felt as if though I was leaping from my throat and the slight trickle of tear fell.

The steps began once more but this time they were hard to hear. A slight whimper escaped my throat and in a panic I clasped my hands over my mouth while burying my head into my body.

Then it was quite once more. I couldn't hear the step anymore nor the voices. Staying still for a bit longer I opened my eye and was greeted by moonlight.

Trembling as I glanced around I saw that the door was still closed and most likely locked. Freezing I lifted my head up and saw that the shed roof was being lifted up and several pairs of red glowing eyes stared down at me.

Shuffling myself into a corner I made eye contact with one of the and was caught in a deadlock. Neither one of us speaking nor breaking contact.

One by one they left until only one was left. I clenched my hands into a fist. I wanted to glance about myself to see were the others went but I couldn't.

Using my ears I tilted my head around while keeping eye contact. I bunched up my eyebrows in confusion. I could hear a few of them but it wasn't the rest seemed to have disappeared. Shifting my eyes for only a moment I looked through the crack next to me and saw no one.

That simple glance was a mistake and a huge one. When looking back up he wasn't at the top of the shed, but crouching in front of me.

Sucking in air I ended up slamming my head into the wood and winced.

Rubbing my head I looked back up to see the persons hand moving towards me. Trembling as he touched the back of my head I flinched as his nail grazed the cut on my head.

Staying as still as possible I looked back up at him.

His eyes widened. "How are you doing that?"