
Chapter 3

at night

The cold wind howled, and the dead branches and leaves in the forest were blown "sizzling".

Yang Guo dug a five-meter-long hole under a piece of soft ground, and lit a fire with dry sticks in the hole downwind. When it was just right, he used branches to slightly block the ventilation hole, so as to prevent the strong wind at night from blowing out the fire.

After arranging everything, Yang Guo found a relatively comfortable place and dug two big holes on both sides of his head and feet. And if it flows in, if the whole body is soaked in water unknowingly in his sleep, then he will be finished, even if he is not frozen into ice, he will not dare to go out easily, otherwise his whole body will be frozen after walking for a long time. stiff.

Oh, by the way, there is also a place where the fire is made. He also dug a deep ditch to prevent the water from drowning the torch.

After finally finishing everything, Yang Guo was already very tired. Although practice makes perfect, he has survived dozens of snow fields, but doing all this with his young body still makes him feel very tired.

Abandoning all his thoughts, Yang Guo fell asleep with his arm pillowed on his head.

Today he slept soundly and soundly. Even when he fell asleep, his chapped and peeling lips kept rising slightly. He didn't know if he was finally reaching his destination or dreamed of something good. He slept for 5 hours.


The next day, when the sky was getting dark, Yang Guo slowly opened his eyes, rubbed his sleepy eyes, checked his body, but luckily it wasn't wet, and saw that the grooves on both sides had turned into a small pool.

Since the soil below is tighter, there is not too much sediment, and the water in the tank is relatively clear.

Yang Guo picked up a puddle of clear water and washed himself briefly. Although the conditions were severe, but due to the habit he had retained from the past, he would still wash his face and rinse his mouth every day if he could. After all, the water cannot be taken away. Might as well make the best use of everything.

Then he opened the dry food wrapped in the clothes on his chest. It was only half a piece of bread, but it had already been frozen like a discus in this icy and snowy weather. Fortunately, it was winter, and it did not moldy .

Yang Guo forcefully divided it into two halves, wrapped one half and put it back on his chest, and put the other half into the sink by his feet.

Soak it soft, otherwise his eight-year-old teeth really can't bite it.

After eating the dry and tasteless food, Yang Guo was ready to go, within a day, he really didn't know if he could survive on it.

Stepping heavily, Yang Guo resolutely walked up Kunlun Mountain. According to the records, the white ape fell from Jingshen Peak, while Zhang Wuji was plotted by the Wu family and Zhu family in Yitian Tulong, and chased him to the edge of the cliff. Shen and Zhu Changling fell into the cliff and fell to the mouth of a cliff.

After sorting out these Yang Guos, we will have a direction. Zhang Wuji was still suffering from cold poison at the time, and his physical fitness must not be good, so he must not have the strength to climb the high peaks. I will try one by one from the lower cliffs!


On the back of Kunlun Mountain, looking from a distance, a young figure is constantly climbing. The footprints, which are less than the size of a human palm, are covered by wind and snow before taking a few steps. If there is a little carelessness, it is probably really No bones remained.

Finally, after walking for another hour, Yang Guo saw the first cliff he encountered.

Since ancient times, there have been some destiny protagonists who have practiced magical skills after falling off the cliff. Today, I, Yang Guo, have to try it. How can I be a protagonist!

Yang Guo walked slowly to the edge of the cliff and looked down, his heart trembled suddenly, it was too scary, this is only the lowest one, and the bottom is already bottomless, if it goes further up, it is unimaginable.

As the saying goes, "If you often walk by the river, your shoes will never get wet!"

In case of a slippery foot on the edge of a cliff, wouldn't it be straight to the sky? Thinking of this, he couldn't help but shudder deeply.


After calming down, Yang Guo moved the biggest rock he could handle from the side, went to the edge of the cliff and threw it down, then immediately lay down and listened.

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"Oh! It's a pity, it's really bad luck."

People can fall from the edge of the cliff without dying, which means that the fracture under the cliff is not very deep. If a stone is thrown down, if there is a sound, there must be something wrong, but if there is no sound, then it should have fallen directly to the bottom of the cliff.

Of course, this is much faster than him going down one by one to try the efficiency!

Yang Guo walked to the side with a look of disappointment, and looked at the snowstorm, he grabbed a handful of stones and made an "S" on the ground. ,

One piece after another, if he didn't make a mark, he was really afraid of getting lost, so he tried to foolishly try one place many times.

After leaving the first place, Yang Guo walked around and found a cliff that he didn't miss, and went up.


Another three hours later, Yang Guo tried as many as three cliffs, big and small, but it seems that he used up his luck on the way here, and now he has nothing to gain.

It's been a long time, and Yang Guo's body can't hold it anymore. In order to save energy, when going downhill, he just lay down and rolled down slowly. The snow is too slippery, and he is very light. He walked downhill too fast, for fear that the wind would blow him away.

Just when Yang Guo's eyelids were fighting and he couldn't hold on any longer, he vaguely saw a steep cliff in front of him, like a starving ghost seeing a bowl of broth. On the edge of the cliff, he took a fist-sized stone and threw it to the bottom of the cliff.

Suddenly, he heard the sound of stones colliding with stones, his eyes lit up, "Is there a play?"

Immediately took a bigger stone and threw it down again.

The sound of "bang, bang, bang" is more clearly audible.

A look of joy appeared on Yang Guo's face instantly, Emperor Heaven pays off! Finally let him find it.

He immediately took off the rope wrapped around his body, and found that many places had been worn out by the wind and sun along the way. For safety, he cut off the worn places with a knife, and then tied them firmly together.

In the end, although the rope was fine, the length was another problem.

Reluctantly, Yang Guoyou went to the nearby woods to search, and finally replaced part of the rope with a large section of dry rattan that was still tough.

After preparing everything, Yang Guo tied the rope to the protruding stone pillar and climbed down the cliff. Fortunately, he only weighed sixty or seventy catties after being exposed to wind and sun, otherwise the small stone pillar might not be able to move. he.

Looking at the bottomless cliff below, Yang Guo suppressed the fear in his heart and climbed down slowly.


Then there was a terrible cry from below.


The entire mountain is surrounded by this echo, which lingers for a long time.