
I cannot be Martial Ancestor, then I will be Emperor Yan.

After traveling through Wu Dong, Lin Yan immediately went to the small pond behind the Lin family to search for the ancestral stone, hoping to take it away from Lin Dong. Unfortunately, he arrived late and Lin Dong had already taken the ancestral stone. Just when he thought he could only practice step by step, suddenly the voice of the system sounded. 【Ding! Congratulations to the host, the login system has been successfully unlocked.】 【Successfully completed registration at the small stone pond behind the Lin family and obtained the Yao Lao Ring.】 Since then, Lin Yan continued to register and received several rewards from other planes. Lin Yan: "I may not be able to become a Martial Ancestor, but does Emperor Yan seem to have a chance?" So the question is, who is better between Emperor Yan and the Martial Ancestor at the same time? If you want to read the chapters in advance and support me, here is my Patreon. patreon.com/johanssen10 Chapters on my Patreon Soccer: I have the attributes of Messi in his Prime (up to chapter 85) I cannot be a Martial Ancestor, then I will be Emperor Yan. (up to chapter 75) Dou Po: Tie Xiao Xun'er at the beginning and get ten times feedback (up to chapter 47)

Johanssen10 · Anime & Comics
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193 Chs

Chapter 183: The Three Great Forces of Great Desert County!

Chapter 183: The Three Great Forces of Great Desert County!

Lin Yan's reaction didn't surprise Jiang Lei too much. After all, the rewards of the Ancient Monument of the Great Desert were truly enticing. These divine objects were extremely rare even throughout the Yan Empire. Since ancient times, countless people had fought and shed blood to obtain a share of the inheritance of the Ancient Monument of the Great Desert. Therefore, when Lin Yan learned of the existence of the Ancient Monument of the Great Desert, he showed extreme surprise. For Jiang Lei, this kind of reaction was completely understandable. Soon, he turned his gaze towards Lin Yan. After their previous conversation, Jiang Lei realized that Lin Yan wasn't very familiar with the situation within Great Desert County. Out of kindness, Jiang Lei thought to remind Lin Yan of some important points.

"Oh, by the way, Brother Lin Yan."

"With your strength, you can practically move around unrestricted within Great Desert County. The small and medium factions can't cause you trouble."

"But there are three sects you might want to pay attention to."

Lin Yan, intrigued, looked at Jiang Lei.

"Oh, really? And what are those three?"

Jiang Lei began to explain:

"The Yin Gwai Sect, the Demon Gate, and the Martial League."

Jiang Lei briefly mentioned each one and then proceeded to explain them one by one.

"The Yin Gwai Sect is very mysterious and specializes in controlling talisman puppets. Each elite disciple of the sect possesses a puppet, and they are all extremely powerful in combat."

"Years ago, a sect offended the Yin Gwai Sect, and the result was that the sect was completely wiped out."

"In addition to that, after destroying the sect, they also turned several experts into puppets."

Upon hearing this, Lin Yan frowned slightly. As for talisman puppets, he also had one. Previously, in the Ancient Tomb, he had obtained one. But its power had always been above that of the puppet, so he rarely used it. However, now that Jiang Lei mentioned it, Lin Yan also became interested. It seemed that the talisman puppets of the Yin Gwai Sect were much stronger than his.

"If I have time, maybe I should go get one and try it out."

"If I can't, I could learn their technique. If they ever bother me, I can turn them all into puppets."

Lin Yan mused aloud, with a touch of malice in his voice.

Meanwhile, Jiang Lei continued with his explanation.

"The second one you should watch out for is the Demon Gate."

"Although their name sounds dark and sinister, they're actually quite upright and just compared to the Yin Gwai Sect."

"The disciples of the sect are very skilled in strengthening their bodies, even more so than demonic beasts."

"But this is something you're also an expert in, Brother Lin Yan."

Jiang Lei couldn't help but smile ironically. He had witnessed Lin Yan's ability. Although he seemed like a gentle and polite knight, once he used his skills, he quickly transformed into a thunderous giant, matching the experts of the Demon Gate.

"A sect specialized in body strengthening, huh?"

"If I have time, I can take a look there too."

Lin Yan responded with a smile. Naturally, he wasn't interested in the Demon Gate itself, but in registering to get rewards. After all, it was a sect specialized in body strengthening, so shouldn't they offer rewards related to that? After experiencing the techniques of the Thunder Sky Great Day and the Thunder God's Body, Lin Yan had enjoyed it a lot. Before, in battles, he had to fight and fight until his resources were depleted. But now, with his strengthened body, he could defeat most martial practitioners with a single blow. That effortless feeling of striking was quite satisfying. So if the Demon Gate offered rewards related to body strengthening, Lin Yan wouldn't hesitate to register.

"And the third?"

Lin Yan asked Jiang Lei again.

"The last one is the Martial League."

"Compared to the previous two sects, the Martial League doesn't have such distinctive characteristics."

"But their biggest feature is their large number of members."

"It's an alliance formed by numerous martial academies, with the Martial Sky Academy at the top. Their strength is quite formidable."

Jiang Lei explained seriously to Lin Yan.

After listening to Jiang Lei's detailed explanation, Lin Yan began to understand the distribution of power within Great Desert County. Grateful, he was about to thank Jiang Lei. But before he could do so, Jiang Lei stopped him with a gesture.

"Brother Lin Yan, it's not necessary."

"If you really want to thank, it should be us thanking you."

"After all, what we did doesn't compare to your great favor towards us. They were just small acts."

"Of course, there's no reason for you to accept our thanks."

Lin Yan smiled and didn't continue to insist. The members of the group continued chatting as they continued on their way. Finally, with a blinding glare of sunlight hitting their faces, Lin Yan and the others finally emerged from the Misty Forest.

"We're finally out."

"Who knows how long I've been trapped in that place."

Lin Yan sighed in relief. Jiang Lei, beside him, smiled wryly.

"Haha, it's normal, Lin Yan. The Misty Forest is a special place. Outsiders often get trapped there for months."

Lin Yan shuddered at the thought. After that experience, he definitely didn't want to go back to the forest. Originally, he planned to leave immediately. But when Jiang Xue saw him leaving, she seemed a little reluctant. With a flickering smile, she extended an invitation.

"Mr. Lin Yan, why don't you come with us back to Eagle City?"

"You've just arrived and aren't familiar with the surroundings yet. We can prepare a map for you so you'll feel more comfortable in the future."

She added, "Plus, after so long in the Misty Forest, you must be tired. You can rest at our academy for a few days."

Lin Yan considered the offer reasonable. Indeed, he needed a map. After so long in the Misty Forest, he definitely needed a break in a more comfortable environment.

"Well, then I'll accept your kindness."

Lin Yan accepted the offer. Soon, the group arrived at their destination: the Eagle Academy. When the guards saw the group return, they showed great joy.

"The academy lord has returned!"

They rushed to greet, but their expressions seemed a bit worried, as if something had happened.

"Jiang Xue, take young Lin Yan to rest."

Jiang Lei prioritized Lin Yan's matter and asked his daughter to accompany him to find a place to rest.

"Alright, Father."

Jiang Xue nodded quickly. Then, she guided Lin Yan with a friendly smile on her face. She was quite content after so many events; her affection for Lin Yan had grown considerably. Her warm and enthusiastic attitude was evident as they spent time together. Naturally, this did not go unnoticed by the students of the academy. They looked astonished, envy-filled whispers filled the air.

"Who is he? Why does Big Sister treat him so well?"

"I'm jealous."

"My Goddess, usually so reserved, now she's so happy spending time alone with another man."

(End of the chapter)