
I Became Konoha Jounin From the Start..

The story starts with a guy transmigrating into body a Konoha jounin Kitamura Aoki about a year before Naruto's graduation. Well he has a system which will give him amazing rewards and a Shop from which he can buy almost everything. So he is destined to become powerful. Let's see how his presence affects the storyline.

Gursimran_Singh_8817 · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 7

When it came to bandit strongholds, naturally I had never seen one. So I was thinking of the situation inside when I found the one belonging to the bandits who were going to die by my hands.

Killing was honestly a foreign subject for me even with the experience of Aoki through his memories. So I had much hesitation remaining in my heart but all of it vanished when I infiltrated the base and took a look at the situation inside.

Honestly the biggest reason I wanted to blow everything up was because I wanted to avoid experiencing the trauma of killing by my hands or watching it nearby.

But the cruelty which I witnessed surpassed my imagination and instead fastened my resolve to kill these scum of humanity for good.

Being a jonin , sticking my feet to the ceiling was easy even if it was that of a natural cave. I watched everything from up there and was waiting for the right chance.

Down there the benifits though were having the time of their lives. Sake , food and even money notes ( ryo ) were littering everywhere. The three chunin class enemies were sitting somewhat far from the rest of the group.

The underlings seemed to be fearful of their leaders and did not even try to approach them.

The cruelty I saw was the corpses of women which counted to twelve. From their frozen expressions alone , I could guess the despair they must have felt during their last moments.

Watching this , the cruel scenes from Aoki's memories were also flashing in my mind reminding me of the dark side of this world. Now I could see that cruelty was a huge part of this world not only the shinobi. It actually made sense as the numbers of ninja were too low compared to rest of the humans on this planet.

Even I myself could tell that my mind was in some kind of trance right now because everything was too clear. Plans and plans were forming rapidly inside my mind at the speed which I could not even imagine before. All those plans were for killing the bandits but now I could care less about the lives of these lowlifes.

My breathing was constantly maintained at the minimum and I was sure that even elite jonin would have trouble finding me right now much less these weaklings.

Aside the 3 chunin class , the rest were trash. Not even fresh genin level. Well what could I expect from non ninja anyway. I was done thinking and in the end decided to really blow up the whole cave. Even if the 3 chunin survived the blast, I could always end them anytime. It's not like I could bring the corpses of those women back with me. Their condition was too pitiful for me to watch much less their families.

Many plans would be wasted but who cared as long as the mission was completed. One thing was final though that I would definitely have no trouble taking on similar bandits clearing missions in future. I had developed a sense of loathing for them now.

As I had guessed when the time passed , the bandits started moving the loots somewhere. The cave was huge so there was plenty of room for another room or place for storing treasure or supplies. Well those things would be my trophy if I wanted to but according to the rules , I should take it back to the village. I would get some percentage of it and it's not like I was too greedy for money anyway.

After a while , I got to see the treasure room and decided to end this mission. First I created two shadow clones and sent them to take care of the three chunin while a rush of kunai and shuriken rained upon the rest. The screams were naturaly ignored by me which was a feat I could not imagine from me before though.

It was uneventful as most of them died with just the first attack while the rest were cleaned up by myself with a kunai embedded in the back of their heads. These disposable weapons were really great though as I only had to provide the right strength and aim behind my attacks. Well it was a novel experience for me using throwing weapons but thanks to the experience of Aoki , I seem to never miss. As expected of a jounin.

I swiftly placed the explosion tags everywhere and headed towards the direction of my shadow clones. My concerns were correct because the lack of battle experience was already showing. Normally a battle between a jounin and normal chunin should be one sided but my clones were always a step too late.

I knew the reason because I had to think and chose a right approach from Aoki's experience while the enemies could move on instinct during the critical times. So by avoiding critical hits , they successfully prolonged their lives. Well in the end they just enjoyed a few more minutes because I was already there.

After confirming my concerns , I dispelled the clones and got their experience back. Once again my mind broke down the information in seconds which amazed me. It maybe because my spiritual power was huge. After all chakra was essentially combination of physical and spiritual powers. Jonin had a lot of chakra in the first place. These were just guesses though because this may have something to do with my system.

The enemies looked to be at their waits end but the ferocity I felt increased by a lot. This must be because they felt a huge crisis to their lives then. I could care less about that.

Their battle patterns were already inside my mind so the rest was easy. As expected of the broken jutsu called Shadow clones. Tobirama was really a genius.

I knew that the enemies had decent arsenal of jutsu despite being mere bandits but they could never compare with mine and my speed when performing hand seals. So I decided to use a big one then.

" Wind style : Great Breakthrough "

Huge blast of wind assaulted them before they could move away and their bodies landed on the ground far away with a thud. I was greatly satisfied with the might seeing the sharp wounds on their bodies too.

Aoki's mastery on wind nature transformation was already good but I upped that in these two weeks following the method used by Naruto in the anime. So my wind jutsu really packed a solid punch. The forest above the Hokage face mountain had a small waterfall which was enough for me to train.

The enemies were incapacitated so I swiftly used body Flicker to close the distance in an instant and reaped their heads with a kunai. This job really took a lot from me but somehow I managed to not throw up. Looks like Aoki's experience was really affecting my mind.

The mission was over when I stored the three heads as proof inside a separate scroll. Now all that left was to store the treasure, blow up the whole cave and then return back to the village.

Blowing the cave could be called for my personal satisfaction but it was totally fine with me. Nobody would use it anyway. After storing everything in the treasure room inside a storage scroll , I swiftly left the cave and activated the tags when the distance became about 500 meters.

Me - KATSU!!


The spindle effects were too huge for my taste but I did not mind that much. Anyway flashy endings suited my tastes very much. Still explosion tags were expensive when purchased in bulk. Not only them but all the seals in general.

Now I really wanted to learn fuinjutsu but my Hope was not big because from Aoki's memories, this art was for the chosen. The diagrams which looked scribbles to others would look like special formulas to the fuinjutsu practitioners. I did not know what of the two would be the truth for me.

The missions was a big success but the mental burden came late and the screams which I had ignored before , started ringing inside my head. The experience was really bad but I endured with all my might because this may be daily occurring in my future. The journey back to Konoha was at faster pace because I wanted to return as soon as possible. First I wanted to submit the mission completion report. Then the Quest must be completed too and I could finalize open the newbie gift pack.

One more reason was that my mind was too tired and I wanted to leisurely have a hot springs bath. It was expensive but hehe.. jounin were not that poor either.