
I Farm Demons : Unholy Necromancer In the Apocalypse

In a post-apocalyptic world ravaged by war with demonic forces, civilization as it once existed is all but gone.  In its place, a new order had emerged, with humans developing magical abilities as each generation passed.  To ensure the survival of their species, society had been divided into Circles, with each member guaranteed a specific job once they reached the age of eighteen. Xylon Sinclair was an orphan with a limited affinity for magic, and he had been reincarnated as a punishment for his past deeds.  In a former life, he was Zephyr, a powerful demon who served the mighty Balthyrov, the Lord of Demons, until he became a perceived threat. He got killed mercilessly and got forced to reincarnate as a fragile human being as a punishment. Upon reaching the age of eighteen, Xylon was told that he will become a Soul Keeper, a role that he knew nothing about. Despite his confusion, he had no choice but to accept this position.  However, rather than following the status quo, Xylon experimented with the system, using his formal knowledge about the demon realm to resurrect demons from thousands of years ago.  What had started as a mere curiosity soon turned into an obsession for Xylon.  He was fascinated by the power that he could wield by bringing the ancient demons back from the dead.  It was as if he had discovered a new realm of possibilities that he had never imagined before. And then, he started to dream bigger... Xylon Sinclair wanted to rule over both realms, human and demon realm... //////////////// For those who wanted to contact me, here is my discord : Yoonaas#3976 p.s: the cover is purely mine , and it is made solely for this webnovel, it shows Zephyr. Well, i don't allow anyone to use it, it is purely made for "i farm demons" . + all the art you see in the comments is original and purely made for this book. my server :https://discord.gg/2X4kTvDUSu

Yonaas · Fantasy
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434 Chs

A fucking human sister!

" Hmmmm….interesting!"

Xylon had spent the entirety of his past life hovering in the sky, an observer of the world below. He was a demon, and the earth below him was nothing but a playground for his kind.

But as he gazed at the post-apocalyptic world that lay in front of him, he was struck with a sense of awe and amazement. How were the humans still surviving in this desolate wasteland?

After his rebirth, Xylon spent his first five years living in darkness underground with his human caregivers. But once he turned five, he was finally introduced to the real world. It was a world unlike any he had ever known, a place of struggle and survival, where every day was a fight for existence.

Despite his demonic past, Xylon watched the humans go about their daily lives, marveling at their ingenuity and resourcefulness. He saw them farming the land, scavenging for supplies, and banding together to form communities.

Xylon's introduction to the outside world came late due to the fragility of his body. He was sheltered underground for the first five years of his life, away from the dangers that lurked above. It wasn't until he was awakened and supplied with magic that he was able to venture out and experience the world beyond his dark and confined existence.

The caregivers who looked after Xylon and the other children knew all too well the threats posed by the demons and the harsh realities of their post-apocalyptic world.

They understood the importance of keeping the children safe until they were strong enough to face the challenges that lay ahead.

Xylon's awakening was a pivotal moment in his young life. It marked the beginning of his journey to discover the extent of his powers and the wonders of the outside world.

As he emerged from the darkness, he was filled with a sense of wonder and curiosity. He marveled at the simple things that others took for granted, like the warmth of the sun on his skin and the smell of freshly bloomed flowers that he kept hearing about .

Xylon was the last among his peers to awaken his powers. As the other children discovered their magical abilities, he could only watch in envy and frustration.

His body felt weak and useless compared to theirs, and he couldn't shake off the feeling of inadequacy.

But then came the day when he was to be awakened. It was a day that he had both longed for . He had seen the pain and agony that the others had gone through during the process, and he knew that he was not exempt from it.

The awakening process was a painful and arduous journey for Xylon and his fellow children. It began with a deep, intense burning sensation that seemed to spread throughout their entire body, as if their very essence was being engulfed in flames.

The pain was extreme, it felt like his body was in a a constant pain that almost felt like it was never going to stop, yet Xylon in contary to others was ready to accept it, he had witnessed more in his past life .

It was not just physical pain that he endured. The awakening also brought with it a flood of memories and emotions, both good and bad, the memories didn't belong to him, he didn't know the source of it.

As he lay there, in that state, Xylon realized that this was just the beginning.

The awakening would continue for days, perhaps even weeks, until his magic was fully awakened and he was able to harness its power.

And so, he gritted his teeth and endured the pain, knowing that it was a necessary step on the path to becoming a powerful demon in this post-apocalyptic world.

" Heyyyy…Xylon, right !"

Xylon stood there, staring at the girl before him. There was something about her that tugged at his heartstrings, something familiar that he couldn't quite put his finger on.

As he gazed upon her, he couldn't help but notice the striking resemblance they shared. They had the same color of eyes, the same tanned skin, and similar facial features.

However, she was taller and more mature, with an air of confidence that he had not yet acquired.

"You're here," she spoke softly, breaking his train of thought. "You made it, Xylon. I have been waiting for you, brother." Her words echoed in the air, and Xylon's heart swelled with emotion.

Brother? He had never met her before, but there was something in the way she spoke that made him feel like he belonged.

"Brother?" Xylon questioned, unsure of what to make of the situation.

The girl smiled sweetly and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Xylon...Xylon...you are my little brother. I am Eva Sinclair." Her voice was soothing and kind. He couldn't explain the feeling, but it was as though he had known her his whole life.

As he stood there, taking in the moment, Xylon couldn't help but feel like this was the start of something new, something exciting.

Xylon's curiosity was piqued as he gazed at the girl in front of him.

He couldn't help but notice the striking resemblance between them - they shared the same bright blue eyes, tanned skin, and prominent features.

However, he couldn't recall ever meeting her before. Confusion etched across his face as he voiced his question.

"How come we've never met?" he asked, trying to make sense of the situation.

Eva's warm smile faltered momentarily as she explained, "No one is allowed inside the Haven unless they're a guardian or a staff member. Plus, I'm five years older than you, and by the time you were brought in, I was no longer a resident there. But believe me, Xylon, I have been waiting for this moment for a long time."

Xylon's brow furrowed in understanding. It was a huge twist of events .

' Balthyrov ….this is ridiculous …I had 20 brothers in my past life and now you give me a sister ! …a sister …a fucking human sister …what would I even do with her !"