
I Became The Mafia Lord's Assistant

Does LOVE really has the power to change a person's perspective? Love is the most wonderful thing in this world, love can give you so much life, love can make people sad and happy, can give you strength and courage. But love can also make you gone mad and crazy, it will destroy you, it will ruin everything about you, sometimes, it will kill you inside. Our hearts, even if it is broken from a million pieces, it would still beat the same again, it would still be able to love again, whole-heartedly. But to Rayzel Faith Fuentes, LOVE is a mess! Boys are a living stupids. They will do anything to get your attention, they will do anything to make you fall in love and when you do, they will suddenly leave you behind after getting what they want. She hated every man in this planet ever since her dad left their family for another woman and hated them most when the first guy he fell in love with whom she risk her heart eventually left her without a single word. She cursed every man and didn't want to be involve in any form of relationship towards them anymore. She kept her heart guarded and not let anyone enter even a single beat of it. A tragedy once again happened to her family, her sister from different mother was killed right before her eyes, by a man that they don't recognize and only the tattoo on his neck is her only lead. She is aiming for a revenge! But her heart suddenly skipped the moment she saw a very familiar face, at the night of their Class Reunion. It's been 10 years since she last saw this face that once became her world. But her life was upended when she was kidnapped by a Mafia that are enemies of him and discovered later on that he is a Mafia Lord, the strongest and wealthiest of all Mafias back in Italy. He was no longer the man who she once knew. Every Mafia members were after to something, The heart of Cleopatra. It was broken into pieces and was scattered all over the world...Some of the pieces was now in the hand of other Mafias and wealthy people around the world and most of its part were hidden by Scott Alfonzo's ancestors. Which was left to him by his father and was hidden somewhere that only him knew. He is the Mafia Lord and she became his assistant with a heart as hard as stone. Little did he know, she is good with knives and blades...she can dance with it perfectly, she is and excellent sword woman. She is a woman but is strong enough to assist him with his Mafia works. She can fight as much as he does, she is smart as much as he does but she doesn't love him as much as he does... or is she? Will they create a second chance upon knowing that they both changed into someone they never expected them to be? Will she keep her chained heart guarded after their sudden encounter? [WARNING: MATURE CONTENTS!! OPEN-MINDEDNESS IS HIGHLY APPRECIATED.] [This book has a lot of grammar lapses and misspelled words. Please do understand and of course, I will edit it soon!]

Nazzy_14 · Urban
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143 Chs

Welcome To My World

I was confused with his action towards Scott but I didn't let them see my confusion and I glanced into Scott to see his reaction.

But his face was expressionless, his eyes were sharp and he has this strong aura that is very intimidating and shouting for authority.

He handed me a silver looking case in the shape of a square before he spoke to the guy, "Where is she now?" He asked, his voice was calm and authoritative.

The man in black answered which I didn't hear clearly as Scott pulled me gently into the car and the last thing I knew, the engine started as it slowly sped up along the way.

The outside sky is slowly turning bright with a slight reddish complexion...the beautiful sunrise is showing right before my eyes as we travel our way to god knows where. Cars were screeching and beeping as the heavy traffic started.

We passed through a creepy tunnel and exited on a road where trees are everywhere. The trees were dancing together with the wind as the birds were singing.

I noticed that only few cars are passing by...this place must be isolated and away from the busy streets in the city... perfect for Mafia people...like him.

We remained silent as time went by…but few more minutes he took the silver looking case that I put on the mini table inside the car and opened it.

It was a gun case... the gun inside that case was gold and silvery, it looks expensive just by the mere look of it. He loaded the magazine with bullets slowly.

I was just observing his every move until the limou that we were riding stopped in front of a golden gate waiting for it to open.

The car started moving again… we passed into some men with guns roaming around the area and they would bow down every time they saw our car.

It took us ten minutes to finally arrive at the front of a huge mansion…it is old fashioned but it is awfully shouting for luxury. The house was colored in white with a touch of gold on every edge.

The door was big... enough for five people in line horizontally to pass altogether. The mansion has a round water fountain just right in front of the staggering-sized house.

Every spot of the house has these men in black standing and not moving, holding a gun in their hands.

"Welcome to my world, Faith!" I jumped on my seat as he said those words firmly while he stared at me intently.

I just stared at him back and couldn't find a word that I could respond to him. I wanted to say I am prepared to be here but at the same time I also wanted to say that I don't want to get involved.

Suddenly, the door from both our sides opened in unison. I could feel the chills from the morning breeze suddenly soothing into my skin.

I noticed a big and masculine hand was waiting for me to take...It was Scott, he was standing outside the car just by the door... seemed to be waiting for me to get out of the car.

I raised my right brow because of confusion and stared at him for a few minutes and decided to leave his hand there and just get out of the car by myself.

I stood straight and faced him after and noticed him as he put his hand down. "Let's go." I said in a calm but sturdy voice.

He let out a heavy breath before he started walking ahead, I followed after him. But I noticed that he would intentionally slow down from time to time for me to keep up with his big steps... imagine he is 6'1 in height, so expect that his steps would be bigger than mine having a 5'6 height.

We were welcomed by a man in his early 30s who seemed to be coming from a run as his chest and shoulders were moving up and down...he was panting as he bowed his head soon after he was near our direction.

"My Lord, you are already here!" The man said excitedly.

As I stared into his face, I noticed a small scar situated from his ear frontal area down to his jawline. His eyes shifted from my direction and he stared back at Scott with questioning eyes.

"Don't ask, Lorenzo." He firmly said to the man and turned his back. The man glanced at me and put a hesitant smile. I just looked at him and didn't let any expression come out of my face.

"Let the maids accompany her to her room." He ordered the guy, "You should rest properly...I have to deal with that bitch first!" He added as he stared at me. His face was already covered with anger but his eyes...his eyes looked tired.

"You, come with me." He called out to one of the three men standing a few meters away from us.

We both started to walk at the same time but in an opposite direction. He was walking very quickly while Lorenzo and the other guy were following behind him.

While I, on the other hand, climb up the stairs together with the two maids who are carrying my luggage.

I lost count of how many floors we passed by until we stopped right in front of the only door in that floor. I do think that this is the last floor of the house as the stairs ended here.

I roamed my eyes around and my jaw dropped the moment my eyes caught an indoor pool and a jacuzzi. There was also a mini bar just right at the corner.

"Miss, you can now go inside the room and take your rest. We have arranged all your things already." One woman drew my attention back.

I absentmindedly nodded and continued my sightseeing as amazement was drawn all over my face as I walked towards the room.

As I stepped inside...the room was manly and had the scent that is the same as Scott. It was huge and had a balcony where the curtains were flying as blown by the wind.

The wall paint has the combination of black and light gray and the beddings were all white and were folded neatly.

I didn't bother to think of anything and quickly lay my back into the bed. Finally! I was able to lay on a soft bed after a tiring day in his office and after a long hours of travel. I slowly close my eyes as I take one pillow and hug it.


"Mika!" I suddenly rose up as I remembered Mika. Now I feel alive...I could feel my blood rising as I tried to imagine Mika's reaction. "The phone... where's my phone." I hurriedly took the phone that Scott gave to me and tried to dial Mika's number.

Thankfully, I am still able to memorize her phone number. My heart was fluttering as the line kept on ringing.

"Hello!?" An angry but sleepy voice answered. I was about to say something when she talked again, "Who is this!? This must be very important...or else!" She yelled from the other line.

Now I realized why she was acting that way and why she has this bedroom voice just now. We have a different time zone obviously.

I knew how much she hated people who disturbs her from her sleep most especially during this hour.

"Mika, It's me." A moment of silence happened for a few minutes and then I heard her yawns. "Hello!!" I called her attention again.

"Do you fucking know what time it is now, Rayzel!?" She blurted out and seemed to not realize yet what was going on.

"Duuh! I'm so--" I wasn't able to finish my sentence when she shouted from the other line.

"Rayzel!? What the! Where have you been!? I've been trying to call you since forever… and you can't be reached!"

"Ouch!" Now this woman is very awake. I could literally imagine the smoke coming from her ears and nose.

"Where on earth are you right now!?" She asked sternly.

"Italy." After saying the word I immediately moved my phone away from my ears...As I knew what's coming.

"What!? How did you get there!? Who gives you the right to leave without telling me!?" She asked one question after another. I can definitely understand why she's acting this way...And I know she's being overly dramatic just now, but that's how she is. "What? Answer me!" She shouted again.

"Let me speak, duuuh!" I replied sarcastically, now she's silent but I could still hear her heavy breathing...she must be very mad. "To make things short, I am now working as Scott's assistant, I am with him right now and I am living in the same house as he did... without a choice." I said embarrassedly.

"Don't just give me a shortcut to what happened to your life recently, Rayzel Faith Fuentes!" She threatened.

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