
I Dare Not Hope

Hi! I am Scarlet. A girl searching for a new beginning after losing two people that I love. Moving to another place and running away from my past that haunted me was the only solution I could think of to survive. However, fate had another plan arranged for me. My life turned more complicated when I met them, Daniel and Nathan. I was not supposed to fall for him, but I did. There was no turning my back on love. Daniel and Nathan were total opposites. Although they were both successful in their own rights, they still possessed different characteristics that made them attractive in their own way. Daniel was the ideal man to love because of his similarity to my brother, Harry. Smart, down to earth, and with a gentle heart. While Nathan was the man to avoid, I could not entrust my heart to him despite the strong attraction we shared. A rich, manipulative and arrogant womanizer. Which one should I choose? Would entering a relationship help me move on from my past? Would our love be stronger than the obstacles in our path? Should I dare hope that I would have a happy ever after? Please give Scarlet a chance. Let her tell you her story. Add her to your reading list. Enjoy. But, what if… something in her past was the key to her future. -------------- "I told you before, I'm now with Daniel," I uttered with conviction, trying to convince him. "I told you that you're making a mistake of stringing Daniel along," he insisted. “It is clear that Daniel is falling for you, but I know you don’t feel the same. He is a good man, and what you’re doing with Daniel would only end badly." "Nathan, let me go," I said angrily, not wanting to be near him. "I don't know what you’re talking about, and you had no business with my affair with Daniel," I emphasized irritably. He released my left hand and gripped my jaw instead, forcing my head up. I tried to push him with my free hand but to no avail. "I'm talking about this." He lowered his head and claimed my lips in a punishing kiss. My mind was fighting not to respond with the onslaught of his mouth, but my body wanted the opposite. He pressed his body even closer than I ever thought possible, molding every inch of my body with his. I felt myself opening up to him, and he took advantage of this and plunged his tongue with mine. I became super aware of every contact of our skin. He adjusted his hands at the back of my nape and the other at my lower back, giving him more control of my body as his kisses became more demanding. My hands started having a mind of their own and began their exploration. I could feel the solid muscles in his arms and shoulders. My hand ended up in the back of his neck, clinging to him for support, as his hands started exploring my back. He slowly broke the kiss, both of us panting, trying to catch our breaths. I never felt like this before, this intense need to be kissed, to be touch. It exhilarated and frightened me at the same time. Why did I react like this to this man? I barely knew him, and I was not even sure if I like him. "I want you and you want me too.” He stated confidently taking my lips again for a rough kiss, and I welcomed it with a hunger I could not deny. I placed my hands on the back of his neck and pulled him closer. "The way you kissed and responded to my touch tells me how much you wanted this too." Finally, he released me and moved a step back. "That just proven my point. How can you go out with Daniel and just made out with me with such passion? Did you respond to his kiss the way you did to mine?" -------------- Thanks for supporting my book by adding it to your library, voting, gifts, to my top fans, and giving your feedback. A million thanks to you. It continues to inspire me to do my best to provide you with a worthwhile story for your valuable time. Credit to the owner of the beautiful book cover.

bishop1275 · Urban
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Googled him

"What's wrong? What's with the grumpy face?" Mr. Jamie, one of our regulars mischievously asked me. "I'll have your specials and a peek at your lovely smile." He coyly said. "A kiss on the cheek would be nice too." Patting his cheeks with a naughty smile.

Raising my brow, I could not help but gave him a wide smile. I quite liked this old man. He loved to tease me and the other girls, but he was completely harmless. "Ah-ah, behave yourself, or else I will tell Mrs. Elaine of your indiscretion." Tapping him gently on the shoulder.

"Please don't do that. She will skin me alive." He jokingly pleaded with a wink. He beckoned me to him and whispered something in my ears. Nodding my head with understanding, I left him at his table and placed his order in the kitchen.

After a few more minutes, I noticed Mrs. Elaine sitting beside him at the table. He took out a piece of rose hiding in his lap and handed it to a very excited sweet lady, his wife for forty-eight years if I remembered correctly.

I went to the pantry and took out a small beautifully decorated cake and a candle. This was Mrs. Elaine's favorite. "Happy birthday!" Mr. Jamie beamed at his wife. Mr. Jamie thanked me silently as I quickly left them.

That was a picture of happy ever after. I could only dream of that, but I was afraid to hope. As I said before, not everybody gets a fairy tale love affair. I had witnessed my mom broke down when my father died. I had seen what it did to Mia, my bestfriend, and Harry's girlfriend when my brother died. I was terrified that the same fate awaited me.

I was still staring at the couple when Gemma stood beside me. "I'm checking out, I'm not feeling well."

She looked pale. "What's wrong?" I put my hand on her forehead. She was slightly feverish.

"Don't worry, James is over there. I would be staying with him till I get better." Pointing at James standing by the door. "I called him half an hour ago as soon as I felt sick."

"I…" I was about to say that I could take care of her, but she cut me off, saying that she did not want to be a bother. Besides, she would rather let James take care of her for a while. She could not wait to feel pampered by him. Who could argue with that?

"Do you think you can manage on your own for a while?" I could see that she was already having difficulty standing, and yet she would still think about my wellbeing.

I grasped her shoulder to support her and made our way to James. "Don't worry about me. Just concentrate on making yourself better." As I assisted Gemma in the passenger seat of James' car, I assured her that I would call her or James if I needed any help.

Just a few more minutes, then I was through for the day. This week went by real fast. I had been here for more than three months, and I was finally settling in.

I was clearing a table near the door when someone pulled a chair behind me. My shift was almost over, and I was looking forward to going home. Frustrated and tired, I took my notepad from my apron and turned behind me.

I froze in my place when I saw who my new customer was. He was in a plain, white shirt that tightly hugged his chest showing off his well-built body, black leather jacket, and black denim jeans. This could not be happening now. I had been avoiding him ever since our last encounter.

Unaware that I was gawking at him, I was startled when he cleared his throat. "If you're done staring, I'll have a Cappuccino, please." Instead of seeing him smirking, he made a friendly grin showing off his deep dimples.

I mumbled some apology and quickly excused myself to get his coffee.

What the heck! What was that? Get yourself together. I scolded myself and concentrated on my task. I quickly served his order and hid behind the counter. Busying myself with cleaning and other unnecessary tasks just to have an excuse not to look at him.

I had to admit, I was intrigued by this new look. The only time I ever saw him was in the morning shift in a business suit. He did look good in casual wear too. My brain insisted.

I remembered looking at his profile on the internet that night I saw him on a date. Yeah. I googled him. Nathan Hayes. I tapped on the search button. Several pictures of him popped up on my screen. He was indeed one great specimen of a man.

I opened one article about him. It said that he was the heir of the Hayes and Sons Incorporated. A big multinational company with diversified business investments. At the age of 25, he was one of the youngest CEO in the business. A year ago, he took over the company because of the sudden death of his father due to a heart condition.

Ok, so he was rich... super-rich... I corrected my thoughts. Therefore, there was no way I am acquainted with that man. Then... What about those eyes? They looked like I had seen them before. Just like in my dream. Maybe it was my mind playing these silly tricks on me again.

Another article showed him with several different women. Gemma was right. He was a certified player. I guessed I should be thankful that I dodged a bullet. He had trouble written all over him.

I closed the app and tossed the phone on my side. A man like him should terrify me. Involving myself with a player was the last thing I would do.

But... Why did I still feel very attracted to him?

I was glad that Andrea took care of Mr. Hayes afterward. As soon as all the customers left, I helped clear the tables and fixed the place. I waved goodbye to Mr. Wilson and walked out the front door.