
I Explore The World of Teyvat With A Kamen Rider Gacha System!?

A young man wakes up after playing Genshin in the world of Teyvat with a wish system to summon items from the Kamen Rider universe. As he explores a hidden evil not native to Teyvat begins to emerge ================================================================== This is my first fanfic or story so any constructive criticism or suggestions are welcome I don't own the rights to Genshin Impact or Kamen Rider franchises

Najicablitz626 · Video Games
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57 Chs

Chapter 12: The Maid Knight

It's been two days since I met Jean and the others. I have been doing my various commissions and looking for chests outside of Mondstadt, I still have a few primogems though. I just finished my commission to protect my client on his delivery and he was thankful to me.

"Thank you so much Jun, without you I would probably not have delivered my wares. With Stormterror attacking, many adventurers are not willing to take commissions."

"I'm just doing my job, you have a good day sir."

"Oh, you as well if you need me for anything please contact me."

We said our goodbyes and went my way to find more commissions. As I was walking a large stack of boxes caught my sight

*yoi-sho yoi-sho*

The boxes were being carried by a girl looking like a maid in armor. I recognized this individual as Noelle the maid knight. Noelle has a typical maid ensemble with the exception of a priestess hat, a cravat, and many fuchsia roses. Her dress has two bows, one at her hip and the other on her rear, the latter of which her Geo Vision is sat on top of. Gilded white armor plating adorns her chest and she wears a pauldron upon her left shoulder. She also wears black tights beneath her armored boots.

"That should be the last, I should ask Kaeya what to do next or should I do training?"

Since I thought this was my chance to introduce myself I called out to her

"Hello, Miss Knight, you are so strong carrying all those heavy-looking boxes."

"Oh, Hello I'm not a knight just yet I work as a maid for the Knights of Favonius. I do someday want to become one so that's why I'm currently undergoing chivalric training."

"That's very admirable, my name is Jun, a new adventurer. What's your name?"

"My name is Noelle. It's nice to meet you as well Jun."

We both greeted each other and shook hands. I saw Noelle with a curious face and she asked me

"May I ask if you are the one who Kaeya told me? The one who wears a powerful armor?"

"Yes, that's me word travels fast huh."

"Yes, Kaeya was impressed with your feats. Defeating the Anemo Hypostasis and stopping an army of hilichurls all without a vision. I admire you a lot."

"You're exaggerating. I know I defeated the Hypostasis and stopped an army of hilichurls but I didn't do it alone."

"However you were a major contributor on both occasions, so please be proud of yourself."

"Thank you, Noelle, but it was all thanks to my armor without it I would not have survived. I am only an amateur in combat and don't know any combat skills. That is why I still need to make myself stronger to be worthy to keep on using it."

"That's amazing… I can understand you. I always wanted to be a knight which is why I trained myself so I could be an official knight that is why I am working as a maid for the Knights of Favonius."

We both looked at each other and came to understand one another. Noelle brought her hands together and nervously said "Would you like to come training with me? We could spar with each other and I could teach you the basics."

"I would love to Noelle, thank you."

"You're welcome, come on, let's go to the training ground. I'll lead the way."

Me and Noelle went to the Knights of Favonius training ground, many wooden dummies were littered around and different weapons with blunted edges at the side to use for practice 

"What do you use as a weapon?" asked Noelle

"I usually use my fist and feet but I do need to practice with a sword."

"Then let's let you practice with a sword. I'll be back in a moment."

Noelle gets some of the practice weapons. She got a greatsword for her use and a sword for mine. We both got into the field and approached a dummy

"Try to take a few swings on this dummy to see what level you're at."

I nodded and took a few swings hitting the dummy multiple times. Noelle observed my form and said, "You're really a beginner, your form is unstable, your feet are uneven, and the way you hold your sword will loosen when you strike."

I hung my head down from her harsh criticism "Noelle please teach me!" I said lowering my head to her

"Pl Pl Please raise your head, you're em embarrassing me. Don't worry, I will teach you the basics."

Noelle taught me the basics of using the sword. We trained on our swords as well as different forms of training to improve our bodies. I was surprised at how much Noelle can lift, I had an idea but seeing it in real is eye-opening. A few hours passed and the sun was about to set. We were covered in sweat and decided it was time to stop.

"That was too intense, I can't stand up." My body ached so much to the point it was shaking. I saw Noelle seemingly fine after all we had done

"How are you fine Noelle?"

"I'm used to it and I usually work on heavier weights."

'Is that the secret to her abnormal strength or is it just how talented she is?' I thought as I lay flat on the ground

"Would you like me to carry you?" Noelle asked as she knelt beside me

"Yes please." I let go of my pride because I literally can't move a muscle. Noelle carried me on her back as we exited the training grounds. A lot of people stared at us and I was very embarrassed, but while Noelle carried me I noticed her scent

'She smells so nice even though we both sweated' I was thankful Noelle did not notice as she carried me back to Amber's house


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