
I bumped into a Spy!

Myra has two options in front of her, either she gets inside the room, saves the person she's falling for or can go back to the life she always wanted! What will she choose or will destiny choose for her? Forgetting her past Myra built a perfect life for her, a professional writer in Emporium Publications and being with the man of her dream.Yet it takes one day to shatter her dream life into pieces. Taking advice from her best friend she tries to create another life however one bump from a stranger spirals her life back to the rabbit hole she came out of.

DauntlesWallflower · Fantasy
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30 Chs


Siena entered her apartment, the first thing that welcomed her was Beyonce's voice singing 'Dangerously in love' and a very clean place. Her best friend has been busy sweeping the mess that she made in the morning disappear. Rather than being thankful of that fact she was more tensed now.

There was an undefined silence in her apartment that she never thought would be there after Myra coming. Hanging her coat and removing her shoes, she stepped towards the only place where she knew her friend would be. She hates her senior more now, if only she would have been there to pick her friend up rather than going to office where The witch was ready to pile her with more work. She joined journalism to spread credible news to people instead of fake news that was present in the society instead because of that witch she was stuck in paperwork. She really wanted to report to her director but just seeing that man infuriated her.

Seeing Myra standing paused behind the stove, steering the ladle in pot, totally lost somewhere as she doesn't even raise her eyes, intently watching the pot.

"Why do you look like you're about to murder that pot?"

"Ahhh!" Myra's scream vibrates the quiet apartment. Seeing Siena laughing hysterically anger her even more than she already was.

"Are you f**king crazy Ena?" She shouts at her only to let out the controlled tears. She leaves the ladle immediately and walks away.

Shocked was an understatement right now for Siena. She had never seen Myra this upset. Switching off the stove as well the music she walks behind her only to find her lost again in her thoughts and maybe crying because of the whimpering sound looking out the glass wall.

Siena slowly walks behind her and keeps one hand on her shoulder. "Myra?"

Myra instantly reacts towards the knowing touch as she hugs the only person left that she calls family, so she let's all the pain and hurt flow in her tears. Siena hugs her back and waits for her to stop crying.

Moments pass but they stay like this. "Why is it Ena that whomever I want to stay goes so far away from me?

Hearing the words Siena's heart breaks a little for her friend. "Why do you say it like that Myra?"

"Everyone that I wanted to stay with me moves away. First my parents, then my aunt, then Austin and now D....." Knowing what she was about to say she immediately changes her statement walking away from Siena again towards the glass wall, "you know what I mean".

She always liked watching the buildings and roads. She liked the aesthetic of it. Sensing Siena beside her she waits for her to speak and she does, "none of that was your fault Myra. You have to understand that. It's been what.....years to their deaths, why are you remembering all those now?"

Before she could answer Siena interrupts her, "what happened today Myra?"

"Nothing", came the only reply.

"You know I don't believe you. Just stop bullsh*ting me and tell me."

"Honestly nothing happened", and that is how the whole scenario changed in just few minutes. Now Siena was bubbling with anger and she was trying to calm her down.

"Fine don't tell me. You actually believe that I'm going to leave you like that. All that talk about how you are all alone and how your parents and aunt died, those thoughts came in all of a second in your head", Siena shouts at her.

She stays quiet to which Siena bursts, "fine don't tell. I'm leaving when you feel free to actually talk, come to me", then she does what she said and walks away.

Few minutes later, she walks towards the kitchen where Siena was now draining Myra's overcooked sauce which would've been saved if she was not so focused on her doomed life and especially that Dane. Every time she thinks about him, his words pierce a piece of her heart.

She walks forward and sits on the stool kept beside the kitchen counter. She had only seen Siena's place in the photos she had received from her and the frequent video calls that she used to get but seeing it now in front of her, she was nothing but proud of her and the hard work that she had done to achieve this dream house.

"I'm sorry Ena", she softly says but still doesn't get an answer.

"Really sorry Ena", she tries again only to get a glare from her which makes her sit back quietly.

"If you really think I'm looking for an apology, you can't be more wrong Myra", she pauses then continues, "I'm looking for an answer as to why those thoughts even came in your head in the first place!" She exclaims sighing.

Suddenly Myra feels the guilt. She knew that today she had crossed the limit as she knows Siena has done a lot for her, has been always there for her but only wants one thing from her is to not think about the past. She was just eight years old when she heard about her parents death in that horrible accident. She was sent to her aunt Karen, her mother's sister. There she met Siena, it was like God had sent an angel for her. Siena had been like a big sister to her. There were no bullies for her as everyone knew about the Taekwondo classes Siena took and wasn't afraid to land a punch or two.

After her Aunt Karen died because of heart attack when she was fifteen, she had no one to take care of her as her aunt was a widow that is when Siena and her family took her in. She couldn't have been more thankful to them, they never asked for one penny from her instead the money that her aunt had kept for her was kept as her saving for future use. She tried to pay them back but every time she did their words were, "you don't believe we are family?" Which made her overrule her decision.

"What is with you and being lost Myra?" Siena's voice brings her back from her thoughts.


"First of all stop saying nothing otherwise you will definitely get a hit from me", she threatens. "Secondly you have not yet answered me".

Myra knew that Siena wasn't going to back off without hearing what she wants to. "I'm sorry about the food".

"Oh my god this girl! Why do I have to deal with such people?" She shakes her head. "Myra don't worry about the food I already ordered take out. Just please tell me what's wrong".

Seeing her best friend looking so defeated, she knew she had to tell her. "Fine but you promise you won't overreact?"

"Overreact me? Come on", seeing how serious she was Siena just replied with a okay.

"After I entered the airplane....."