
I Conquered The Universe As A Hive Empress

Yasha200215 · Others
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41 Chs

25. Trapped.

It felt like i was falling. returning to my physical body from the void realm, I mean. I felt a sort of thud as I woke from my coma, and I immediately shifted my eyes to their original hue. taking a moment too fell around me, I felt only that I was alone in the room, except for the medical droid. I could feel my body was weak, and I knew if I used any of the more powerful abilities I had gained, it would burn itself out at this point. I needed to know what happened to the Skywalker boy. I got up and accessed the medical records of the temple, only to find that the terminal was on a closed system.

I had failed. then I remembered that She had not given me a time frame for this task, and that I was to keep eye on the boy and ensure he stay away from the senate. I don't know why, and I didn't care. I only knew it was what she wanted, and that was all that mattered. I went to move to the door, but then the droid seemed to become agitated and insisted I rest. I looked at it and frowned.

"Go get Yoda. I must speak with him."

it hesitated. I never liked droids. I couldn't feel them, I couldn't see them, not with the force. they were an aberration. not natural and impossible to predict.

"That was an order, droid, and I expect it to be obeyed."

I sensed several Temple Guards approaching my location, as well as Yoda.

"Never mind, they are already on their way."

I then accessed my medical records, only to find I was in a coma for five years. That would mean they had to find someone to take my seat on the council, though the thought did not bother me. I knew if I were in their position I would have done the same.

The Guards had taken up positions on either side of the door, and I felt Yoda seem to hesitate. I reached out to him, only just enough to let him know I had sensed him and was expecting him.

The door slid open with a whoosh, and in came two of the four guards, who took up their positions on either side of the door. I didn't react. The guards simply do their job because it is what they are meant to do, it does not warrant a reaction, nor does it warrant recognition or praise. so I ignored them completely, as they were not behaving in a hostile manner.

All this happened in the span of a few seconds, and I kept reading my medical records. they had tried to stop the loss of fat and muscle tissues, but only partially managed.

I finished as Yoda stepped in and as he went to talk, I spoke.

"I wasn't expecting visitors so quickly. what happened to the attacker? did you catch him?"

I put only the faintest tremble in my voice and let some fear slip into my Aura. I had decided to play the role of the traumatized victim.

"Hrmmm. Much Fear in you, I now sense. Your attacker, fled he did, but also, your lives he spared."

This tiny green bastard was criticizing me! if only he knew the truth!

"Then Qui Gon is alive? How is he?" as I spoke, I slowly replaced the fear and anxiety with hope and curiosity, though I kept the fear there, its influence was minimal. You would have to know to look for it.

"Hrmm, yes. Alive he is, and well. Eager to see you, he is, upon hearing of your awakening."

"and I him, though he will have to wait."

"hrm? and why would that be?"

"I haven't had anything to eat in over five years. I am, quite literally, starving." My stomach growled, as in in confirmation of my statement. Yoda seemed to find that amusing.

I however, did not, so I stared at my stomach and frowned. My hands wouldn't stop shaking. of course, thats how I wanted it to look. I need to sell the whole traumatized victim act.

"I understand the Guards are a precaution, but I doubt i would be permitted to go about the Temple on my own this soon after waking up. Would you escort me to the cafeteria, Yoda?"

He made to leave, then paused standing in the open doorway. "Brought to you, your meals will be, until further notice."

I muttered under my breath. "From one prison to another. Most unfortunate."

Yoda's ear twitched, and I knew he had heard me. I did not struggle or lash out, instead i simply returned to my bed and went back to sleep. I let a tinge of frustration into my aura as I fell asleep.

I separated my mind from my body, and followed Yoda. I was nothing more than a consciousness at the moment, and im sure he sensed something, but he wouldn't be able to see or hear me. I found him speaking to Ki Adi Mundi. "How did it go? How is he?"

"Afraid, he is. Almost consumed. Unstable, his emotions were."

"That is disturbing. That the best of us could fall prey to his emotions... Has he turned?"

"Unknown, this is. Concerned about Qui Gon, he was. When heard he was fine he did, relief I felt from him."

"Has he made any requests?"

"starving, he said he was, ask for food he did. Agreed with him, his stomach did." The little green freak chuckled at the memory. no matter, the Void Queen and her followers would be getting the last laugh. Ashla. The Queens name itself invoked a sense of wonder and power. As I returned my consciousness to my body, I recalled her story. her power had grown too strong, and her body couldn't contain it. She couldn't act on the physical world without someone to carry out her will. I had been selected as an emissary, and as such was no longer human. My body was immune to extreme hot and extreme cold, and my force sensitivity had skyrocketed. I knew I could easily regenerate my lost limbs, but that would bring unnecessary attention right now, and that is the last thing I needed.