
I chose to be a barista.

"In a world ruled by OP classes, I chose to become a barista. Why? No reason. ;P" Klodian an Albanian 20 year old guy, became an enlightened one after his near death at the hands of one of the scarlet moons, saved by his guardian angel, he gets a second chance to regain all he had lost, his family, his pride and most importantly his revenge againts the demons who sent his world down a hellish spiral.

H0Nored1 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Break down

Mary looking at Klodian's aura overflowing with rage tried to calm him down, grabbing him tightly by his shoulders.

"Klodian calm down before you-!"

Before Mary could finish her sentence, Klodian pushed her to the side with him walking towards Irelio grabbing him by the shirt with his aura diminishing any chances of retaliation.

"Who did it?"

Irelio looked at Klodian's eye as it was emitting the black aura that he had seen in the past, fearing for his life for a moment as Klodian's grip suddenly began to let go, falling to the ground as Jin Ae was seen to have shot Klodian with Mary and Irelio looking towards him.

"If we do not tie him down, he'll go on a rampage and probably even get himself killed."

With a cold tone and emotionless gaze, Jin Ae lowered his revolver with Mary grabbing Klodian and taking him inside with Irelio leaving towards the HQ.

[That bastard... What the hell is wrong with him?! He could have killed me!]

Gritting his teeth as he was defeated by a human so easily, not only his pride was hurt but he could have gotten killed if it wasn't for Jin Ae's intervention.


As a couple of hours went by Klodian began to wake up, tied up by the chains of light that were nullifying his abilities he tried to break free, locked up in the basement of the


Klodian demanded of Jane who looked at him with a cold gaze as she was rubbing her chin, looking to figure out how to talk sense into him.

"Mate, listen to me. These bold reaction of yours are going to kill you someday, so relax and put some sense onto yourself."

"They wounded and almost killed my senseis, who's next my guardian angel!? YOUR GUARDIAN ANGEL!? WE ARE SITTING DUCKS HERE WAITING FOR A SLAUGHTER TO HAPPEN!"

"I can understand your rage... I do. We all lost our families, Klodian... You, me, Jin, Mary, Ren all of us did, you wanting to protect those who welcomed and treated you with love and care after your fall... But you gotta get it back together mate."

Klodian looked in surprise lowering his head as he bit his lip in frustration gripping his hands which were tied behind his back.

"You don't understand what it felt like to experience that pain... I saw my parents get killed, I saw my sister get kidnapped, I saw my bar get burned down, I felt my arm and eyes getting ripped off and THOSE BASTARDS TRIED TO TOOK SOMEONE ELSE FROM ME!"

In a fit of rage, Klodian's aura even though faint, began to leak out causing the chains to crack and tighten even more around him.


Jane just looked towards Klodian with sympathy showing in her face but she would get out of her seat walking towards Klodian and hugged him.

"You aren't wrong Klodian... You are just afraid, afraid of losing the people who you now have unwillingly grown attached to. I promise you, we won't go nor leave you alone ever. You've lost enough already, the way you fight shows that. Mercilessly, cold-blooded and fiercely, you aren't afraid to turn yourself into a monster for the sake of the people you care about... That is commendable, yet you are willing a price to pay that is too high for those who care about you."

With a soothing and felt tone, Jane spoke to Klodian like a big sister not as a colleague, patting his head and back trying to calm down with Klodian already having shed everything he had in him, letting out only a muffled wailing of pain and suffering.

"We are all here for you mate... Let it all out. Let the pain flow out."

"I-I just want to stop losing people close to me, I just want t-to have them live happy even if I have to sacrifice myself in the dark..."

"I know... I know and I am here for you as your big sister, not your colleague."

Jane smiled as she let go of Klodian setting him free of the chains. Getting up, he rubbed his hands as they had become numb from all the gripping he did. Jane walked with Klodian outside of the basement, going towards the living room where the three members were worried but as he walked in Jin Ae pointed his revolver at Klodian, this time loaded with real bullets.

"Jin Ae, the hell are you doing!?"

"I do not trust him, a stunt like this threatens us in and off itself."

Jin Ae said with a cold tone as Klodian walked towards him, resting his forehead on the muzzle of the revolver.

"Pull it you fucking overrated sharp shooter."

Klodian provoked Jin Ae who slowly pulled the trigger but nothing happened, the revoler was empty! With the team breathing a sigh of relief, Klodian then chuckled punching Jin Ae towards a wall with the trio looking at him shocked.

"You dare shoot me in the back again. I am your bones like fucking tooth picks and then use them to clean the heavenly dogs off your flesh. Ya hear!"

Klodian then turned towards the other three with them looking away expect Mary, she had somekind of immunity towards Klodian's threats with Jin Ae getting up with a broken nose.

"Fucking bullet train powered bitch, that hurt!"

"The fact you are alive proves that I didn't hit you seriously."

Klodian innocently smiled as he felt a slap in the back of his head, turning around to be hugged by Mary and by Ren for a bro hug.

"Verdammt Klodian. You scared the living heaven out of us."

"Kanojo wa tadashīdesu Klodian. As your brother from another mother, I was worried as shit, even Jin Ae over there who's currently trying to fix his broken nose."

Jin Ae and Jane were trying to heal Jin's nose as he gave a thumbs up with Jane smiling as well, thinking that she was basically the mother of the group at this point as she helped keep the team together through tough times.

Even the strongest of teams can easily be broken and rebuilt in a day it's all a matter of the bond that has been created by all the members.