
I became Mike Tyson

Have you ever found yourself wondering what you might do if you suddenly woke up in a strange place, with a strange body and no sense of time? It's a question that may never fully be answered, but perhaps the key to understanding lies within the story of Ethan Barrett. If you're curious to know how he navigated this strange and mysterious situation, then you'll want to read on. His curriculum vitae, or life story, holds the key to understanding how he faced this challenge and what he discovered along the way. Are you ready to embark on this journey with Ethan Barrett and unlock the mysteries of his past (or perhaps his future)?

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7 Chs

3 Years

Two hours later, Tyson was tired and sweating, but he still listened intently as his coach gave him instructions. Kus clapped his hands and said, "Alright, Mike, let's move on to the next drill."

Tyson took a break to wipe the sweat off his face with a towel, before continuing with the training. The next exercise involved Teddy tossing a small sandbag filled with stones towards Tyson's head, which was secured in place by a rope. Tyson's task was to dodge the sandbags and protect his head from being struck. Teddy increased the speed and unpredictability of the throws, making it difficult for Tyson to keep up. On several occasions, Tyson was hit in the nose by the sandbag, causing him to bleed and feel immense pain.

Despite the injury, Tyson refused to take a break. "This is just a minor setback, it won't affect me," he told Teddy. "Let's keep going."

After another hour of training, Tyson's nose was swollen and his face was bruised. Kus signaled the end of the session by clapping his hands. "Alright, everyone, let's head back for dinner."

After dinner, Kus pulled out a video of a boxing match featuring Jeffries, which he and Tyson watched for half an hour. Kus analyzed Jeffries's style and pointed out his strengths and weaknesses to Tyson.

"Did you see that? Jeffries kept his hands low, almost like a predator ready to strike," Kus explained as they watched the match.

Once the video was over, Kus announced that it was time for the next training session. He led Tyson to an empty area and began teaching him a new footwork drill called the "u-shaped movement." Kus demonstrated the movement, explaining that it involved constantly shifting and moving to confuse the opponent. He then spent the next hour guiding Tyson through the drill, encouraging him to keep moving and stay on his toes.

Three years seemed to pass in the blink of an eye as Tyson dedicated himself to training and improving his skills in boxing. On this particularly cold morning in New York, he could be found punching a boxing bag in the snow, his agile movements and powerful punches tearing through the snowy terrain. Despite being just 16 years old, he was already a strong and capable fighter, thanks to his relentless training and dedication.

After finishing his workout, Tyson took a short break before jogging back to Kus's house. As he entered the kitchen, he saw Kus busy frying eggs and bacon for the other boxers. Tyson grabbed a towel and started to tidy up the cluttered dining table, knowing that Kus wouldn't appreciate any help.

"Mike, you can't move that table, it's mine," Kus said with a straight face, pretending to be serious.

Tyson chuckled and replied, "I know, but my hands are fast, I can clean up for you."

Kus grumbled, "You're such a jerk."

Tyson finished organizing the table and sat down to eat his breakfast. As he stood up to grab his school bag and head off to class, Kus noticed his pants and commented, "Mike, you're getting fat. What are you wearing? Trying to show off your big **** and eggs? You look like a canned tomato."

Camille defended Tyson, saying, "He's just wearing what's fashionable for young people. Don't say that to him."

Kus chuckled and replied, "Please, Camille, don't share your opinion. He's too ugly to wear those clothes."

Ignoring Kus's jibes, Tyson grabbed his bag and shouted, "I don't care what others think. I just feel comfortable." With that, he trotted out of the house, leaving Kus and his wife behind.

As Tyson walked through the school grounds, he was greeted by a short and overweight black man named Case. "Hey, Mike," Case said cheerfully.

"Hey, Case," Tyson replied casually.

Case continued, "So, how was your weekend?"

"It was okay," Tyson answered.

Case chattered on, full of enthusiasm. The reason for his enthusiasm was that Tyson had once helped him out. When Case had first entered high school, he was bullied by his classmates for being short and overweight. But Tyson had stood up for him, showing the bullies that he wasn't to be messed with. not by hitting them or anything like that. more in a subtle way like punching trees till they had his handprints in them.

From that day on, Case had looked up to Tyson and always tried to stay close to him. As they walked through the school grounds, Tyson couldn't help but feel grateful for the support of his loyal friend.

Tyson and Case walked through the crowded school corridor, ignoring the taunts and jeers from their white classmates. Despite the discrimination and racism they faced on a daily basis, Tyson remained stoic and focused, determined not to let the hateful words of others affect him.

As they walked, Case whispered to Tyson, "Can you believe these idiots? They can only hide behind their backs and say something disgusting." Tyson pretended not to hear, choosing instead to remain quiet and focused.

Tyson pretended not to hear Case's words and continued on his way.

After class, it was already 4pm. Tyson headed to the training hall for his daily training session with Teddy. Tyson's strength had grown significantly over the past few years, and Teddy's role was now mostly just to act as a sparring partner for Tyson.

At 7pm, Tyson returned home with his school bag. When he arrived, he didn't see Kus anywhere. He placed his bag on the sofa and turned on the TV to watch some boxing videos.

"Kus, lets sell the house! This house costs a lot of money every month. If we sell it, we can save a lot of money," said Camille.

This house belonged to Camille, and with the mounting costs, she wanted to sell it to save money.

Kus replied, "I won't allow it. This house is our home and we won't be selling it."

Camille said, "But if we don't sell the house, it will just continue to be a burden on us."

Tyson stood up and said, "Don't worry about it, Camille. I'll figure something out."

The argument between Kus and Camille had been going on for a while, and Tyson couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. Despite living with them for three years, he had never contributed to the family in any significant way. Now that Kus was experiencing financial difficulties, Tyson felt it was his responsibility to do something to help.

As he sat in the living room, he listened to the ongoing argument until Kus emerged from the room. "I heard it all, but I didn't mean to," Tyson said.

Kus was quiet for a moment before responding. "I will solve these things. You can concentrate on your studies and training."

But Tyson was determined to do something to help. "No, I am also a member of this family. I feel that I should do something to help."

Kus was silent for a long time before finally agreeing. "Fine. You need some actual combat experience. I will arrange some fights for you."

Tyson had been practicing boxing for three years and was in desperate need of an opponent to spar with. He saw this as an opportunity to not only increase his actual combat experience, but also help pay the family's expenses. It was a win-win situation.