
Chapter 37

As the ethereal mists danced in the moonlit night, the Silvermoon Valley, a secluded paradise in the upper realm, came into view.

The valley lay cradled in the heart of towering peaks, their majestic forms seemingly bowing in reverence to the natural splendor that surrounded them.

At the valley's entrance stood twin stone pillars adorned with intricately carved wolf motifs, their silver sheen shimmering under the moon's gentle glow.

The moon itself seemed to cast a silvery halo over the valley, imparting an otherworldly grace to the scene.

Inside the valley, the grand hall of the Wolf Clan sect emerged, its architecture mirroring the grace and strength of a wolf in mid-prowl.

Moonstone pillars supported a silver filigree roof, and intricate designs depicting howling wolves adorned the walls.

Inside the Grand Hall, Several figures, each an epitome of power and grace, were seated on magnificent regal chairs.

Their presence was so potent that it seemed to radiate an energy capable of dissolving mere mortals.

The air was thick with the aura of their formidable Cultivation, at the awe-inspiring Peak Half Immortal level.

Their very presence showcased the indomitable strength that the Wolf Clan had held for millennia, a legacy of might that had endured the sands of time.

At the apex of the grand hall, where the walls were adorned with fierce Wolf Figures symbolizing the clan's power, sat the Moon Guardian.

His hair was a stunning white, resembling the ethereal glow of moonlight, and his eyes mirrored the same purity and brilliance, captivating all who beheld them.

His presence was a testament to the culmination of his lineage's strength and wisdom—the Moon Guardian, a revered figure whose influence reached far beyond the walls of the hall.

Seated at the pinnacle of the summit, he listened intently to the words of his Clan Elders, absorbing the gravity of the ongoing war against the Fox Clan.

The return of the Clan Leader's Daughter—Meiyue Croceus, a woman of unparalleled beauty and ethereal grace, who had seemingly bound herself to a puny Mortal and shockingly proclaimed the impending demise of Lupus—The Heir of the Wolf Clan—at the hands of this very same insignificant mortal, had ignited a fierce blaze within the realm.

Rumors of her actions had spread like wildfire, sparking debates, whispers, and gasps of disbelief throughout the land. The news rattled the very foundations of the Wolf Clan.

The embers of tension between the Wolf Clan and the Fox Clan, already smoldering from years of rivalry, were now fanned into an inferno by this shocking revelation.

The realm quivered with the anticipation of a clash that could reshape the destiny of their ancient tribes.

The Moon Guardian, sitting at the epicenter of this storm, knew that his decisions in the coming days would be crucial.

The fate of both clans hung in the balance, and the Moon Guardian's decisions would shape the course of history for generations to come.

It was widely known that the Fox Clan, despite their historical rivalry, posed no substantial threat to the mighty Wolf Clan.

Yet, a mysterious force lurked in the shadows, orchestrating a wave of terror by ruthlessly targeting the strongest members of the Wolf Clan.

"Guardian, I implore you to personally end the Fox Clan," one of the leaders beseeched the Moon Guardian, feeling the weight of the losses and the burden they bore.

The Fox Clan seemed to remain untouched, casting confusion and surprise. Speculations ran rampant—was it the work of an expert Cultivator at the level of True Immortal aiding the Fox Clan, or were they resorting to forbidden techniques?

"Yes, Guardian, you must intervene. I cannot bear to witness my comrades perishing like this," another Clan elder, adorned with a majestic white beard, added his voice to the plea, urging the Moon Guardian to take decisive action.

All eyes were fixated on the man seated at the head of the regal throne. The sheer pressure emanating from him bore witness to his status as a True Immortal—an epitome of power, embodying strength and a lifespan that were beyond fathomable limits.

The majestic figure's mouth parted, and words of authority resonated through the hall, "I have kept quiet for all these years and refrained from eradicating that Clan, even after the disappearance of their Mystic Guardian. But now, it's time to correct my mistake."

His body emanated a pressure of a True Immortal, a wave of internal energy that filled the entire hall. With purpose in every step, he rose from his regal position and proceeded towards the exit of the hall.

The fate of the Fox Clan had been sealed—their demise would not be a simple one. The eradication of a single fox kin's lineage would be just the beginning, a prelude to the forthcoming reckoning.

The Wolf Clan braced for the storm that was about to be unleashed. The Moon Guardian, a True Immortal of unparalleled might and determination, was preparing to mete out justice and correct the course of their shared history.

The echoes of this decision reverberated through the very fabric of the realm, signaling an era of inevitable change and an end to the age-old conflict.


"Yes, Dad, I understand," the boy said, maintaining a composed facial expression as he looked towards the girl, waiting for him to speak.

"I wanted to go with you, but it's urgent. I hope you understand,"

His tone rhetorical and devoid of any hint of emotion. For the girl, though, this was his usual behavior - cold on the outside but warm within.

She knew his heart was pure, always there for her when she faced challenges.

"It's okay, we can go tomorrow,"

Gestured with her hand to convey her willingness to accommodate his needs.

Then, realizing her error, she hastily added, "No, I mean if you want to go now, it's fine too."

'damn, you idiot,' she scolded herself mentally, regretting the implication that she was ordering him around.

She couldn't fathom her own foolishness in acting as if he owed her something, especially when he had always been there for her, protecting her from the bullies at school.

"I understand," the boy replied, leaving the place, leaving the girl reflecting on her actions and vowing to be more considerate in the future.

"Good, for tomorrow, I will prepare lunch for him," the little girl whispered to herself, her determination shining through as she clenched her tiny fist.

At only seven years old, she was eager to take on the responsibility of preparing a meal for the boy who had always been there for her.

Her face lit up with a sense of purpose and excitement at the prospect of showing her gratitude in this way.

She was determined to put her best effort into making a meal that would express her appreciation for his kindness and support.


On a bustling street corner, right outside the city's bustling financial district, a vibrant afternoon buzzed with activity. Sunlight bathed the busy sidewalks, casting a warm glow over the diverse crowd.

Amidst the traffic and chatter of the city, a Buggati Chiron roared to life, its sleek design and powerful engine turning heads of passersby lucky enough to witness this display of opulence.

The crowd parted slightly, granting a clear view of the man at the wheel. His striking presence sent a ripple of intrigue through the onlookers.

With obsedian-black hair glinting under the sunlight and eyes as dark as the night, he exuded an enigmatic charisma that held them in a captivating spell.

His sharp features, coupled with a perfectly chiseled physique, showcased the epitome of masculine allure.

As the car came to a graceful stop at the corner of the sunlit street, a striking young boy with black obsidian hair and mesmerizing emerald eyes with composed face made his way towards the luxurious vehicle.

With an effortless grace, he opened the door and smoothly took the seat beside the man on driving seat with same hair colour.

Man taking a small glance towards boy before he started the beast with a roaring sound echoing in that busy street


Car moved while tearing the air coming in its way out from that busy street to a open highway and accelerated with a speed that seemed to send ripple in air.


The man with an expressionless face and demeanor devoid of any affection handed a file to the small boy sitting beside him.

The boy remained silent, saying nothing, and took the file. His eyes were composed and collected, matching the enigmatic aura of the man beside him. Both individuals seemed to exude an air of mutual understanding — Without expressing additional details about what file is given for and what he needs to do, he understood everything, sharing a peculiar resonance in their demeanor.

Their coordination depicted the very nature of these individuals, Calm, Collective and Calculative.

The boy went through every detail in the file meticulously, page by page, until he reached the last one. His eyes, which had held an expression of detachment throughout his journey, slightly widened as he turned towards the man.

"Does mother know about this?" he inquired, seeking answers.

"What do you think?" replied the man cryptically.

The boy, grappling with the weight of the revelation, tightened his grip on the file. His eyes remained fixed on a name accompanied by a picture of a seventeen-year-old boy.

The file contained the name LIN FENG, and the image seemed to be AI-generated, providing a glimpse of how he might appear in his present state, based on a younger version of himself.

"Why spare his life?"

The boy's eyes turned icy, his intelligence sharp enough to recognize the boy's resemblance to his mother, but that held less weight for him. From an early age, he displayed superior understanding and guarded himself like his mother did.

As the future heir of Croceus Groups, molded under his father's stern guidance, he knew his father's coldness kept him on the path to success.

Unlike other kids of his age, Ryuk had to undergo a series of teachings to mold him into the Heir, focusing on intellectual stimulation, emotional intelligence, observational skills, strategic thinking, independent learning, physical health, discipline, and encouraging critical thinking—all aimed at making him a perfect heir.

Others perceived it as preparation for the heir role, but for him, it was a training for a life-altering mission. Holding onto this knowledge, he waited anxiously for the day when he would finally uncover the reason. As he examined the file, a quick glance was all it took for him to comprehend his purpose and what needed to be done.

He remained indifferent to most, perhaps for eternity. However, there was one exception—an individual who bestowed upon him all the care and gentleness in the world, for whom he existed, making that person's smile his life's purpose: his mother.

Understanding the immense efforts his mother exerted to hold their family together throughout the years, the threat posed by Lin Feng, this seemingly insignificant pebble, to shatter their happiness was something he couldn't overlook.

His mother remained unaware of the existence of this child, prompting him to delve into her past in the slums she had once revealed. Contemplating the child's origins, he realized the need for this child to fit into that timeframe.

Determined to shield his mother from the haunting pains of her past, he was resolved to eliminate any potential threats before they could resurface, even if it meant confronting his step-brother. His allegiance lay with his present family, valuing his father's stern guidance and his mother's nurturing care above all else.

"I will do it." Without a moment's hesitation, he turned his gaze towards the man, who narrowed his eyes before a smile graced his face.

"It's not the time for that yet. You have ten years; complete the first task," the man uttered. In response, he clenched his fist, those small hands gripping the file that appeared fragile in the presence of a determined Bronze body Cultivator.

"I will do it in five years." The boy declared firmly, his gaze fixed on the first page of the task. There, an image of a seven-year-old girl with black hair and sapphire eyes, named Amelia Kieran, stared back at him.

"Didn't you see? She's a genius who started speaking within two weeks and began supporting her mother within one month," the man remarked, fully aware of the boy's exceptional observational skills, yet seeking to confirm his determination.

The boy glanced at the man briefly, then shifted his attention back to the file, expressing his thoughts, "She is just like Rika—completely letting her guard down against people. From what I heard from Jeorge, she always annoys him just how Rika does, showing her heart is much dominant over her brain."

He continued explaining, his gaze fixated on the girl, who appeared to him as nothing but a step towards the final assurance for his family's happy and peaceful life.

He was acutely aware that once Lin Feng's influence was eradicated, his father would start to care for him and his mother.

Both of them knew about his lack of emotional attachment towards them, and it pained him to witness his mother, an unshakeable pillar, constantly yearning for this man's love and she was not alone he too wanted his father's recognition.

The man felt a sense of satisfaction with the boy's keen observation skills. As the grand mansion came into view, the man's eyes, as dark as an abyss, shifted towards the boy.

He inquired about the girl, his son had been with some moments ago. He already possessed all the details about her family background, but he wanted to hear the information from the boy himself.

The boy heard the man's question without surprise. He was well aware of the extensive security measures in place to protect him, a reality of being the world's richest business heir—Ryuk Croceus.

Dozens of bodyguards ensured his safety from the shadows, and a team of highly skilled hackers monitored CCTV cameras wherever they went.

In his view, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to believe that even government officials worked covertly to safeguard them.

After all, he was the future hope for Country A.

"Her name is Laila," he continued, looking outside the window as the car reached the Grand Mansion's gates. "Zyrglax told me about her possessing a Supreme Talent, and due to her being in the early stage of her life, it was easy to manipulate her."

The man recalled about the cat that seemed to have gone to handle something for him, the car entered the huge mansion's gate with a resonant roar, maneuvering its way into the heavily fortified estate.

The mansion was protected by hundreds of highly qualified martial artists and ex-military specialists from special forces, ensuring the utmost security.


Far from this whole Realm, the once-hallowed grounds of the Silvermoon Valley, a horrifying scene unfolded under the sanguine moonlight.

The air was thick with the acrid stench of fresh blood, a grotesque symphony mingling with the desperate wails of the dying and the eerie stillness of the dead.

The grand hall of the Wolf Clan, a sanctum once revered for its grace and strength, now bore witness to a massacre. Splatters of crimson adorned the walls, reminiscent of morbid artistry.

The silver filigree was now tainted, the moonstone pillars stood as silent witnesses to the carnage that had unfolded within.

Amidst the desolation knelt a man with silver hair, his once-proud silver eyes vacant and hollow.

His robes were soaked in the lifeblood of his comrades, blending the colors of their demise into a grotesque mosaic.

Each corner of the hall bore testimony to the brutality inflicted upon the Wolf Clan.

The fallen disciples, their bodies mutilated and broken, lay in contorted agony.

The man's trembling hands clutched a shattered moonstone pendant, the emblem of the clan. His breath quivered as he tried to make sense of the senseless massacre, his mind unable to fathom the betrayal that had befallen them.

In the midst of his anguish, his despondent eyes turned towards the source of the nightmare that had befallen his clan—a looming shadow, a presence that seemed to consume the very moonlight, unaffected by its glow.

His once-vibrant eyes, which held the brilliance of the moon, now stared hollow and lifeless, reflecting the depths of his sorrow.

These lifeless orbs captured the figure emerging from the encroaching darkness, a creature wreathed in dark black smoke, its form predatory as it moved with a sinister grace, advancing toward him.

The figure's approach was deliberate, each step oozing menace and foreboding.

The shadowy form seemed to emanate a malevolent energy, shrouded in darkness that swirled like ethereal tendrils.

As the creature drew near, its features became clearer—a being with the glistening, intense gaze of golden eyes, shining like a cruel mockery, fading the gentle moonlight.