
I Became Konoha Jounin From the Start..

The story starts with a guy transmigrating into body a Konoha jounin Kitamura Aoki about a year before Naruto's graduation. Well he has a system which will give him amazing rewards and a Shop from which he can buy almost everything. So he is destined to become powerful. Let's see how his presence affects the storyline.

Gursimran_Singh_8817 · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 8

The huge main gate of Konoha came into my sight and the nervousness in my mind finaly vanished.

Looks like the pressure of my first mission was more than I had anticipated. Well it was normal as I had seen from Aoki's memories , the unpredictable environment outside the village. One never knew when he could encounter a strong missing nin on just a simple C rank mission. The possibilities produced a lot of pressure on me.

Anyway now I was back and everything went well. The chunin duo sitting at the desk did not pester me for any sort of identification because it was somewhat of a big news in the village about mine and Kurenai's promotion to jounin rank. Naturaly they knew about me plus the barrier surrounding the village did not obstruct me which proved that I was not an imposter in the first place.

Once again, I saw the usual crowd of mixed civilians and ninja. My mind finaly relaxed and hunger assaulted me. Come to think of it , I really forgot to eat anything and spent the whole day just like that. Well I had to be careful in the future then.

At the mission center , I followed the chunin in charge towards the back room and presented the three heads of the bandit leaders as the proof of my mission completion. There were also many missions when the ninja had to bring back the signature of the client but my mission did not require that. Maybe the client did not care.. Well no use wasting brain cells on this topic.

The chunin and others in the room did not show any signs of surprise for the fast speed of mission completion. Jounin were expected as much which also meant that their strength was already recognized by the village. I also presented the last scroll filled the spoils and left the room which reaked of smells from corpses. Well there were many of them being stored there and I did not like that smell.

In the lobby , I was thinking about what to do with the money from the nission when the chunin came back and reported that the mission was completed and a B rank was added to my exploits. I just nodded and left the building but a huge smile was plastered on my face when I turned into the next alley.

The reason? The notification finaly came from the system !





I was tempted to open the gift pack right there but decided to go back to my apartment first. The money reward of the mission could be collected from the village anytime anyway.

Thus I rushed and reached my apartment in under a minute. The Body Flicker jutsu was leaky marvelous but my legs started to ache a little. Well I never properly rested them so it was my fault though.

After opening the front door, I placed my sandals in the shoe cabinet and entered inside the living room barefooted. I yawned and drank cold water to refresh myself. It was finaly time to open the gift pack.

Me - System , open the newbie gift pack.


This emotionless voice was a little uncomfortable but I was slowly getting used to it.






UNPARALLELED SWORD TALENT - The owner of this talent has natural affinity with the sword. He can see through sword techniques at a glance and is capable of using them oneself easily. Sword Comprehension+1000%


MIND'S EYE - Nothing can obstruct your vision. Can see through all illusions. Extremely resistant to mind attacks. The range of the vision depends on the extent of spiritual power.


BODY REMODEL PILL ( S RANK ) - Highest rank pill in the mortal world which can improve one's potential to the highest rank. One's Genetic talents will improve by a lot immediately upon consumption.


My eyes remained closed for a long time and my mouth wide open from the shock. I read the information in my mind over and over and happiness increased each time.

Many men were fan of the sword and I was definitely one of them. The sword talent was already enough but the other two gifts did not lose either.

I really wanted the sensor talent and this new skill seemed to be enhanced version of it. With it , I would not be afraid of insane genjutsu in future either.

The Body remodel pill did not ring a bell in my mind because the description was vague. But my potential could be greatly increased which meant that I could reach the levels of Madara and Hashirama or even more in future. This was too good.

When I opened my eyes , I noticed that my hands were slightly trembling. I knew that this came from excitement that I was feeling in my mind. The next war would come and I could fight at the front line with the enemies like Madara and Kaguya. Just imagining the scenes sent shivers in my body.

I was afraid of death which was normal but that was the same for most of the people. With these gifts alone , I could train and become a real powerhouse. Then I won't be afraid of anyone.

I wanted to take a relaxing hot spring bath but my mind was filled with the possibilites of future. So without hesitation I decided to fuse with these gifts first.

It wasn't anything difficult. I just closed my eyes pressed yes mentally when I lost consciousness. When I woke up , it was already next day and nosebleed was flowing out from my nose with gutso.

Of course it would because I could literally see the lady medical nin in the next building naked in her bathroom. I could see literally everything in about seven kilometers radius around me but strangely my mind was not overloading from the insane information intake. The feeling was really strange and I could tell that the mind's eye skill was insane.

With just a mental command the skill stopped working and everything became normal but the previous scenes seemed to etched in my mind. I wont be forgetting that bathroom scene anytime soon from the looks of it.

I did not experience much mental fatigue but I could tell that this skill could not be used all the time because the condumption of mental power was too much. Maybe if I lessened the range then it could be a different story.

My stats had not changed but the body line became more compact than before. Any sort of buffed muscles vanished but I could feel that I had greater control on my strength compared to before. My gut feeling told me that I could do some real damage with just using chakra enhancement but I decided not to try it inside my room.

Now it was time to take that pill. I wilked and a palm sized jade bottle came out of nowhere. The design looked exquisite but I could care less about that. I opened the wooden cap and strong but sweet smell assaulted my nose instantly. I became impatient and touched the opening with my mouth. Then I raised the bottle and felt that something entered my mouth.

Soon my body became hot but the temperature was constantly rising. At first it was comfortable but with time it felt like I was taking a bath inside lava. The pain was too much for me to bear and at some point of time I once again fell unconscious.