
I Can Never Stop Loving You

“Steve… let go… of me” Erica ordered while still panting. “No” He denied her and held her even more tightly. “Excuse me? What the… fuck do you mean… by no?” “I am not letting you go” “Steve, are you crazy?” Erica tried to push him away but he was stronger and she couldn’t get away from him. “Not yet, but I think I am going crazy because of you” Steve wrapped his one hand around her waist and he held the back of her head and leaned forward to kiss her. ..... Erica was leading a successful life as a top lawyer in Seattle. She is cold, scary and single as she couldn't get over her first love. Assuming her first love to be forever unsuccessful she gave up hopes on ever having a chance at it but one day surprisingly the love of her life showed up at her work place but as her boss. Erica was nervous and anxious and wanted to avoid him at all costs but Steve was not the one she could easily avoid. The more she wanted to avoid him, the more their lives got entangled with each other. .... Disclaimer: The book cover does not belong to me. If the creator has a problem with me using it, please let me know, I'll get it removed

Mystical_night · Urban
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163 Chs

Big Note

"Is it about..." Erica wanted to ask him if it was about the case he mentioned last night but Steve quickly interrupted her.

"Yes, it is about what we talked about last night."


"Erica, let's listen to some songs." Steve suggested.


Steve then played loud music in the car and gave a notepad to Erica and signaled her to keep quiet and read it.

Erica couldn't understand why he was so secretive, nevertheless she read the big note he wrote, her eyes widened in shock when she read what he actually wrote.

After reading it, she looked at him in shock and he just nodded her head confirming what all he said is true and mouthed the word 'please', to request her to act along what he wrote.

Erica was going through mixed feelings after she read what he wrote, on one side she was worried for Steve and on the other hand she blushed when she read his weird solution to this problem.

For a few minutes she didn't utter a word and again read the big note, seeing her reaction, Steve smiled and he offered her a bottle of water.

Erica's throat was dry and she therefore grabbed the bottle he offered and tried to slake her thirst, she then felt better.

Following the instructions in his note, she turned off the music, "What happened Erica?" Steve asked her in surprise and he was happy she was acting along well based on what he instructed.

"Steve, I don't want to go to Valen, there is another restaurant which I had been wanting to try, let us go there."

"Umm okay but why so suddenly?"

"Nothing serious, it is just that I am craving for Burgers and Valen doesn't have burgers, they only have Italian."

"Oh, should we head to McDonald's then?"

"Nope, I know a better place, it is a bit far, I'll direct you"

"Sure, whatever you prefer"

Then Erica instructed him in what direction to go and after a few minutes they reached the Starlight restaurant.

"Oh nice choice" Steve appreciated her choice of restaurant and the two headed inside.

"May I request for a private room?" Steve told the restaurant staff and they directed them to one of the private rooms.

This restaurant has private rooms for customers to dine in and that was the reason why Steve carefully chose this restaurant.

The staff then showed them a private room and left.

This private room has a television mounted on the wall and there is a long dining table with six chairs around it, two chairs each on the longer side of the table and one chair each on the shorter side of the table.

Once Steve and Erica were alone in the room, Steve signaled her to keep quiet.

He then took out a black device and inspected every corner of the private room, once he did that he put the black device near Erica and inspected her too.