
Chapter 20 The Evil Dragon Said Watson Is a Dog

"Sir, the Sky Wolf Star is ready, the Sky Wolf Star is ready."

Parker named his car the Sky Wolf Star. At this time, Team No.1 of George, was far behind the car.

In order not to arouse the vigilance of the Evil Dragon, the distance between the two cars was about 1 kilometer. Even if the front car was attacked, the back car could arrive at the scene of support as soon as possible.

Sure enough, after leaving the Scrap City, a car quietly followed at a corner.

Parker had installed a monitor and a tracker for the stalkers when they were sleepy, so Parker had been watching them.

Silently, he installed a tracker and a monitor on the cars he was watching. With just this move, Watson felt that thousands of monies were not in vain every month. Parker with the other six people was the elite who had climbed out of the hell corpse sea, and it was not a problem for him to fight ten people by himself.

If the Evil Dragon knew this information, he would probably run away that night. When the gangsters met the regular army, they had no choice but to run for their lives.

As the night fell, more and more cars followed the Tacoma.

The members of the Evil Dragon also received the order to attack.

According to their plan, at the next intersection, a car would hit the body of the Tacoma, followed by a series of collisions. The four cars would sandwich the Tacoma in the middle, and then the Evil Dragon would personally pull out Watson and strangle it.

To kill the enemy in person, the Evil Dragon had sent out a total of six cars and twenty people!

The group of energy that the Evil Dragon could control gathered and was about to give Watson and the others a fatal blow.

Unfortunately, Watson had listened to their conversation and knew every order and every action of them as if they were talking to him.

Just as the car was about to arrive at the place where they ambushed, Watson drove to the grass on the roadside and quickly got out of the car with a piece of paper, as if in a hurry to go to the toilet.

Looking at his enemy who was so close to him, the Evil Dragon decided to wait for a while and wait for Watson to enter the ambush circle.

But after waiting for a long time, everyone's eyes were sore, and the Tacoma still stopped.

The Evil Dragon sensed that something was wrong, just when he was about to let the group of people attack Watson forcefully.

The Tacoma started all of a sudden and ran out like a wild horse without rein.

The Evil Dragon cursed and ordered all the cars in a hurry, "Damn it! They've found us. Move! Stop him!"

As soon as he gave the order, a car directly drove to the middle of the road and forcibly stopped Tacoma.

The next second, several cars crashed into Tacoma.

The Tacoma was very resistant. Under the siege from four directions, the surface of the car was only slightly deformed.

"Break their windows and pull them out!"

"I will avenge my brother myself."

Looking at the Tacoma trapped in the middle, the Evil Dragon's eyes were full of malice. He must break every bone of Watson and behead him at last.

But when he rushed up to the crowd and broke the window, there was no one inside.

"They are not in the car. There is no one in it."

Everyone was confused. Watson didn't get in the car after a shit?

The Evil Dragon felt bad and didn't know what the problem was. He pulled several people away and jumped into the car.

At this moment, the people closest to the car heard the timer sound.

"Damn it! There is a bomb in the car!"

The Evil Dragon turned around and leaped.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Several cars exploded one after another.

The Evil Dragon with a wound on his back crawled out of the explosion ring desperately. He knew that the cunning Watson must have planned this thing before.

How Watson got their plan!

Watson, who had just got out of the car and pretended to be shit, didn't return to the car. Instead, he used the remote control to make the empty car with bullets hit into their ambush ring.

He had been waiting for them to hit him and surround him before he pressed the button of a bomb.

The plan was crazy!

It was a new Tacoma!

He could even smell the smell of a new car when he got close. To trap him to death, Watson paid a lot of money.

Seeing his beloved car blooming like fireworks, Watson took out his mobile phone in advance and took a photo of this scene, preparing to keep it as a souvenir.

It was a gift worth thousands of dollars. The sound could be heard without playing.

Was it worth it? Watson asked himself, and he felt it was worth it and didn't feel sorry at all. Listening to the explosions one after another, his eyes were filled with madness.

At Parker's order, Team No. 1 and Team No. 2 fired at the survivors.

The injured Evil Dragon and others were unable to organize a counterattack. They were no match for the regular army at all. After a few rounds of cross attack, they were all killed by the explosion.

The captured Evil Dragon stared viciously at Watson who was walking towards him.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Even if I die, I won't let you go. You are such a despicable guy."

Watson just regarded his shout as bark, because a loser had no right to threaten him.

After tonight, he would eliminate all the supporters of the Evil Dragon, and the group of the Evil Dragon would also suffer a heavy blow. Even if the group of the Evil Dragon wanted to take revenge, they had to consider whether they would repeat the same mistake.