
I became Mike Tyson

Have you ever found yourself wondering what you might do if you suddenly woke up in a strange place, with a strange body and no sense of time? It's a question that may never fully be answered, but perhaps the key to understanding lies within the story of Ethan Barrett. If you're curious to know how he navigated this strange and mysterious situation, then you'll want to read on. His curriculum vitae, or life story, holds the key to understanding how he faced this challenge and what he discovered along the way. Are you ready to embark on this journey with Ethan Barrett and unlock the mysteries of his past (or perhaps his future)?

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I became Mike Tyson

New York City, Brooklyn.

Indiana Youth Center.

A black teenager was sleeping soundly on the bed, and a white teenager was curled up in the corner of the room.

Suddenly, the black teenager opened his eyes and looked blankly around. "Waar zijn we in godsnaam" (Where in gods name are we)

The furniture inside the room is very ordinary,

a bunk bed, a table, and a chair. There's also a metal toilet in the corner of the room with a wooden privacy divider.

The thing that surprised him, for the most part, was the jail door.

It looks like he is in some kind of prison. "Hoe de fuck is het mogelijk, net was ik thuis in bed en nu ben ik in een of andere gevangenis." (How the fuck did i end up here, just now i was in my bed at home and now i am in some freaking jail.)

Looking around, he suddenly notices the yellow-haired guy in the corner. Getting off the bed, he walked over and patted the guy's shoulder. "Hey man, could you tell me where we are?"

The guy seemed lost in thought, then raised his head and looked at him with a terrified look.

"Hey man, can you just answer my question?"

"what are you talking about? I don't understand a word you're saying"

The guy said speaking fluent English.

The black guy was stunned and repeated his sentence, but this time in English. "Hey man, could you tell me where we are?"

"We are inside Indiana Youth Center. "

The guy was obviously afraid of him, lowering his head, trying not to make eye contact.

Looking a little closer, he saw a bruise on the face of the teenager.

Youth center? Is it some juvenile detention center?

What the fuck?

His name is Ethan Barrett. Having English and german parents and having lived in the Netherlands his whole life, he spoke English as 3rd mother tongue and didn't have a Dutch name. He was originally a professional boxer and won a few international championships. Because of his aggressive fighting style, he was called Ethan' Raging bull' Barrett.

Because he won his latest match against the world champion kickboxer using just boxing, he had invited his friends to have a few drinks and celebrate.

He didn't expect to wake up in a juvenile detention center when going to bed last night.

But he feels different, so could it be he woke up in someone else's body? He had read some books about reincarnation and transmigration and stuff, but he didn't expect things like that would ever happen to him.

Just then, some moonlight shone through the tiny window onto his arm, only to reveal a thick black arm.


"Hey man, what is my name?"

The guy still looked at him with terrified eyes.



"First and last name, please."

The guy hurriedly answered.

"Tyson! Okay? Your name is Mike Tyson."

Tyson stepped a few steps back and sat back on the bed.

Mike Tyson, huh.

He is a legendary figure in the boxing world, and he has become him.

He became his idol, the one that motivated him to start boxing.

Suddenly thinking of something, he started feeling his front teeth.

Huh, no gap.

The guy looked him in his eyes, and he curled back into the corner.

"Hey, you don't have to be so afraid; I won't hurt you; I was just a little excited for a second"

The teenager was scared to answer him.

"What's your name?"

"Justin bach."

Tyson looked at bach, who had been curled up in the corner, and asked.

"So Justin, why don't you just sleep in the bed?"

"You told me I couldn't."

Tyson froze for a moment, then smiled and said: "It's fine; you can sleep in your bed."

Justin watched him and didn't move.


Tyson shrugged: "Of course."

Justin then carefully climbed onto the bed, still going back into a curled-up position, looking at Tyson with his guard up.

'How bad must I have beaten this kid to be this afraid of me.'

"Justin, don't worry; I won't hurt you again in the future."

After ensuring him that he wasn't lying a few times, Justin started to be a little more relaxed and fell asleep.

After seeing him fall asleep, Tyson lay back on his bed with a smile.

He was so excited that he had a hard time falling asleep.

After he fell asleep, he suddenly heard the door open.

"Hey, Mike, we should go study."

Tyson raised his head and saw a 13-year-old black kid standing at the doorframe.

"Justin, who was that?"

Justin wasn't as scared as last night but still answered cautiously, "Jamie, your friend."


This name is entirely new to me. I never heard of it.

Don't you usually get some memories in these kinds of situations? Why didn't he?

Tyson thought about it before asking Justin all kinds of questions about himself.

Justin didn't know why mike asked such questions, but he knew he shouldn't be asking questions, so he just answered what he could.

Although they are in a juvenile detention center, it's not much different from the outside; they have dedicated teachers, so they don't lose out on school. And they are fed three times a day.

After the conversation, Justin's fear of Mike Was fading more and more.

After coming to an understanding, the two of them walked out of the room together, led by Justin, towards the classroom.

Even though it is school, it's just fundamental knowledge they teach.

The morning class is very simple, as long as you sit there for two hours, you will have free time after the lesson.

Out of so many people, when the time was over, no one came to the teacher to ask some questions; they just left when the bell rang.

Tyson wasn't surprised. After all, the children who ended up in this place were tiny criminals. How could you expect them to try hard?

Tyson didn't ask questions either. It wasn't that he wasn't trying, but the curriculum was far too simple; he had had this ten years ago.

After the class, Tyson thought to himself: There is no need to go tomorrow.

"Mike, do you wanna play football?" the kid called Jamie came and asked Tyson.


"Nah, I'll take a look around."

Jamie looked at him confused, then took the ball and said, "okay."

After Jamie left, Tyson began to walk around blindly.

The whole camp is enormous; the guards here look quite the part.

It gave off the feeling of being in prison.

"Hey, little kid, if you don't hurry, lunch will be over before you get there." A guard said before giving him a soft kick.

"Well, that's very professional of you, isn't it? Kicking a kid?"

Suddenly the guard froze for a second and said: "well, then I apologize, but I wasn't lying; you gotta hurry up."

"That's fine," Tyson answered before starting to walk away.

While walking away, he heard the guard say:

"haha, what a kid."

Coming to the canteen, Tyson received his lunch.

Four slices of bread with some jam, a small piece of cheese, a chicken leg, and a glass of milk

Just as Tyson was eating, three people came to sit with him.

One of which had all kinds of wounds on his face and a piece of bloody cotton up his nose.

In fact, everyone had some degree of a wound.

"What's going on? How did you end up like that?"

He felt that they shouldn't have fought with other kids because they wouldn't be here eating lunch right now.

So how did they get hurt?

Could it be a guard?

The teenager with a piece of cotton up his nose said regretfully: "I almost knocked him out today."

"Tomorrow, we will be able to defeat him." A look of excitement appeared on the face of the teenager with a few missing teeth.

Tyson became even more puzzled.

Are you happy to be beaten black and blue like this?

Do kids like to suffer?

"What the fuck is going on?"

One of the other boys answered,

"We are learning how to box from coach Stewart."

After hearing what they said, Tyson remembered the role of this coach Stewart.

He was the boxing coach that introduced Mike Tyson to boxing.

Hearing about him, Tyson smiled.

"I want you guys to bring me to this coach Stewart," Tyson said to the three.

"Do you also want to learn boxing?"

Tyson just smiled and just continued eating.

When he was done, he left the canteen and walked into the same guard as before.

"Hey kid, you full?"

"of course, mister professional."

The guard laughed: "I am starting to like you, kid."

Tyson shrugged: "what an honor."

Not long after, Tyson arrived back at his room.

After getting back, Tyson started to exercise.

The first exercise was the squat.

Squats can strengthen your legs and lower back muscles and increase explosivity.

Boxing is a confronting sport.

Although the legs aren't important for the attack, it's very important for footwork; if you have strong thigh muscles and fast foot movement, you can be unpredictable during offense and defense.

So starting with 200 squats, he did his best during the workout; 200 squats isn't nothing for someone that has never really worked out.