
Chapter 38

The car's engine roared, announcing its arrival at the gates of the grand mansion.

The mansion, a majestic abode of opulence, stood proudly, a testament to the family's stature.

As the vehicle made its way through the lavish estate, it was evident that the mansion was a world of its own, distinct from the bustling reality beyond its gates.

"Welcome home, Husband,"

The sweet and affectionate voice filled the air as the car's door swung open, revealing a strikingly handsome man with jet-black hair and eyes of the same hue, though not a rare color, in his gaze, it seemed the epitome of perfection, He turned to acknowledge the owner of that voice.

A beautiful woman, her golden locks dancing in the gentle breeze, stood there with emerald eyes filled with love and anticipation.

The air carried a delicate fragrance of wildflowers and morning dew, embracing the moment.

Her gaze held nothing but affection, reflecting her deep connection with her husband and child.

The man's eyes slightly opened, a tender smile gracing his features. It was a smile that meant the world to the woman, yet she couldn't ignore a subtle awareness of a lack of sincerity behind it.

She smiled back, her face glowing with the love and warmth one could only have for a life partner. The complexities of their unspoken understanding were woven into the fabric of their shared history.


A joyous cry rang out, capturing the moment, as a little girl of around seven years sprinted towards the man. Her tails, a distinctive feature, fluttered in the air, and her fluffy, furry ears twitched with surprise as she leaped into his embrace, burying her face into his chest.

The man chuckled, "Oh, isn't this my favorite child?" he said, playfully. The little girl giggled in response, holding onto him tightly, a mischievous spark in her eyes as she shot a smirk toward her brother, silently claiming her father's affection.

The boy, a picture of solemnity, glanced at his sister and then turned his attention towards his mother. His expression seemed distant, lost in his thoughts, as he quietly moved towards her, a world of emotions swirling within him.

"Mother, I..." the boy began, his voice trailing off. He didn't need to say more; the woman understood his unspoken plea.

She enveloped him in a loving embrace, sensing the turmoil within him. The boy, whose face had been devoid of emotions for much of his time away, closed his eyes, recalling the mission he had to carry out at all costs—to protect his mother's happiness.

To an outsider, it appeared to be a joyful family gathering, but for them, it was a battle.

The man's heart lacked genuine attachment towards them, the little girl with her playful tails snuggled into the man's embrace lost in her own innocent world, and the boy had finally achieved what he desired.

As for the woman, there was warmth in her heart, knowing that even if the man didn't hold love for them, he cared—perhaps driven by duty or profit, but cared nonetheless. The complexities of their family dynamic were hidden beneath the facade of togetherness.


A luxurious and expansive dining table showcased an array of delectable cuisines, surrounded by various maids attending to the five individuals seated together.

At the head of the table sat a man with jet-black hair, an air of authority and sophistication about him, he calmly picked a piece of meat from a dish with his fork and knife, his demeanor composed.

"Jeorge, call your mother and inform her that Ryuk will learn about our country's E-business from there", He then turned his gaze towards a young boy with silver hair and striking sapphire eyes.

"I understand, Uncle,"

Jeorge responded promptly, accepting the task assigned by the man. It made logical sense for Ryuk, given his age and intelligence, to begin involving himself in business dealings.

However, Jeorge was aware that Ryuk's education had been primarily focused on psychology and emotional responses until now.

He understood the importance of maintaining one's image in front of high society and recognized the diverse skill set required for a heir to learn.

A boy with black hair continued to eat, his emerald eyes betraying a cold intensity, a surge of excitement running through them, yet his face remained stoic and composed, the glint in his eyes hinted at the anticipation of what was to come.


In Country E, within a grand mansion reflecting opulence and the might of its owner, a conversation unfolded inside one of the rooms.

"Amelia, I just got a call from Jeorge about Ryuk's coming here,"

Lady Agatha, a beautiful woman with black hair and sapphire eyes, looked towards her young daughter who was engrossed in documents related to future investments.

From an early age, it seemed like fate favored her child. Every investment she made in small companies yielded massive returns. This reputation had made Amelia known for her precise business insights, and her invested businesses garnered trust from numerous investors.

"Why is he coming here? Isn't Miss Henna already here as Croceus Group's representative?" inquired the daughter, her sweet voice tinged with curiosity as her sapphire eyes, reflecting wisdom and sophistication, focused on her mother.

"He is the future heir, so he needs real-world exposure,"

She then took her daughter into a warm embrace, their faces close, eliciting giggles from the young girl.


A private jet touched down at Country E's airport, and a young boy with emerald eyes and black hair disembarked. His gaze fell on two individuals with the same hair color and eyes, Agatha Kieran and Amelia Kieran, both standing beside a line of luxurious cars.

Maintaining a composed demeanor, Ryuk made his way towards them. The wind gently played with his black hair, and sunlight highlighted his face, enhancing his charm.

"Hello, Madam Kieran,"

Ryuk greeted Lady Agatha with a slight bow, projecting an image of a respectful young man, even though he was affluent, showcasing respect for his elders and fostering a positive impression.

"Oh, hello Ryuk. I hope your journey was good,"

Agatha responded with a slight smile, acknowledging the boy's presence. She then proceeded to introduce her daughter, "And here is my daughter, Amelia."

However, Ryuk didn't spare a glance for Amelia, merely nodding in response to Lady Agatha's introduction. It was as if Amelia wasn't there, leaving a lingering sense of being ignored in her mind. Agatha noticed this but chose to say nothing, deeming it inconsequential.

A caravan of cars made its way towards the mansion gates, and three individuals stepped inside. Throughout this time, Ryuk continued to ignore Amelia, causing her inner thoughts to spiral in turmoil.

She had initially decided to help him as an elder sister, as she had promised Ryuk's mother, but now she found herself unsure, waiting for the right opportunity.

Days flowed like a steady river, and a month had passed since Ryuk's arrival in Country E. Within a room of the Kieran family mansion, snippets of conversation filled the air.

"It's truly amazing how the names Amelia suggested for the idols and singers have turned out to be hidden gems in the music industry," remarked a woman with creamy hair and sapphire eyes. She took a sip of her tea, satisfaction evident in her expression as she reveled in the success of her businesses in Country E.

Her gaze shifted to a boy sitting on the sofa, engrossed in documents. The color of his hair brought a slight pang to her heart, a reminder of a man who seemed to have forgotten about her existence.

"Indeed, it's impressive,"

Agatha added, her attention focused on her daughter, who had grown restless over the past month due to Ryuk's continuous avoidance. She also noticed Ryuk's indifference towards her daughter, leaving her perplexed.

Amelia's POV

"It's already been a month since he arrived,"

I glanced with slight irritation at the boy sitting in front of me engrossed in his documents. His continuous ignorance perplexed me; he nodded in acknowledgment without ever looking at me.

It was beyond irritating. Gratitude for his father was the only reason I bothered acknowledging him.

Whatever the case, he couldn't keep this up forever, could he?

Another month had passed, and his behavior remained unchanged. The frustration bubbled within me.

Should I just teach this kid a lesson?

His aloof behavior grated on my nerves. I tried to initiate conversations, but he merely nodded and ignored me.

It wasn't like my appearance was off-putting.

He talked to others, he looked at them, so why was I an exception?

His face was perpetually expressionless, but he could at least acknowledge my presence, couldn't he?


Ryuk, the boy, made his way towards the garden area and selected a spot not far from the pond. Before taking his seat, he strolled along the pond, his eyes composed and focused.

Retrieving a bottle of liquid from his belongings, he carefully spread it at a specific position beside a tree located at the corner of the pond.

'It's time to put an end to this game.'

His eyes glimmered with cold glint as he settled into his seat in the garden, awaiting someone special for whom he had prepared a gift.


Amelia's POV

I spotted him sitting in the garden, engrossed in a book. Gathering my resolve, I made my way towards him and sat beside him on the ground, attempting to initiate a conversation about the book he was reading.

"Oh, is it a novel about a fat villain? Isn't this a popular one nowadays?" I clasped my hands, injecting energy into my words, trying to engage with the boy. He simply nodded with his stoic face, fueling my anger.

'Are you kidding me?'

My frustration peaked; he was truly getting on my nerves. Who did he think he was, ignoring me like this?

I stood swiftly and moved towards the pond area, needing to release the frustration he had caused. *Bang!* 'What the hell!' I redirected my anger towards a tree, wishing it could be his face.

Enough was enough. I had decided to no longer tolerate his behavior towards me.

I wouldn't waste my efforts trying to make him feel at home when he couldn't even acknowledge my presence.

As I anxiously uttered, "Let's just leave, Slip," the word "haaaan" barely escaped my lips, my eyes wide with surprise.

Time seemed to slow down as I watched the world whirl around me, morphing into a chaotic blur before I fully comprehended my dire situation.


"Ha...hel—" I gasped for air, the sudden plunge into the cold water leaving me disoriented and struggling to catch my breath.

Panic set in as water rushed into my mouth and nose, a suffocating sensation enveloping me.

Regret surged within me as I thought, 'I should have learned how to swim.'


As my vision began to blur, I could hear the distant sound of another splash, signifying someone or something else had fallen into the pond.

My eyes felt heavy, weighed down by the water, further impeding my already desperate situation.

It was then that I felt a powerful grip on my arm, pulling me towards safety, a hand extending from the depths to rescue me from the watery abyss.

Pulling me at the shore I gasping for air slightly composing myself uttered, "Thank yo—"

"You Idiot!"

I heard someone scolding me making my eyes looked at the person who got guts to scold me and as I saw two emerald eyes looking towards me, my heart skipped a bit, 'he looked towards me'.

'Wait,' I noticed him gasping as his eyes looked straight towards me making me confused with his reaction that seemed to be filled with turmoil of panic but didn't I am the one who fallen in the pond.

I don't understand why he woul get all panicked and worked up when I was the one who fallen into the pond, "What have I done if something have happened to you" My mind become completely snao as those words reached my ears.

"W-what" I can't understand such advancement in his reaction, didn't he just ignored me all this time, 'd-didn't you ignored me all this tim—" Before I could speak something I felt his hands pulling me towards him as he wrapped them around me taking me into his embrace.

" I am sorry, I just can't control myself whenever see you" His words felt as if stirred my heart, he is kidding right?,

' Did he ignored me all these times due to having a crush on me !!! '





In the embrace of a moonlit night, a sleek car hurtles down a winding road, its powerful headlights piercing the darkness and illuminating the way.

Seated inside, a man with obsidian hair and eyes maintains unwavering focus, his hands tightly gripping the steering wheel.

The car accelerates, the engine's roar blending with the nocturnal stillness, as the man's determined gaze remains fixed on the road ahead.


A small, resonant sound echoes within the car.

Car showed no mercy to the tranquility of the night as it cuts through the air, it's onyx-bkack body enhanced by the moonlight's allure.

A faint smile graces his composed face as his dark black eyes shift to the phone screen.

// It is easier than I expected. Five years is more than enough. //