
Chapter 23

A sharp cry of pain escaped the woman's lips, her blonde hair cascading around her face as she attempted to rise, only to be halted by the searing discomfort in her lower region.

"Hey, wait, I will help you,"

The man's voice offered comfort and assistance. He became the very source of her pain, now transforming into her solace, scooping her up in a gentle princess carry, her hands instinctively covering his neck for support.

Together, they stepped into the bathroom, where the man tenderly placed her in the bathtub and assisted in the washing process.

"I am sorry,"

His voice conveyed care and love, reaching the woman's ears, providing her solace amidst her discomfort. He held her hands, using his other to help her cleanse before lifting her once more and settling her on his lap.

A blush painted the woman's face as she felt the warmth of their bare bodies transmitting between them. The man, too, noticed her blush, unable to suppress a sigh as he realized the depth of her infatuation.

'She fell very hard,'.

"Wife," he addressed her affectionately.

"Yes, Husband," she responded shyly, perched in his lap within the bath, his hands wrapping around her tightly as he continued, "Do you recall our conversation about fulfilling your wifely duties?"

"...yes," her face turned as red as a ripe tomato, her thoughts racing.

"I want you to handle my businesses from now on, wife,"

He declared, shattering her fantasies. Yet, she did not retreat, having already proven herself capable by organizing the entire wedding within a day and adeptly handling the scrutiny of high society ladies, who constantly probed for any weakness, a testament to her competence.


The woman said, relaxing into his embrace as she guided his hands somewhere , falling into the pleasure once again.

It took another two hours before they finally left the bathroom.

In the end, the woman had to resort to taking painkillers to alleviate her discomfort.


After a refreshing bath, the man stepped into a Navy Blue suit that screamed luxury and style. The fabric seemed to embrace him perfectly, showcasing meticulous tailoring and elegance.

Every stitch on this suit was a testament to its exclusivity and craftsmanship, making it a true fashion statement.

Heading towards his car, he approached a gleaming onyx-black beauty that stood as a symbol of opulence.

The car was a blend of cutting-edge technology and timeless design, reflecting his high status and taste in automobiles.

A chauffeur, dressed impeccably, was ready by the car, awaiting his command.

"Take me to the usual place,"

The chauffeur, familiar with his routine, courteously bowed and swiftly got behind the wheel, all set to drive him to his customary destination.

Outside the luxurious seven-star hotel, an onyx-black beauty of a car was parked, exuding an air of elegance. As the man stepped out, his boots made the first contact with the ground, radiating sophistication with every stride.

The hotel staff stood ready to assist, but it was the manager himself who hurried to greet him. This had become a daily ritual, a testament to the man's status.

In the grand lobby, Avendial Croceus, a name synonymous with prestige, was ushered towards a private suite—the epitome of luxury within the hotel. It was the most expensive room, tailored to meet his extravagant taste.

A With a gentle ring of the doorbell, the door gracefully opened, unveiling an enchanting beauty.

Her eyes held a mesmerizing shade, reminiscent of sparkling rubies, adding a captivating allure to her presence. Sprouting from the sides of her head were fluffy ears, resembling the softest cotton, enhancing her otherworldly charm, exactly as a mythical nine-tailed fox should be, captivating and enchanting all who beheld her.

"Why are you here again?"

She inquired, her tone a mix of irritation and curiosity. Avendial, as he always does, remained silent, entering the room and requesting the woman to prepare him something to eat.

Despite her occasional struggle with cooking, a mishap resulting in slightly burned hands fueled her simmering anger towards the man, intensifying her desire for revenge.

She hailed from the fox clan and had been delicately treated by her mother. The torment she experienced at the hands of this man only fueled her determination to exact retribution for every bit of suffering she endured.

"Like always, the soup you make is really disgusting," The man stated, his face unyielding, echoing the same complaint as the past few days.

"Then Just don't eat it !"

The woman retorted in frustration. For three days straight, she had been preparing food for him, enduring the pain of her delicate hands marked by burn scars and bandages.

She had to even prepare some food like soups that he would merely taste before dismissing it as distasteful. The cycle seemed never-ending.

"It's not even been four days, and you're already frustrated. I expect you to learn how to cook good food. You should be grateful,"

The man stated firmly, rising from his seat. He used a handkerchief to wipe his face before making his exit, leaving the woman behind, she grited her teeth and clenched her fist.

"Four days,"

She muttered to herself, exasperated. Those mere thought of four days she spent for preparing food was daunting.

She had no prior knowledge of how to handle a stove, making it feel like a toddler attempting to study rocket science.

The struggle was real, and the kitchen had become her personal stage of culinary chaos - pots were clanging, ingredients were flying, and occasionally, she'd forget the salt, turning her dishes into bland experiments.

'I will remember this'

She determined as looked towards the back of disappearing man


The man left the hotel and approached his car, where the chauffeur promptly opened the door for him.

"Take me to City Hospital,"

He ordered as he settled into the car. The vehicle smoothly made its way through the city streets towards the hospital.

A grand hospital stood tall, resembling a seven-star hotel.

Where a woman was situated in the maternity ward. Top-tier lady doctors with exceptional qualifications attended to her, ensuring the best care for both her and her child.

Her husband stood by her side, witnessing the improving conditions of his wife.

"Husband, you didn't tell me what he requested in exchange for this favor,"

The woman inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"Oh, didn't I tell you? He wanted to invest in our Orphanage project ,"

Her husband replied, seemingly cheerful due to his wife's improving health.

The woman narrowed her eyes, far from naive when it came to people like Avendial, often hailed as the Business God. She knew it was improbable for him to invest in something that wouldn't yield a profit.

"Sigh... You are really naive, husband,"

She sighed, her expression conveying both disappointment and understanding. Her son, too, grasping the situation, looked at his father with a similar sense of understanding.

As both of them chuckled at the alignment of their thoughts, the son moved towards his mother, hugging her tightly, a scene of genuine motherly affection.

Despite the challenges ahead, she was filled with happiness. Deep inside, she knew this would be a tough journey and worse she can't make it, but now she was immensely grateful to Avendial for granting her the opportunity to witness her children grow.

"I guess I'm not interrupting a happy moment,"

A voice filled with elegance and a manly tone resonated in the ward, That didn't seemed to be a ward of hospital rather it felt like deluxe suit of some high-end hotel.

"Oh, Mr. Croceus, you should have informed me; I would have come to greet you personally,"

Mr. Kieran greeted the Man, whose obsidian eyes and black hair adding to his attractive and impressive persona as if trying to make people remind about his name —Avendial Croceus.

"It's okay, Mr. Kieran. I just came here to answer Lady Agatha's curiosity,"

He replied, offering a slight smile to the woman seated on the bed, her tummy slightly bloated from her pregnancy.

The sunlight cast a beautiful glow on her black hair, enhancing her beauty and her blue eyes enhanced all her features. Beside her stood a twelve-year-old boy with white silver hair and sapphire eyes.

"Um, I don't understa—" Before Kieran could complete his sentence, a gentle yet confident woman's voice interjected.

"It's pleasant to meet you, Mr. Avendial. Forgive me for not greeting you properly,"

She said. The man shifted his attention toward the woman with blue eyes and black hair, understanding her delicate condition. He took a seat.

"Lady Agatha, regarding,Why I made a favor to you, it is for your child. I want to invest in him,"

He declared, pointing directly at the silver-haired boy. This revelation surprised the couple, and the woman appeared composed as she slightly smiled as caressing her child's hair.

"Now, I see why Mr. Avendial is hailed as the Business tycoon. You truly have an eye for finding precious gems," she remarked.

The woman didn't deny her pride, her motherly affection didn't blinded her in the slightest, as she was acutely aware of her child's capabilities. She used to teach him until her health started to decline. she knew how sharp minded her Child is and his future aspects that seems bright too.

"Can you elaborate, Mr. Avendial?"

The woman inquired, seizing the upper hand in the deal, fully aware that what he desired was in her possession.

This glimpse of her confidence rekindled her husband's old habit - the desire to embrace her tightly. Whenever she spoke with such confidence, he found himself falling for her all over again.

"Of course, Mrs. Kieran. I'll be frank," Avendial began, "I'll invest funds in your family businesses. In return, I want you and your child to assist in growing my wealth," he explained, revealing his straightforward proposition.

"Isn't this a simple business proposal?"

The woman slightly narrowed her eyes, recognizing the straightforward investment and profit game proposed by Avendial.

"I guess Lady Agatha didn't understand my words," He remarked, prompting a brief surprise in the woman's eyes, which quickly turned into a smile.

"Forgive my tardiness, Mr. Avendial. I think I comprehend where you're coming from. But, you see, what will the Kierans gain from this deal?" She inquired, showing her astuteness.

A smile graced the man's face as his dark eyes remained fixed on the woman, who displayed no signs of backing down.

"Isn't aligning Kieran's name with Croceus more than enough?"

He pointed out, implying the hidden significance behind his words.

The woman grasped the meaning and nodded, looking at her child before turning her gaze back to the man.

"I understand. We accept your proposal, Mr. Avendial."

Without wasting any more time, the man stood and left the ward.


"Mother, are you all right?" the child asked, concern in his eyes.

The woman rubbed her forehead, feeling the weight of the invisible pressure Avendial's words had placed on her.

"Of course, my child. I guess, he really is a business god."

"Heyyy~, Jeorge is watching,"

her husband chimed in, playfully rubbing his cheek against hers. It was a familiar gesture, but she couldn't help but marvel at this man, unable to notice their son's observant gaze upon him.

'Shy father is really at it again'

Jeorge thought about his father before turning towards the things man proposed, a slight glint passed through those Sapphire eyes as if he too wanted to prove himself.