
I Created A New Path In The World Of The Strong

​​This picture is not owned by me. This story takes place in a cultivation place connected to many dimensions. Unable to cultivate in any way, Sold just because of my inefficiency and abandoned by the one I though cared for me, We’ll see who's standing at the top while the others are kneeling for mercy. Let them see me rise in creating a path to tread and bring all my enemies to their knees. As the saying goes Every Dog Has its day and me while you kicked me down remember I'll Bite back soon. A/N Their will be: Many instances of possible errors There will be R18 scenes This novel hopefully will take a long time to complete.

DaoistYaHeDF · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Predicaments Part (2)

As the tree fell down I quickly escaped from it doing two backflips then stopping with Air burst and sliding along the ground until I came to a halt.

The worms came out from underground checking the tree as if searching for where I was until they all simultaneously looked in my direction and I'm here wondering how did they find out but then I thought about that smelly green mucus then a quick thought ran through my mind.

' Don't tell me it's the smell please don't tell me that' This thought was running through my mind but my mind was working pretty hard as I finally know how the tacked down the boar which is pretty annoying they basically leave something to allow them to track their prey down.

I quickly repositioned myself as they were attacking me head on which I though they were really dumb with that tatic so I just used Air cannon and Aero Shield which killed the 10 of the remaing 14 after the fight with the Boar.

They looked at me maliciously and so did I for them to attack me so suddenly when it's not even my fault I killed their companion. I then realized they might do that thing again by calling for more which every time they did it exceeded the previous group's number.

I fired four cinder flares hoping it would reach before they called out but what happened was unexpected. Two of the four worms ran in front to stop the attack which caused all of them to fly out due to the shockwave from the attack hitting.

I smiled thinking that that must have hit them as I was waiting for the dust to clear. I heard the thing that scared me the most. I immediately turned on my Quantum Eyes and Looked through the dust with better clarity. What I saw shocked me. The rest of the beasts were dead as their bodies were charred but one was alive with half its body missing.

' Why the heck do you have to be so tenacious God dammit' I cursed in my mind seeing that their plan seemingly worked as the three died but one survived just barely. I finished it off with a cinder flare then was deciding whether to call it a day and return another time to complete it or go and finish what I just started.

While I was contemplating the decision the ground shook and I had to quickly stabilize myself to not fall. After it stopped shaking I saw 50 of the same sized saw tooth worms and two the size of adult human beings emerged from the ground.

I'm wondering how they arrived so quickly but I don't have time now as the mission didn't mention these things that I see here which were the two adult human sized saw toothed worms and they looked completely different from the smaller ones.

These had darker pigmentation of their skin and spiny protrusions coming out on four sides of their body including their teeth looked even more menacing as if staring into a blender.

They all looked maliciously towards me repeating the same actions again thinking about their going to attack. I took the initiative to attack first with cinder flares raining down like a gatlin. But the two worms slammed their bodies causing dust to fly towards me trying to prohibit my spell from shooting off anymore.

Thankfully because of practice with the beast tide before I am very proficient in using cinder flare . I just hoped that some made it through to eliminate some. But what I was met with was just two worms staring at me angrily and I could see why.

Their skins were charred but I slowly noticed that they were regenerating or healing that part and that wasn't the only thing I noticed which was disappearance of the fifty smaller ones but remembering their tendencies I felt like a person in water full of sharks circling for food.

I used AirBurst to jump in the air to avoid being circled and suppressed but forgot about the two bigger ones which used their ends to smack me from the air which I immediately used the Aero shield and was knocked back in the ground.

As a mage fighting so close is not a great thing as I need enough distance to fire off spells and I don't have enough time to take out my yo-yo to attack with as even a second is precious as I don't want to get poisoned by these things neither do I want that disgusting drooling mouth dare to touch my skin.

The ground erupted with dust flying everywhere but I was able to stabilize myself before This happened and said " Explosive Fireball". Immediately the fireball flew out of the red magic circle in my hand towards the ground .

Then after it hit you could hear screams coming from the dust. Then I had a premonition that those two worms were going to aim at me again so before they did I immediately used a flash on them to obscure their vision.

At this moment they were just about to attack but they were impeded screaming loudly and attacking wildly. ' It looks like their eyes can't handle being intensely bright. I finally found their weakness' thinking this while I distanced myself from them to avoid a head on attack.

I landed on the ground away from the pit that was formed from the previous eruptions and could see the results of my retaliation but not before looking at the two obstacles that were always blocking my escape.

A red magic circle appeared on my hand and split into many while I kept using my Quantum eyes to watch their every movement then mobilized the mana in my body even further ' Thinking that it needs to be powerful and precise enough to annihilated every target in the area' that thought was in the front of my mind continually.

Then I shouted " FireBirds' What happened surprised even me as you could hear chirping in the air and see hundreds of bright red flames conjoin together to form a giant flaming Bird in the sky.

The spell succeeded but I didn't understand this result. It was then the giant flaming bird flapped its wings and hundreds of Fire birds rained down in these places causing a stir.

While I'm completely taken aback I heard no sound and after a while looking at the battlefield there was no one left alive. They all were either scorched or completely charred and the two big worms were dead with holes riddled in their bodies.

ppower stones ppppppplease

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