
Chapter 317 Horse Racing

In the stable, Guo Fu brought two martial brothers, and Xiao Tao brought Yeluyan and Tong Xiangyu. The two sides confronted each other, saying that there were three women in one drama, but here were four women, let alone how lively it was. Sticking to their own opinions and not giving in to each other, this is close to a big fight.

"Miss Guo, don't think that your father is so powerful when he becomes the deputy leader of the martial arts. He bullies my horses early in the morning. Does he not see that other people are better than himself?" Condescending, looking at her with contempt, the so-called height advantage is clearly displayed at this moment, but she still remembers the scene when she entered the big victory that day. He was rescued by the second brother, but the hatred in his heart has never been forgotten.

"You...huh! Obviously your horse bullied our horse. I just want to teach it a little bit, but I didn't really hurt it." Seeing Yeluyan's posture, Guo Fu felt anxious and snorted coldly. It's rare to explain, and I don't know if she thinks she is not Xiaotao's opponent and is afraid of losing money if she does it, or because of other reasons, she is willing to be modest.

The Wu brothers glanced at her unexpectedly, and then silently protected her in the middle.

"Joke, Miss Guo, do you have evidence?" To be honest, Xiaotao didn't want to conflict with Guo's family, it was also for Yang Guo's sake, Xiaolong Ma has always been well-behaved and sensible, it's too late to have fun together, how could he bully other horses for no reason, This young lady must have misunderstood right and wrong and was just trying to make excuses!

"Yes, Brother Dawu, bring the little red horse here!" Guo Fu ordered unwillingly.

Da Wu responded, and brought the little red horse over, Xiaotao held back her laughter, Yeluyan and Tong Xiangyu couldn't help laughing out loud, even the little dragon horse and the yellow horse who was watching the fun grinned, "chirp chirp" sound, as for Xiaoshuai, he can only jump up and down on the white horse "chirp chirp" to express his emotions.

"You...you guys!" Guo Fu was speechless when she saw them like this, feeling angry and aggrieved in her heart, she thought to herself: "Obviously this white horse is bullying my little red horse, why doesn't it believe me!"

It turned out that the three girls saw that the little red horse was so dirty that it didn't have any red hair. The little red horse was also called a little gray horse, and the little black horse was almost the same, especially with two straws stuck on top of its head, which was even more ridiculous. Of course, a lot of it was because Yeluyan wanted to satirize Guo Fu on purpose. Who made this young lady so arrogant and unreasonable?

Although Xiao Wu looked at the beauty of these three women, he didn't want to offend easily, but just now he boasted in front of his elder brother, and he wanted to show it in front of Fu Mei, so he said: "Look, it's all done by that white horse. Good thing, he said he didn't bully our little red horse, this is the proof."

Sure enough, Guo Fu glanced at Xiao Wu gratefully, and the latter couldn't help secretly delighting, and looked at his elder brother proudly, but saw that he didn't look at him at all, but looked up at the three women opposite him from time to time. There was Guo Fu in the middle, and he didn't know who his elder brother was looking at.

"Joke, did you see it with your own eyes? Or is your horse a fool, standing there to be bullied? I think it must be your horse who is making fun of him, rolling on the ground by himself!" Although Tong Xiangyu didn't know who was right Who is wrong, but seeing the two sisters resisting and defending, they must believe them, and they also refuted.

"You..." Guo Fu was so choked that she couldn't speak. She really didn't see the white horse bullying her little red horse. People, if you didn't see it, you didn't see it, and you didn't say a word after holding back for a long time.


Hum hum! I have nothing to say, but I'm still honest, I didn't tell lies to deceive people. "Yeluyan guessed the general idea when she saw Guo Fu's expression, but she admired her for not lying because she was fighting for a moment, and she didn't fall too much for her Guo family style.

"You guys... ok, good, I can't say, I want to race horses with you, and the loser has to apologize to the other party!" Guo Fu was furious, and immediately decided to solve it in another way. She borrowed from her parents since she was a child Guang, being flattered and accommodated by others, even if there was a dispute, no one would talk back to her. Dawu and Xiaowu were even more obedient to her, so how could they say that Xiaotao and the others were defeated after a few words, but they were angry again However, I had to think of other ways to save face.

Tong Xiangyu started a business with her father when she was a little girl, and she has become a master at observing words and demeanor. Seeing that Guo Fu is so confident that she wants to race horses with them, there must be something extraordinary about this dirty horse. Zhan, how could there be no top-quality horses sitting here? Just as she was trying to refuse, she only heard Xiaotao and Yeluyan look at each other and said in unison: "Okay!"

The little dragon horse also neighed loudly, it could understand human language, and knew it was going to be fun, so why not be happy?

"Okay, you guys wait for me here. I will compete outside the southern suburbs in an hour. Whoever doesn't come is a coward." Seeing their agreement, Guo Fu felt relieved, took the little red horse and left alone. To clean it up.

Not to be outdone, the Wu brothers brought two black stallions from the stables, obviously they were good breeds, but they were still much worse than Guo Fu's red and white horses.

Tong Xiangyu was afraid that they would suffer a loss, so he leaned into their ears and reminded them softly: "Sister, you are too impulsive, and Guo Fu is so sure that she can win, she must have a good horse, if we lose..."

"Yu'er, don't worry! We have two peerless horses here, we will definitely not lose!" Xiao Tao said confidently.

"Two? This little white horse is beautiful. It looks really extraordinary. If it is a good horse, how about another one?" Tong Xiangyu said in confusion. Most women are sensory animals. There are a total of one foot and two feet, more than eight feet from the hoof to the back, the big hoof and the wrist are seven inches thin, the ears of bamboo sticks, the neck of a knife, the horns on the top, and the chest open, just like a happy dragon. Not to mention men love it, even women I can't help but be amazed by it, and I can tell its extraordinaryness just by its appearance.

"Don't say you can't see it. Even Yanzi didn't believe it at the beginning. It's the young master who has such a keen eye that he fell in love with this fine horse." Xiaotao recalled Yeluyan's disgusted expression when she brought the yellow horse the day before yesterday. Saying that she has no vision, even now she still looks like she doesn't believe it.

"Sister Xiaotao, you don't really plan to let this yellow horse play, do you? This is a competition, we may lose, and the opponent is that annoying Guo Fu." Yeluyan's tone was very distasteful to that Guo Fu, and she didn't want to Lost the game.

"You're wrong. I'll keep it a secret. I'll impress you when you wait for the competition." Xiaotao blinked and said playfully.

Under Tong Xiangyu's suspicious eyes, Xiaotao brought a sallow, thin and old yellow horse from the side, which immediately surprised him. Even if it was not the first time for Yeluyan to see it, she was deeply suspicious.

The little dragon horse doesn't need to be led by anyone, and it jumps out of the fence with Xiaoshuai, and follows the yellow horse, you rub against each other, I bump into you, and make fun of each other. After getting along during this period of time, as its first friend of its kind, Xiaolongma didn't care about its appearance. The ignorant one only knew that Huangma was his friend, that's all.

Xiaoshuai is as indifferent to yellow horses as little dragons

Two, jumping back and forth on the two horses, very happy.

Compared with the yellow horse, Tong Xiangyu and Yeluyan liked the little dragon horse more, and the two daughters boasted about it, and couldn't help but move their hands up and down as they talked, and felt that the hair on its body was extremely soft and very comfortable to touch. I can't wait to ride on my body to try it.

Huang Ma sees that the little dragon horse is always popular everywhere, but he is wearing an old and disabled body. Although he has no jealousy or hatred in his heart, envy is inevitable. Thinking of it, he can't help but feel a little depressed.

Seeing the yellow horse looking back frequently, Xiaotao's eyes were full of envy, and she lowered her head to look quite silent. She couldn't help feeling pain in her heart, stroked its forehead and said, "Good horse, good horse!" Son, the little red horse that will definitely win against Guo Fu will prove to everyone that you are also a good horse, no worse than any horse."

I don't know if Huang Ma understood Xiaotao's words, and he gave her palm, as if responding, but also as if seeking comfort.

"Sister Xiaotao, can I ride the little dragon horse?" Tong Xiangyu asked expectantly.

"Then it's useless for you to ask me. You have to get this little guy to agree. Don't blame me for not reminding you. Even Yanzi and I have never ridden before. Don't look at it as a good-tempered horse. Mr. Xu and Sister Long ride, of course, if you can persuade it to agree, the older sister will also envy you."

Xiaotao looked at the little dragon horse with a bit of resentment, thinking that she had taken good care of it all the way, feeding it, grooming it, bathing it was not meticulous care, but she just disagreed with it, which made her feel uncomfortable. She was depressed for a while, calling this little guy heartless.

Tong Xiangyu still didn't know that the little dragon horse could understand human speech, so she thought it would not be easy, so she pretended to be coquettish in its ear and said, "Ma'er, let my sister sit down for a while?"

He only waited for the little dragon horse to bark and he agreed. Just when Tong Xiangyu was secretly proud, he saw it shaking its head like a rattle. Anyone could see that it was a refusal.

The little girl didn't believe in evil, and said again: "Good horse, be obedient, my sister will give you jelly beans later, how about just sitting down?"

When Xiaolongma heard the jelly bean, his eyes shone slightly. He didn't know what it was, but he looked delicious after hearing the name. After a few struggles in his heart, he still shook his head and refused.

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"Haha! Yu'er, I'm going to tell you a very scary thing." Seeing Tong Xiangyu's naive attitude, Yeluyan actually treated the horse like a child, and immediately laughed.

"Hmm... what's so scary? It can't be too scary, I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep at night." Tong Xiangyu said curiously and scared at the same time.

"Hey! This horse can actually understand what we say. Don't you think it's scary!" Yeluyan said with a grimace.

Tong Xiangyu was stunned, then laughed and said, "Sister Yan, you are too good at bluffing people, and I am not a three-year-old child, how can this horse understand people's words? Wouldn't it be a monster. "

"Hey, you little girl still doesn't believe it, do you?" Yeluyan exclaimed, no one would believe her when she told the truth.

In fact, Yeluyan is only a month older than Tong Xiangyu, but one is tall and slender, Yu Jie Fan, and the other is petite and cute, Loli Fan, those who don't know may think that there is a few years difference between the two of them!

Seeing the two of them playing around behind her, Xiaotao felt that the scene was very familiar. Before the change, she would laugh and joke with her, chattering like a little sparrow, but she stayed with Xiaolongnv for a long time. Her temperament has gradually matured, she is no longer as naughty as before, she is a little more stable, and also a little less childlike.