
I Became the Progenitor

In a world where many mythological races exist, one such race does not exist anymore. Gone extinct in a battle that lasted for thousands years, vampires are all but forgotten in the upper and lower realms. Vampires blood is so diluted, they don’t even know what their true origins are. Appearing as regular human clan with abnormal strength and other traits, The Mikaelsson Feifdom is about to be upturned. Meet our MC, Klaus, who transmigrated into the body of the heir of the Mikaelsson family and kingdom after being assassinated for reasons so dumb it’ll stay unknown. There, he acquires the Progenitor System. A system that was the name of the game he played back on earth. Read along as Klaus ranks up and steadily overcomes obstacles set in his way by insidious plots from other races while also summoning and turning humans into vampires. Klaus isn’t afraid to go to war. War is in his blood but, war isn’t always necessary. Sometimes, you just have to be political to advance smoothly. Luckily, he has his subordinates for that. Soon, the whole of the lower realm will shake at his name… THE PROGENITOR. ————————————————————————————- Author here guys, This book is also going to be set in the “I Became Unrivaled” universe but with a little twist. It’s 10,000 years before Jeremy transmigrates. Tags for this prompt are: history | politics | war | management | kingdom-building | gods | dragons | elves | dwarves | devils | humans | monsters | mythological creatures | sea travel | sea warfare | conquering | beautiful females | world travel (just to higher realms) | handsome male lead | race change | (More will be added. Can’t think of anymore.)

RealDarkSeraph · Fantasy
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You Thought!!!

When Klaus came to, he noticed he was lying on the floor of a massive all-white… room? Hall? Space? He doesn't know.

Except, this white room wasn't empty. From ceiling to floor, glowing chains with small runes engraved on them connected all over in a circumference of fifty feet. The thing to which these chains were connected is what appeared to be human.

His face was smeared with dried blood and cuts with fresh blood spilled from them. Magnificent white, willowy hair fell from his head that covered most of his face down to his chest.

His eyes were bound by a black cloth as deep as 7 miles under the ocean. This cloth didn't even show that it was in the room. It sucked in all the light; there was a stark difference between it and the vast whiteness.

Looking, even more, Klaus could see a pair of black, raven-like wings on the person's back also bound and wrapped in chains that prevents them from spreading. Bright glowing-white swords were placed around him that formed a thin film of white around his whole figure.

{A/N: Check para comments for pic. Picture the chains glowing and the swords also. Not gonna keep describing this mofo.}

'What the… What the hell did this guy do to get chained up like this?'

As if hearing something, the chained man jerked his head in Klaus's direction.

'Don't tell me he can read my mind' Klaus thinks to himself while being shooketh.


Speaking aloud, the man replies to Klaus, "Indeed I can, young soul. So, how did you get here? This place is equipped with the best security in all nine realms. How can a soul with no power get here?"

Thinking it won't hurt to talk to the man, Klaus answers, "I don't know. I was killed while walking to my car. Sorry to be rude, but what did you do to deserve this punishment?"


The chained man laughs so loud, somehow the laugh returns threefold.

"Ah, forgive me. It has been twenty millennia since I've had a genuine laugh. To reply to your statement, what is a car? Is it an abode? And to your question, I was betrayed by a race my people saved from extinction once. They joined hands with the enemy and here I have been for 20,000 years."

That last part was full of resentment and hatred for whoever betrayed him.

'For a people to betray him for helping… I definitely won't be doing that.' Klaus thinks to himself.

"And these chains? What are they doing? And how the f*ck can you even live that long? That's impossible!!"

Chuckling once more, the man replies, "where have you been living? Under a rock? Everyone can live as long as—"

The man starts having a coughing fit. Seeing that there's nothing for him to do, Klaus waits. After five minutes, the coughing stops.

"Now, where was I? Oh yes. Everyone can live a very long life depending on their cultivation levels. Some even live longer simply because of their racial bloodline such as the elves. Add cultivation which increases a person's strength and lifespan, it won't be hard to guess."

Getting no response, the man looks in Klaus's direction.

"Are you there? Have you gone stupid?"

Getting out of his stupor, Klaus looks at the man.

"Um, yeah. I'm all good. Just trying to wrap my head around the fact you said elves are real and that cultivation is real. Elves are mythical creatures while cultivation is a fictitious idea my people made up. But, now you're saying it's all real. It's kinda hard to take in. By the way, what's your name?"

The man stiffens. "My name? I haven't thought of that in a very long time. Some people call me the Impaler. Some call me a Count, but my enemies call me…


Klaus jumps back in fright and shock as the mouth of the man unhinges and four, 3-inch long, needle-sharp canines protrude from his mouth.

"WHAT THE F*CK ARE YOU? A V-VA-VAMPIRE?" Klaus shouts in incredulity.

"I must be going crazy. Maybe I didn't die right away."

Klaus continues the mumble to himself until he starts hearing more coughing. This time, it was much worse. It seems like he's throwing up blood more than he is coughing.

"What the hell's wrong with you? What are these chains doing?" Klaus asks concerned.

"They're sapping my life force away and killing me slowly. I guess my time for death is nearing. Quickly, come here, boy. I will pass on my legacy to you. Hopefully, you can revive the vampire race. Without my being there, I know that the vampire race has surely gone extinct by now. Do you accept my legacy?"

As if in a trance, Klaus walks to Dracula and kneels.

'What the f*ck?!!! Why am I kneeling? No, stop kneeling. Damn it!! Listen to me, Body'

This is what is happening in Klaus's mind as his body kneels.

"Good. Put your hand to my mouth."

Getting up, Klaus could see a very insidious smile on Dracula's face.

'This mf was planning on killing me the whole time.'

"Indeed I was. You thought I was feeling you… I just needed time to prepare myself for the food I'm going to eat. Thank you, boy. With your soul as nourishment, I will be able to break free of these chains and get my revenge." Dracula states while Klaus's hand reaches his mouth. Fangs protrude from his mouth as he bites down on Klaus's soul wrist.

A pain so immeasurable to describe assaults his entire being. It felt like he was being cut all over his body while simultaneously being boiled. Then to top it off, he can feel himself get drained.

Klaus felt like Dracula was a nurse taking away his blood from him.

Suddenly, amid the pain, a certain calm overtakes Klaus's mind. He is still in hell with the pain, but his mind isn't focused on the pain.

Then, a transparent screen appears in front of Klaus.

[<i>System initializing…10%…40%…70%…100%.</i>

<i>System initialized.</i>

<i>Detecting foreign objects invading the Host's soul…</i>


Identification confirmed. Host, please hold while the system deals with the threat</i>.]

Unbeknownst to Dracula, he has triggered Klaus's transmigration system.

The system began to trickle its way inside Dracula's soul and began to furiously attack and absorb it.

Dracula, sensing something inside his soul, tries to defend against it but fails to in time, shouts in pain as his soul is slowly drained and absorbed by the system,

As a last-ditch effort, Dracula starts to drain Klaus's soul even faster because he thinks Klaus was somehow the cause of the system in his soul.

Meanwhile, Klaus is finally able to move his body on his own, acts on instinct, and begins to also drain Dracula.

"No, no, no. This can't be happening. How can a mere mortal soul have this much power? I can't lose. I must get my revenge."

Burning away his life force, Dracula tries to head-butt Klaus but somehow he can't seem to hit him.

"Your soul can turn incorporeal? What bullsh*t."

Giving up, Dracula focused on what was causing him harm and he finds a small golden orb next to his heart; it's constantly absorbing his soul essence.

Dracula finds this golden orb a little familiar.

"No way!! I thought you would never betray me!! Why not? Where were you when I was imprisoned? Am I not worthy anymore?" Dracula shouts, voice filled with insanity.

The orb makes no movements, completely ignoring Dracula.

Klaus could hear Dracula shout and yell at someone who isn't even there but he just wants to regain his strength.

As Klaus and the orb keep draining soul essence, Dracula's body starts to shrivel. The once-beaten but handsome Dracula resembles nothing but a shriveled old man on his deathbed.

Feeling himself again, Klaus is still confused about the message that appeared in front of him.

'Was that real? Did I awaken the system in those fictional novels?'

Klaus asks himself while staring at Dracula, his body still chained. His face is taut, his skin deathly pale, and his limbs extremely bony.

At this point, the legendary Count Dracula is dead.

Somehow, Klaus still had his wrist in Dracula's mouth. Struggling to get it out, the golden orb flies from Dracula's chest to Klaus's chest.

Immediately, a transparent golden window with white lettering appears in front of Klaus.

[<i>System assimilating with Host…30%…50%…80%…100%.</i>

<i>Congratulations Host on becoming the Progenitor of the Antediluvian Vampires.</i>

<i>Due to the level of absorption, the system was able to extract the bloodline abilities, soul talents and abilities, memories and his battle experience of the target Dracula.</i>

<i>Would the host like to integrate the memories and experience of Dracula and make it his own</i>?]

'Will I be affected by the things in those memories such as emotions from being betrayed?' Klaus asks the system.

[<i>Responding to the host, fortunately no. The host will only have access to the memories and will not be affected by them. But be warned, the battle experiences of Dracula will adapt to the host's musculature system when the host turns 15 years of age</i>.]

'Okay great. This is much better. I don't want myself to change because I have someone else's memories inside my head.' Concluding that there are no losses to him, Klaus agrees.

He even figured that he should have been transmigrated but Dracula was the one who brought him here. And by bringing him here, he suffered a tremendous backlash.

[<i>Confirmed. System has permission for the integration of abilities, soul talent, memories and Battle experience of Dracula von Tepes.</i>

<i>Host, please be warned, the system will knock you unconscious for the integration to take place. The system will also not be able to converse with the host like this because the new system will be implemented upon transmigration. Goodbye, host</i>.]

Feeling himself lose consciousness, Klaus feels a bit sad. The system is supposed to be his one true friend but he won't be able to have it follow along with him on his journey.

Everything soon fades to black.


Somewhere in a distant galaxy, the figure of a woman is seen looking off into the vastness of space with irises so red, they glow a crimson-red. Where black pupils should be, is only white.

If any man saw the face of this woman, he would fight to the death to have her. With her breasts being so big, each is the size of her head and defies gravity with each movement she makes.

She has the thinnest waist a woman could have, and hips so wide she could carry at least 4 children in her womb. Not to mention the jello of a butt she has. The outfit she is wearing cannot contain all of the fat she is carrying on her body.

"I'm sorry, old friend. It was the only thing I could do to give you peace. You've suffered enough. Hopefully, I made the right decision by following Edward's advice. Goodbye, and may you find peace in your next life." The woman says and turns around to fly away at light speed.

But, not before giving one last look in the previous direction. A small smile forms on her face with a hint of submission and lust for…

Klaus, the new Progenitor of the Antediluvian Vampires.

{A/N: I'm quite surprised with myself for actually uploading today lmao. Let me know how I should improve. I'm still fairly new to writing novels. }