
Chapter 24

In the lavish, expansive lobby of a swanky five-star hotel, the soft glow of crystal chandeliers bathed the room in a gentle, ethereal light.

Nestled upon a sumptuous velvet couch was a woman with hair as creamy as the finest silk, and her eyes held a stunning sapphire hue, reflecting a sense of calm and mystery that captivated those who met her.

She traced the rim of her teacup delicately, the fragrant aroma of jasmine tea wafting through the air, infusing the atmosphere with a sense of tranquility.

The soothing notes of a piano and the hushed murmurs of conversations transformed the lobby into a sanctuary, offering respite from the relentless hustle and bustle of the city.

Her gaze, filled with anticipation, flickered towards the entrance once more, only to be met with disappointment.

"Guess he forgot,"

She slightly spoke,grappling with the sting of unmet expectations and aching in her heart.

"I don't have amnesia, though," a slightly confused, yet undeniably manly voice reached her ears.

"Oh, Mr. Avendial, I-i thought you might have forgotten about the meeting,"

She stammered, trying her best to steer the conversation and avoid any misconceptions.

"Of course not, Henna. Do you really think anyone could forget about you?"

His voice carried a blend of gentleness and allure, leaving her momentarily speechless, her thoughts racing.

"Oh, you must have heard about my marriage,"

He said in a casual, almost dismissive tone, taking a sip from the same teacup she had. Her cheeks flushed, a mix of embarrassment and confusion washing over her.

"Why is this tea so sweet?"

He remarked, having 'inadvertently' drunk from her cup. This unexpected event heightened her confusion, her heartbeat quickening as she grappled with what had just transpired.

Unbeknownst to her, he had noticed her reaction, a glint in his eyes as he began to subtly manipulate the situation.

"Henna, I wanted to talk to you about something important," he mentioned, gauging her vulnerability.

Her heart sank as he continued, "I want you to take charge of the Music industry and Cosmetic businesses in Country E."

It was a clever maneuver, placing her in a difficult position, torn between her loyalty and her aspirations.

"B-but I..."

She stuttered, struggling to find the words to express her already demanding commitments. She felt the sting of his veiled manipulation, but her voice faltered.

"I know you might feel like I'm trying to distance myself, but Henna, these matters are crucial to me," He softly urged, his touch on her hands and demeanor coaxing her defenses down, leaving her torn and vulnerable to his influence,manipulating her emotional state.

"Does it really?"

She questioned , caught in the turmoil of emotions. She knew he was a businessman, driven by profit, yet he had done so much for her—her father's successful operation, getting the business back on track. But hearing about his marriage stirred an unexpected ache in her heart.

She wasn't naive; she understood her growing attraction to him. She didn't want to be used and discarded, but the attraction remained a powerful force.

He noticed her vulnerable state, understanding how people tend to hold on to those who were there during their most challenging times. With a warm smile, he continued, "Yes, of course, Henna."

Standing up from his chair, he moved towards her, surprising her as he embraced her from behind, a gesture that made her blush. Whispering in her ear, he added, "If you can do this for me, I will do anything for you too, my dear Henna."

Her vulnerable mind struggled to process everything, his strategies subtly influencing her decisions.

"Anything?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

He smiled, seeing her reaction, and playfully leaned in to nibble her ear, leaving her momentarily stunned.


His actions surprised her, but then he stood before her, smiling, and pulled her into an embrace. The innocent act left her wide-eyed with surprise, her body melting as she hid her face in his chest.

"So, you are going to do that for me, right?"

He asked, sealing the moment, knowing he had successfully played with her emotions and advanced his agenda.


She responded, succumbing to the manipulation. After he had achieved his objective, he kissed her head, engaging in a casual conversation about her father's health before he departed.

She watched him leave, biting her lips, and held one of her ears while clenching her dress. 'He is really cruel'

As she reflected on the situation, memories of a conversation with her dad echoed in her mind about avoiding bad guys but

'Sorry, Dad, I guess I've fallen for one,'

She understood, a sinking feeling settling in. She had been used, and she felt utterly helpless—realizing she had fallen for a man who was far from what she had hoped for yet, she needed a place in his heart, knowing all things still it felt as if, being with him will be the most beautiful moment of her life.


In a magnificent mansion, Man returned home after a long day, eagerly anticipating a sumptuous dinner.

After a quick freshening up in his luxurious bedroom, he noticed his wife's absence, understood she might be busy with her business responsibilities that he have given her, and he couldn't help but admire her dedication, thinking, 'How cute, she certainly deserves 'praise' for her dedication.'

He proceeded to the opulent hall of the mansion and settled into his seat at the grand dining table. An array of exquisite cuisines from around the world awaited him. Each dish was a masterpiece, a fusion of flavors and textures.

"Albert, procure all the Elixirs and Pills available, without concern for expiration or toxicity. They just need to possess enough internal energy."

He ordered his butler as he picked up a fork and knife and took a savory bite of the aromatic, perfectly seared beef.

The scent alone was heavenly, filling the room with a tantalizing aroma. The dish was a culinary marvel—a delightful blend of flavors and textures. The beef, tender and succulent, melted in his mouth, releasing a medley of spices and herbs that left an exquisite, lingering taste, savouring the taste of cuisine he continued

"Also, find all the trade routes of Kairo Auction House. I want to secure items before they even reach the auction. Acquire them, even if it means bending the rules," he instructed with a determined tone.

"I understand, Master," Albert replied, devoid of questions. He bowed respectfully, ready to carry out the tasks. But before he could take his leave, his master added another order.

"Also, give a call to the Carlos Twins. Inform them I need a meeting," he commanded.

Albert, familiar with the individuals his master mentioned, acknowledged the request. The Carlos Twins were influential figures, owners of numerous esteemed casinos and bars in country A, amassing a substantial fortune of 1 billion GC. Despite their wealth and power, they need to Get appointments to meet his Master.


In a lavish mansion adorned with opulence, two individuals were seated, engrossed in documents when their butler delivered an unexpected piece of news—a summons from the enigmatic Avendial Croceus.

"What do you think, Sister?" asked the woman with brown hair and the same colored eyes. She turned towards her twin sister, who was deep in thought, playing with her bangs.

"I don't know. I don't recall any prior requests regarding him. The cost for his information is exorbitant, deterring inquiries to begin with," the other sister replied, sharing her sibling's eyes and hair color.

The world's wealthiest man was a subject of curiosity, but the steep price for information about him deterred most from attempting to delve into his affairs.

"Let's meet him first," she suggested, opting for a cautious approach.


A McLaren 720s model pulled up at the gates of a grand, sprawling mansion.

The gates swung open, revealing an expansive garden adorned with a myriad of flowers, leading the way to the mansion's majestic entrance.

As the car proceeded, two people emerged, both possessing the same hair color and eye shade. These were no ordinary individuals—they were two stunning young women, one with short hair and the other with slightly longer locks.

"Welcome, Lady Sophia and Lady Natalie, Master is in the Guest room, Just waiting for your arrival"

Two of them were slightly surprised due to him being waiting for them, they didn't further delayed and made their way towards the Opulent hall leading to the Guest Room that seemed luxurious not fading in comparison to the Grand Mansion

"Welcome, Sophia and Natalie," greeted the man, dressed impeccably in a luxurious suit. The twins seemed unfazed by the opulent surroundings, revealing their familiarity with such grandiosity.

"Hello, Mr. Avendial. It's an honor to be called by you," Natalie replied, keeping her composure, her eyes wandering around the lavish room.

"So, Miss Sophia, have a seat," he gestured, and the butler left accordingly. Natalie, however, felt a twinge of annoyance at being ignored.

"Thank you for your hospitality, Mr. Avendial," Sophia said graciously, taking a seat, with Natalie following suit.

"Should we inquire why you called us, Sir Avendial?" Natalie, starting to lose her patience, asked, sensing a hint of condescension.

"Oh, please have them, Miss Sophia. They're quite tasty," he offered them cookies, seemingly brushing off Natalie, which irritated her.

"Thank you, Mr. Avendial. My sister was eager for this meeting with you," Sophia intervened, trying to keep the situation under control.

"Oh, is it true, Lady Natalie?" he asked, acknowledging Natalie's presence, who nodded slightly, her frustration now held in check, her hands folded.

The man continued, well aware of the twins' distinct personalities, making calculated moves to inch closer to his objectives.

"In reality, I too was very eager to meet Miss Natalie,"

He admitted, leaving both women intrigued about his motives

He continued with a slight smile that carried a sense of sarcasm, saying, "I heard Miss Natalie beat some men to a pulp just for acknowledging Miss Sophia's beauty."


Natalie's hands involuntarily loosened, ready to protest, but her sister held her back, aware of their precarious situation.

"Can I know the reason Mr. Avendial called us here for?"

Sophia, maintaining her composure, wanted to conclude this meeting swiftly, feeling the tension in the room and Natalie's simmering anger.

"I want you to do some work for me," he straightforwardly addressed the women.

"Oh, if it's about business, Natalie handles that. You can ask her,"

Sophia smoothly replied. Natalie, seizing the opportunity, smirked, thinking, 'Now, let's see how you ignore me.'

"The business I want to discuss is yours to begin with—the Information Guild. Miss Sophia, as for Miss Natalie being the owner of any business, I don't think that's true. Isn't she just your bodyguard?"

The man's words sent a chilling shock through the room, revealing a knowledge only known to the two sisters.

In an instant, the room seemed to freeze as the shocking revelation sunk in. Natalie, feeling things spiraling out of control, lost her temper, releasing her internal energy in a burst of rage, stunning Sophia.

"You despicable bastard! Tell me, how much do you know?"

Natalie lunged towards him, fueled by fury and forgetting everything else, only to witness the man's emotionless face that made her slightly shock before her ears heard something that she never expected in her life.


The anguished cry pierced the air as Sophia fell to the ground, clutching her chest, her eyes bloodshot and tears streaming down her face.

"No, Sophiaaaa!!"

Natalie rushed to her sister's side, her eyes welling up with tears, bewildered by what had just transpired.

"Now, we can talk,"