
Chapter 21 700 Thousand Dollars for Walking

The trampled Evil Dragon could only stare viciously at Watson.

Watson then told Parker," Check how much the police have offered as a reward for catching him and how much his head is worth in the black market."

Everyone, who was still feeling sorry for the thousands of salutes, was stunned when they heard this. They believed that their leader would not do a losing business. The name of the Evil Dragon must be very valuable.

The Evil Dragon and the others were all bandits who had escaped. They all carried a high reward from the police, and they would get a lot of money no matter they were alive or dead.

The most important thing was that the Evil Dragon, who was always arrogant and domineering, had offended many businessmen when he was in the street. Many rich people who were blackmailed by him had offered him a high price for his head in the black market.

Hacker experts of Team No. 1 typed on the keyboard and got the answer that Watson wanted.

"Sir, the federal government has offered them a reward of 300 thousand dollars in total. We can pay back the money."

300 thousand dollars? Oh my God! Watson can't help but admire them. These bandits are walking 300 thousand dollars in front of him. Does it mean that this business can be done for a long time?

Before the calculation of the bounty was over, the man continued, "Their bounty in the black market is a total of 400 thousand dollars. Oh my God, it seems that they have offended many rich people."

In other words, after killing the group of people from the Evil Dragon, he not only didn't lose money but also earned billions of dollars.

The deal was worth and the Evil Dragon was like walking 700 thousand dollars.

"Come on, take a video of decapitation and send it to the black market with the fireworks video. Since it's our customer's request, we must let them hear it!"

Hearing what Watson said, the Evil Dragon no longer had the arrogance as before. The boy in front of him was not a human at all!

He was a devil.

If he had known that his brother had offended such a crazy person, he would not have chosen to take revenge, even if he had beaten the Evil Dragon. He would run as far as he could.

"Watson, I think it's too arrogant. What we do is no different from challenging the police and the federal law. We'd better restrain ourselves."

"Well, the video will only be shown to those customers. Sign a contract that it is not allowed to leak this video to others. I'm sure our customers won't sell us out if they are satisfied." Watson said.

Receiving the order, George and Tony shot the Evil Dragon to death.

The others had also packed up the battlefield, making sure that the police could not search for any prohibited articles.

"The scene has been handled. Even if the police have come, they can't find any problems." The team of Parker reported.

Parker nodded, indicating that Watson could call the police.

"Are you free, beauty?" A greasy voice of Watson came from Klova's phone.

"Watson, I'm warning you seriously that I'm on duty and you're obstructing my work, "Klova crossly said when she saw Watson.

"Ha-ha, I won't make fun of you anymore. Come to the junction of the Scrap City and the W City. I caught 20 people of the Evil Dragon group, which is the merit of coming to your door. Don't let the police of the W City take the lead."

"You caught the Evil Dragon?" Klova's first reaction was that Watson was to brag. If there were 20 people, how could he catch them? It was too late to escape.

"Look at this picture, and you will know if I'm bragging." Then he hung up the phone and sent a picture of Evil Dragon being shot.

Klova was too stunned to say a word. The bandit was dead!

And he was killed by a guy named Watson.

She tried her best to think about how Watson did it. If Watson didn't tell a lie, there were 20 people. Even Watson and Hans couldn't do it with the Gatling.

Her mind was full of doubts. She immediately reported the situation to her boss. The boss heard that Watson was making trouble again, and it was very likely that it was true. He took his team to the place of the accident in a hurry.

By the time the first group of police arrived, Watson and the others had already lit up a bonfire and set up BABQ on an empty road.

It had to be said that the whole security team was full of ruthlessness. The corpses beside were still burning, but there was no mental barrier in barbecue. Even Hans had experienced the last incident, and his nerves were much better. Although he had no appetite, he was very hungry and still ate a few mouthfuls.

Klova and the others were stunned to see this scene. They looked at the burning cars. It was estimated that after a while, only some car bones would be burnt, and there was no trace left inside.

"Are you trying to say that you just protect yourself again?" The head of the police officer said speechlessly.

He thought he could relax for a while after Watson left the Scrap City, but he didn't expect that such a big event would happen again after only a short time.

To be honest, he was a little regretful that he had colluded with Watson. This dangerous factor should be locked up in the madhouse and he should be hit hard on his buttock with the syringe.