
I cannot be Martial Ancestor, then I will be Emperor Yan.

After traveling through Wu Dong, Lin Yan immediately went to the small pond behind the Lin family to search for the ancestral stone, hoping to take it away from Lin Dong. Unfortunately, he arrived late and Lin Dong had already taken the ancestral stone. Just when he thought he could only practice step by step, suddenly the voice of the system sounded. 【Ding! Congratulations to the host, the login system has been successfully unlocked.】 【Successfully completed registration at the small stone pond behind the Lin family and obtained the Yao Lao Ring.】 Since then, Lin Yan continued to register and received several rewards from other planes. Lin Yan: "I may not be able to become a Martial Ancestor, but does Emperor Yan seem to have a chance?" So the question is, who is better between Emperor Yan and the Martial Ancestor at the same time? If you want to read the chapters in advance and support me, here is my Patreon. patreon.com/johanssen10 Chapters on my Patreon Soccer: I have the attributes of Messi in his Prime (up to chapter 85) I cannot be a Martial Ancestor, then I will be Emperor Yan. (up to chapter 75) Dou Po: Tie Xiao Xun'er at the beginning and get ten times feedback (up to chapter 47)

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197 Chs

Chapter 182: New Objective! The Ancient Monument of the Great Desert

Chapter 182: New Objective! The Ancient Monument of the Great Desert

In this moment, recalling her past mistakes, Jiang Xue truly regretted her actions. Although she was deeply grateful for Lin Yan's help, at the same time, she felt ashamed for what she had done. With these mixed feelings, she couldn't help but approach and say, "Mr. Lin Yan, let me make it up to you!"

Lin Yan felt a bit puzzled by this. Many things for him were rather straightforward. The reason he was willing to help was simply because he felt compelled in the moment and felt a fondness for these people. He had never thought about what kind of repayment they could offer him. Seeing Jiang Xue act this way left him somewhat perplexed. He smiled wryly and said, "It's really not necessary. I didn't pay much attention to that before."

With a worried expression, Jiang Xue responded, "But if I don't, I'll feel very uneasy."

Lin Yan was speechless. "Then how do you plan to repay me?"

"In terms of money, I'm not short."

"In terms of skill, you don't match up to me."

"So it's just you as a person, will you offer yourself in marriage?"

Jiang Xue's cheeks turned red immediately. After a brief hesitation, she shyly replied, "That's okay too!"

Lin Yan nearly choked on his own saliva. "No, I'm just kidding." He didn't suddenly want another wife. Although Jiang Xue was good-looking and had a good figure, he didn't have any special feelings for her. If he accepted, it would only add to his burden, and that wasn't something to be taken lightly. After some persuasion, he managed to make Jiang Xue feel more at ease and release her worries. Then, Lin Yan returned directly to his tent to continue his training. Although he appreciated the respect of others, he felt they were showing him too much respect. This made him uncomfortable. He had no choice but to return to his tent to escape the situation.

The next day, Lin Yan and the others continued their journey. However, this time, the admiration from the Eagle House towards him intensified even further. Perhaps, when they returned to rest last night, everyone had deeply reflected on what had happened. Therefore, now everyone knew how powerful Lin Yan was. When they faced him again, they could no longer behave in the same casual manner as before. Lin Yan felt a bit overwhelmed by this. But he had no other choice but to accept their kindness, and even during the journey, he occupied the best spot in the carriage. While there, Jiang Xue would sometimes bring him water and food, and even give him massages. Although he understood it was out of gratitude, Lin Yan wasn't accustomed to being so well taken care of.

"Big brother, you were amazing last night. Yinyin admires you a lot."

Jiang Yinyin looked at him with admiration. Clearly, Lin Yan's performance last night had left a deep impression on her mind. To her, Lin Yan appeared as a savior god in the most dangerous moment for her family, eliminating the danger. Therefore, in her mind, Lin Yan almost became her prince charming. On the way, everyone looked at him with admiration and respect. But unfortunately, Yinyin mentioned his feat over and over again, which was starting to annoy Lin Yan. He couldn't help but say, "You've mentioned that at least ten times."

Yinyin chuckled shyly. "It's just that it was very impressive."

Jiang Xue, beside her, smiled and said, "There's nothing to be done. It's because Mr. Lin Yan is too excellent."

"When someone is so outstanding, they naturally attract the admiration of others, and it's something that can't be avoided."

Lin Yan could only sigh resignedly. "Speaking of which, Brother Lin Yan, where do you come from?"

Jiang Lei changed the subject and asked Lin Yan.

Lin Yan sighed in relief, finally relieved from the awkward situation. He replied, "I come from Tian Du County."

Jiang Lei was slightly surprised. "Tian Du County, that's quite far."

Lin Yan nodded with a smile. "Yes, I'm traveling to gain experience."

Upon hearing this, Jiang Lei immediately understood. "So, Brother Lin Yan, are you sure you're here for the Ancient Monument of the Great Desert?"

This left Lin Yan perplexed, as he was just passing through the area. Although he had heard of the Ancient Monument of the Great Desert, he didn't know much about it, so he asked out of curiosity, "What exactly is the Ancient Monument of the Great Desert?"

Jiang Lei patiently explained, "Brother Lin Yan, the Ancient Monument of the Great Desert is one of the most famous things in our Great Desert County. It is said to be the site of an ancient relic. Long ago, even before Great Desert County existed, it was already there. And its appearance made Great Desert County famous, and that's how our county was formed."

Lin Yan nodded in understanding. He was interested in the Ancient Monument of the Great Desert, and Jiang Lei was willing to explain to him, as Lin Yan had helped his family a lot. Therefore, Jiang Lei continued explaining in detail.

"It is said that the group that controls the Ancient Monument of the Great Desert is extremely terrifying. They created an extremely vast space within the Ancient Monument of the Great Desert. Within this space, there are many ruins, and the energy inside is much denser than outside. A day of training here is equivalent to ten days outside."

Lin Yan was stunned to hear this. Wasn't this similar to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber in Dragon Ball? It seemed to be able to control the flow of time and create an independent space, which was quite exceptional. Seeing the surprise on Lin Yan's face, Jiang Lei continued explaining.

"Furthermore, there are countless treasures within the Ancient Monument of the Great Desert. It is said that some people have obtained unique martial arts and even earth-ranked artifacts from there. The seal of the Ancient Monument of the Great Desert opens every three years, and according to my calculations, it should open in about five months. So, Brother Lin Yan, you could try your luck."

Upon hearing this, Lin Yan suddenly remembered. He remembered that in the original work, Lin Dong had obtained the inheritance of the Great Emperor of the Great Desert, the Celestial Prisoner Great Emperor Technique. It was an unbeatable supreme weapon and his main technique for a long time.

"In that case, I should give it a try."

Lin Yan murmured to himself. The Ancient Monument of the Great Desert had a decent inheritance, and if he went there, he had the chance to obtain unique martial arts and even earth-ranked artifacts. Most importantly, he could register. According to Lin Yan's tests, the more exceptional the inheritance point was, the higher the chance of obtaining high-level rewards upon registration. Last time, in the Ancient Tomb, he had obtained the Sea Heart Lotus, ranked fifteenth on the Celestial Fire List. So, if he went to the Ancient Monument of the Great Desert, wasn't it possible for him to get something even rarer than the Sea Heart Lotus? Thinking of this, Lin Yan's eyes lit up with excitement.

(End of the chapter)