
I chose to be a barista.

"In a world ruled by OP classes, I chose to become a barista. Why? No reason. ;P" Klodian an Albanian 20 year old guy, became an enlightened one after his near death at the hands of one of the scarlet moons, saved by his guardian angel, he gets a second chance to regain all he had lost, his family, his pride and most importantly his revenge againts the demons who sent his world down a hellish spiral.

H0Nored1 · Fantasy
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22 Chs


With Ophelia and Alecinia, the two of them were staring each-other down as Arenion and Jasian's battle raged on.

"Your looks are bewitching!~ You are maybe as beautiful as me!~"

"Hearing that from a woman of your calliber, truly makes me loathe myself for being such a low standard."

"You are also talkative and agressive!~ A lot like your student, I want to see how he acts~ hehe~"

Provoking Ophelia, Alecinia chuckled to herself with Ophelia retaliating by attacking her with spears of fire that had heads of lions! Alecinia beautifully dodged landing on top of a light pole.

"Hit a nerve?~"

"If you get close near my student, I swear to turn your whole body liquids into nothing but steam!"

"My my, what a ferocious threat!~ I love it!~ More more more!~"

Alicinia looked at Ophelia licking her lips in pleasure as she lunged towards Ophelia swinging her whip constantly towards Ophelia who jumped away with Alecinia wrapping her whip around a car and throwing it towards Ophelia who formed a giant fire saw to cut through it mid air.

Landing on a wind platform Ophelia looked towards Alecinia who retracted her whip.

[She is stronger than she look physically, but she has no moral... Even the lowest of tactics wouldn't work againts her. A woman that is nothing but a toy.]

Ophelia smiled as her right pupil turned into that of a dragon.

"Let's dance shall we you demonic slut!~"

"Finally!~ Let's please each-other until the end beauty!~"

Meanwhile with Arenion and Jasian.

The two were blitzing through the city in a crimson and blue lighting with the two clashing blades constantly! Dropping down and facing each-other again with consecutive slashes just to be parried by the other.

"Not bad for a second handed demon!"

"Your skills are beyond extraordinary, I am surprised I've never heard of you before!"

The two were smiling as the rush of the battle continued, jumping away from each-other Arenion and Jasian sheathed their swords and drew them at almost an instant sending a wave of slashes that crashed with each-other mid air.

The battles had become stale, both sides were tired and exhausted from fiercly attacking one another with Alicinia being defeated and ready to be killed.

"Fucking demonic bitch. May your soul be erased for your exsistance stains this universe itself!"

As Ophelia was ready to delieve the final blow with Jasien unable to stop it due to fighting with Ophelia, a spear pierced through Polina's torso!

"How pathetic..."


Ophelia looked behind her to be faced with a feminen figure with black hair like her's holding the spear that had impaled her, electrifying Ophelia knocking her out as the blood loss was becoming too severe.

With the now mysterious woman ready to finish Ophelia off, Arenion came just in time to slash her away even though she blocked grabbing Ophelia and retreating by crushing a golden rune and being teleported back to heaven.

The woman was taken a back by the sheer force of the slash as her arms were trembling slightly with Jasian approaching her.

"You two truly were pathetic, sturggling againts those two and they were not even archangel level."

"You say that as your arms are trembling from just one punch of that swordsman, without backstabbing the mage you would suffer possibly the same fate. Arka."

Arka who was wearing a black coat and pants with a half t-shirt sheathed her spear behind her back and grabbed Alecinia putting her on her back.

"Let us return and let us try avoiding these kinds of battles without right preparation. If I had not interefered Alecinia here would be dead, not like I care, this bitch's annoying."

"I see your lack of care for your comrades is still as sharp as ever."

"Be lucky I like you guys enough not to kill you, besides... You are the only one who could best me in combat, it would be a waste."

Arka said with an annoyed tone as the two created a crimson portal and walked through it.


But with Ophelia and Arenion things couldn't be the same as they got teleported on the ceiling of the HQ with the two falling right in the middle, wounded and scarred with Ophelia being in a critical state.

The angels rushed to their rescue sending them to the infirmary and working hard to keep them alive as they would try their best...

A couple of hours later, Yzavil visited to check on their states as they both had been wounded from their encounter with Irelio being by his side.

"... Irelio."

"Yes Yzavil?"

Yzavil grabbed the wall beginning to crack it with his aura of rage overflowing darkening his golden colour.

"Tell every angel warrior in the disposal, to prepare, we will reclaim europe and find the demons who wounded two of our best warriors. Their judgement day will come and god... May not merciful."

"Should I inform Klodian...?"

"Yes, he deserves to have the courtesey of punishing those who hurt his loved ones."

Yzavil dismissed Irelio who walked through the corridor gritting his teeth.

[Pathetic Demons! At this rate, Yzavil will retaliate and call a meeting with the other archangels who refused to join as a way to keep peace! But if humanity and angels suffer heavy casualities they will join and then it's over...]

Irelio looked frustrated as the nerves were just about to pop off his skin.Notifyinge very general, commander and warrior in heaven to mobilize for the battle of Europe. Flying towards the Abbysal wings residence, knocking on the door, being met with Mary.

"Sir Irelio, what is the problem for you to come to us?"

"Mary, I am afraid I bear some terrible news..."

Mary looked surprise but before she could say anything Klodian appeared behind Mary, with a curious gaze towards Irelio who sighed and looked down...

"Klodian your... Senseis Ophelia and Arenion... Have been heavily wounded in the line of duty..."

Mary turned around to see Klodian's face turn to one of rage and bloodlust, as he gripped his teeth and his aura spilled out, reaching a level it had never before!


Klodian's words were sharp and filled with pain and hatred towards the people who did it as in his mind only one word could be heard.