
I Became the Progenitor

In a world where many mythological races exist, one such race does not exist anymore. Gone extinct in a battle that lasted for thousands years, vampires are all but forgotten in the upper and lower realms. Vampires blood is so diluted, they don’t even know what their true origins are. Appearing as regular human clan with abnormal strength and other traits, The Mikaelsson Feifdom is about to be upturned. Meet our MC, Klaus, who transmigrated into the body of the heir of the Mikaelsson family and kingdom after being assassinated for reasons so dumb it’ll stay unknown. There, he acquires the Progenitor System. A system that was the name of the game he played back on earth. Read along as Klaus ranks up and steadily overcomes obstacles set in his way by insidious plots from other races while also summoning and turning humans into vampires. Klaus isn’t afraid to go to war. War is in his blood but, war isn’t always necessary. Sometimes, you just have to be political to advance smoothly. Luckily, he has his subordinates for that. Soon, the whole of the lower realm will shake at his name… THE PROGENITOR. ————————————————————————————- Author here guys, This book is also going to be set in the “I Became Unrivaled” universe but with a little twist. It’s 10,000 years before Jeremy transmigrates. Tags for this prompt are: history | politics | war | management | kingdom-building | gods | dragons | elves | dwarves | devils | humans | monsters | mythological creatures | sea travel | sea warfare | conquering | beautiful females | world travel (just to higher realms) | handsome male lead | race change | (More will be added. Can’t think of anymore.)

RealDarkSeraph · Fantasy
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Death’s Grasp

It's been a few days since Klaus had woken up in this new world. It had taken a while to go through the memories of this new Klaus.

A misnomer about transmigration is the memories inherited from the "soul" of the previous owner.

Well, we've been lied to.

The memories are stored in a portion of the brain called the hippocampus, the neocortex, and the amygdala. That's essentially the data center for our brain.

So, when transmigrating, the soul may still be there, but the memories are physically there as well. You just have to unlock them.

All that talk about the souls merging is all complete bullsh*t!!!

Anyways, when Klaus came to after being unconscious for an unknown period, he was lying on a bed so soft he thought that he was floating.

Taking a second to get his bearings in order, Klaus finally opened his eyes. The first thing he sees is the ceiling and is confused.

Now, you all may be wondering why he is confused. Well, the reason he's confused is that the ceiling is high as f*ck!!!

On all four sides of the room, the walls are 20 feet in height. Each wall is painted a deep blue with splashes of pink, green, orange, and red, and everywhere on the walls are glowing specks of white light. Every so often, the walls would also have planets slowly moving about.

To top it off, the sun was right above Klaus's bed. This sun wasn't just a yellow light. No, it had the appearance of a ball of plasma.

They made an indoor planetarium!!!

'Who the f*ck made a live version of Cooler's Supernova?' Klaus thinks to himself, incredulous.

{A/N: Something similar to this pic but picture all the walls and ceiling covered, forming nebulae want galaxies and whatnot.}

It turns out, the previous Klaus loved the stars and space.

'I'll have to find out how these guys know about planets. Most inhabitants in the lower realms have never been to outer space.' Klaus thinks getting out of bed.

Klaus walks to what appears to be the window and spreads the curtains. He is immediately hit with blinding white light.

"Son of a b*tch" Klaus screams aloud.

Almost immediately, the door bursts open to reveal a blonde man in his early twenties wearing a black unbuttoned tailcoat, bow tie, a white vest, a white dress shirt, and black trousers.

In summary, this guy looks like a gothic-styled butler with one additional feature, he has a sword strapped to his back.

One could tell with a glance that this man is someone of importance even though he's in this attire.

"Master Klaus, what is the matter? Are you in danger? Shall I terminate the problem?" the new arrival asks in a concerned tone while looking down at Klaus who's shielding his eyes.

{A/N: Picture above. All characters who have pictures are going to be important to the storyline in some way. Also, read the picture in this paragraph to know how important people are when being addressed.}

"Wait… Why are you out of bed, Master Klaus? You are still ill and need to be resting." He then proceeds to try to turn Klaus around but is stopped by Klaus.

"No need for all of that, Entry. I just opened the curtains too fast and I was momentarily blinded. No need to act like I'm dying."

Klaus then looks at the man now known as Entry and says, "Besides, I've fully recovered from that poison. I'm as perfect as before."

Earlier, Klaus used his soul power to scan his body and saw an incredible scene.

The cells in his body are crazily active. They're a thousand times for active than even the strongest Physique he has ever seen in Dracula's memories.

"POISON? WHAT POISON ARE YOU SPEAKING OF, MASTER KLAUS?" Entry responds with extreme shock.

"No way. The family physician said that you were suffering from inclomitis, which should take you a few months to recover from even with the best magic elixirs and herbs. How are you up again in two days?" Entry is very much in disagreement with Klaus.

He just thinks Klaus is without knowledge and is just assuming since he has just woken up.

One must know that for a person to be appointed "Family Physician", said person must be very knowledgeable in magic, alchemy, anatomy, herbology, potion making, and a plethora of other things related to the health and wellness of healing patients.

And to be precise, the family physician Entry spoke of is the best physician in all of the kingdom. So, how can a kid, albeit very smart for his age of 10 years, disagree with a reputable physician?

Thinking this is the case, Entry further states, "Master Klaus, you have been asleep for the past two days after contracting inclomitis. The physician has already declared your condition. Also, your fiancée has contracted it as well as her family. I will go and report your awakening to King Niklaus and Queen Esther. Please wait here."

Without waiting for Klaus to respond, Entry heads out the door and closes it.

"This guy is something. If I were another noble kid getting talked to like that by my servant, I'd for sure have Entry flogged for impudence," Klaus says to himself while turning back to look out the window once again.

Thinking back, Klaus was recalling the memories of the body he resides in days before getting sick.

Klaus then concludes he was poisoned. This was also the time in which Klaus had finished absorbing Dracula's soul talent, soul abilities, and memories/knowledge as his own. He is now the owner of them all.

And oddly enough, this body has acquired poison immunity from all middle and lower realms. Just seeing the active cells in his body, Dracula's knowledge tells him it's true.

'This body's adaptation ability is insane. Even Dracula would destroy entire planets to acquire this physique. It's not even awakened and it's already this strong,' Klaus thinks as he's putting the pieces together.

'Son of a b*tch! The system knew. That's why it wanted to wait for me to reach fifteen before activating the experience. That way, his body will adjust to all that muscle memory and he'll immediately be the most powerful in the same realm.'

Klaus is now in awe of the system and its ability to calculate the optimal time to activate.

Back to the poison.

Once Klaus found the poison that fits the symptoms of his "illness", he safely concluded that he was indeed poisoned. This particular poison is called Death's Grasp.

The poison pill is pea-green in color and is untraceable. Well, to those who aren't proficient in medicine and don't have sufficient amount of soul power. It's designed to kill the person poisoned in a week while attacking the soul of the ingestee. Thus, the old Klaus died due to his soul being extremely weak.

You may be asking, "Well, how can he be said to have a disease if he was just poisoned?"

Death's Grasp was created to also display a sickness for whoever bought the pill.

His family's physician is supposed to know about poisons and whatnot but is fooled? He doesn't seem well-suited for his title.

Klaus doesn't fault the physician for his misdiagnosis because this poison isn't from the lower realms. It's from the middle realm. One in which Klaus will visit when he's stronger to investigate.

There is no way a lower realm kingdom is supposed to have something of the middle realm. All the ingredients used to make the poison aren't found anywhere in Lithium, the lower realm world Klaus currently resides in.

Not even two minutes into his thoughts, Klaus detects movements so fast, his soul sense almost misses it entirely.

A small gust of wind rushes towards Klaus from behind.

Not having time to react, a figure grabs Klaus by the back of the neck and pulls him above the ground.

Feeling some eyes on his body, Klaus is annoyed at being handled in such a way.

"Put me down. Am I a kitten you can grab by the scruff of its neck? I'll tell you now, I'm a full-blown Nemean lion" Klaus says, while his 10-year-old body is flailing about to get out of the vice-like grip around his neck.


Hearing someone laugh as though they just heard the most hilarious thing in the entire world, Klaus is annoyed even more.

"Oh, dear. You're so adorable while struggling to get away from your mother's love. Don't you know it's unfilial to reject motherly love?" the woman asks, teasing and amused at Klaus's words.

Seeing that she won't let go, Klaus uses her ultimate weakness he knows against this woman. Him crying.

"WAAAH. WAAAH. Mommy, it hurt. Mommy this hurts" Klaus puts on his best "Charlie that hurt" face while crying.

Hearing her son crying, Lady Esther puts Klaus down and turns him to face her. Seeing that he was crying, Esther wipes the tears from his eyes while talking to him like he's a 3 year-old boy.

"Aww, baby. Mommy is sorry. Mommy was only teasing you. Mommy is so happy that u were alright. She only loves you. Okay, sweetie?"

Although Klaus was sniffling on the outside, inside, Klaus was dying of laughter.

Who told his lioness of a mother to manhandle him like that? He is a fragile and delicate young boy.

Seeing his son messing with his mother, Count Niklaus butts in.

"Alright, Kim. Don't mess with your mother so bad. She was extremely worried about you. Look at the bags under her eyes?"

Klaus stood rooted on the spot, staring at his father.

Quick to respond, Klaus says, "Old man, sniff, don't say such things. Don't make me tell grandfather it was you who made me go to that ball in the first place."

Now, it was Niklaus's turn to be rooted to the spot. Since when did his youngest son start blackmailing him?

'Hehe. Blame yourself, old man. You wanna expose me to this semi-son-con of a mother? Deal with it!!'

Klaus is elated that his father fell for his tactic.

Taking advantage of this moment Klaus starts his plan of independence.

"Father, Mother, since I was at Death's door, I've had my eyes opened. I want to study and train. Only strength can keep death at bay. So, please, let me train."

The count and countess of the Mikaelsson Kingdom were shocked.

Everyone must know that a few days ago, Klaus was a very mischievous child who only wanted to play around and mess with the servants. He did not want to study nor train.

They've tried numerous times to get Klaus into training but they all failed. So as their only option, they resigned to fate and let Klaus do as he pleased.

However, now, Klaus has done a 180° turn.

How can they not be happy?

The first to respond to his statement was Countess Esther. She smothered Klaus in her bountiful chest and peppered his head with many kisses. She was just too happy her boy has grown up.

His father on the other hand was depressed. Not because of Klaus's enlightenment, but because his wife currently has Klaus's head in her bosom. He hasn't been in that bosom for quite some time due to him being caught with some other woman.

Though the countess forgave him, she still has her pride as a woman. As a result, she began watching his every move like a hawk and prohibiting him from even sleeping in the same bed her until he "remembers" why she is countess. To her, this is the best course of action.

"Hey!! Let go. I can't breathe. How many times will you deprive me of air?"

Feeling embarrassed for her losing her nobly aura, Esther pulls herself back and stares at Klaus with his reddened cheeks.

"Hahaha. Son, I'm your mother, I'll suffocate you how I please. Now, your father and I are extremely elated to hear about your enlightenment. I'll let your father discuss with the knight commander about your training regimen.

Also, you will have access to all levels of the royal library, excluding the 20th floor. In addition, your monthly allowance is increased to 20,000 gold. Anything else?" Queen Esther asks while looking lovingly at Klaus.

Frustrated that all of the words he planned to use were all for naught, Klaus responds,"N-no, mother," for that is all Klaus could say.

Klaus's father is quite satisfied with how well-behaved Klaus has gotten.

'Maybe I should've poisoned him myself. Hahaha. This kid has grown up'

The Count and Countess leave and Klaus is left to think by himself.

'First, let's get a general idea of this current era. After that, I'll deal with expanding this Fiefdom.'

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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