
I Conquered The Universe As A Hive Empress

Yasha200215 · Others
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28. Ashla's Logs, Part Two

Endor, one year five months later.

The little girl was toddling around happily, her mother never far behind. I like the little tike, but the amount of noise she makes was frustrating. I left for Concordia, then remembered. Mauls pod had finished, and so I had Solen bring him his enhanced clothing, and take him to get new kyber crystals from the cavern. I then strengthened his force sensitivity to levels rivaling that of my Generals, and sent him on a task to collect scientists and genetic engineers. So much untapped potential lies in the genes, it would be a shame to waste it.

Another five months had gone past, and the little child, was now two. Maul had returned with several useful new slaves, whom I promptly set to work researching, refining and improving the reconditioning agent. Maul had attempted to talk down the Jedi, as per orders, but they attacked anyway. He was forced to fight back, severely injuring both Mace Windu and Qui Gon Jiin. Yoda had showed up shortly after, only to find that the two had been spared. this seemed to confuse the little green goblin, as Maul took the opportunity to escape. Qui Gon had recovered just fine, but Windu...

Windu was in a coma. No matter. I could feel the piece of my aura growing inside of him, slowly turning him to my will, even though he was unconscious. I meditated for four and a half years, as my servants continued to bring back and infect countless force sensitive individuals. after my meditation, I found my body had condensed into a small black sphere, about the size of of the thickness of ones thumb. it was floating there.. no, I was floating there, seemingly waiting. I mentally took hold of an engineer, and had them insert the gem into a black beskar choker, which had been enchanted to change size according to its wearer. I knew of the Karness Murr Talisman, and this would allow anyone who wore it to hear my voice and heed my commands. the wearer would also be regarded as my equal in terms of command over the swarm, as well as my servants and slaves.

I had cemented my own immortality. It was then I felt Windus mind nearing my own, and I asked a series of question all while taking into account his tone and his answers. I quickly created a sort of vision, as dragging him into the physical world as a spirit would be too difficult on him. what he saw would be this, me on my throne, my four Generals on the steps leading up to it, and Maul on my imediate left. I then made him my servant, and explained that he must gain the trust of the Jedi enough to be allowed to leave the temple and roam Coruscant without being escorted by a temple guard. only then would the true fun begin.

what are some good names for the iridonian zabrak mother and her little girl? any ideas? cause I got nothing. and yes. I know the chapter is shorter than usual, but these are more for backgrounds sake, and to clear up 2hat exactly happened to Ashla.

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