
I became an NPC in The Great Tomb of Nazarick

This is an AU! In a world where Earth is dying and humanity struggles, virtual reality games, especially the VR game YGGDRASIL, provide an escape. Momonga, the leader of a powerful race in YGGDRASIL, remains online as the game faces shutdown. Alone, he reconnects with a comrade, Bukubukuchagama, before YGGDRASIL's closure. Meanwhile, in Nazarick's ninth-floor library, an androgynous character named Thoth, a trapped soul, anticipates freedom as the game ends. Upon the game's closure, Thoth gains control of his movements and discovers his angelic form. As Thoth explores his new abilities and surroundings, a mysterious world awaits beyond the virtual realm. With an enigmatic library, magical prowess, and a goal to adapt to the new world, Thoth embarks on an adventure, uncovering his true potential and encountering diverse characters within the Great Tomb of Nazarick. As the story unfolds, alliances, conflicts, and loyalty to the supreme one, Momonga, shape the fate of Nazarick and its inhabitants in this virtual-to-real fantasy journey. -x-x-x- I've only seen the anime, and have only read the later half of the LN (at which point, the story will be completely different anyway so it won't matter), so forgive any inaccuracies. Also, I don't know much about angel lore as an atheist, so I'm gonna be making up my own stuff. Hope you like the story and have a good one. Also, if you really like the story, here is my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MarAuthor

MarAuthor · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

The beginning of Momon

In the morning, Thoth could be seen carrying a relatively small report to Ainz's office.

It had become a bit of a habit to do so at this point, new things were being constantly discovered in their surroundings, and since he had a large amount of scrying spells at his disposal, he reported all of his findings directly to Lord Ainz while other independent agents reported to Albedo or Demiurge respectively.

Thoth used the ring of Ainz Ooal Gown to teleport to his office, or rather, directly in front of it.

It would be incredibly offensive to enter a room that contained a Supreme Being without receiving permission first.

He knocked on the door, seeing a maid open it slightly before she turned around and informed Ainz Thoth was outside with his report.

"Let him in," Ainz commanded, and so the maid opened the door for Thoth, bowing slightly as he entered.

"Good morning Lord Ainz, I have another report for you." This time, the document was only a few pages since there were only changes in the surroundings written down, and not absolutely everything.

"Also, I would like to make a request if I may." As Thoth spoke of a request, Albedo and Ainz looked at Thoth.

You couldn't say they looked up at him since no matter what, he was barely taller than the table I'm front of Lord Ainz, leaving them always looking down on him.

"Go ahead Thoth." Ainz permitted, "Thank you lord Ainz, well first, Aura wished to be given a mission, she feels quite bored in the Colosseum, she also mentioned she feels like she is useless since she is not actively doing something to help you. I would also like to accompany you to your next outing since my race as a Seraph could prove useful, that is all."

"I see, it seems you arrived at just the right time, I intend on leaving Nazarick today and heading to the nearby human city of E-Rantel, where I will be acting as an adventurer. Go and ask Aura if she wishes to come along with me for that, you are also welcome to come along if you wish."

"Lord Ainz, m-may I also...?" Albedo asked, desperate to spend some time with her beloved.

"U-Um..." As Ainz seemed to struggle to find a reason to refuse, I decided to step in.

"Lord Ainz, if I may give my own opinion, I believe it would be for the best if Miss Albedo stayed in Nazarick, she is the guardian overseer, and for your adventurer persona to maintain cohesion you and your 'party members' must be seen together when going on quests."

I continued: "Miss Albedo is far too busy and is an important part of the bureaucracy in Nazarick, without her here, things would become unnecessarily complicated and many things would need to be put on hold till she returns every time."

Albedo looked like she wanted to kill me, so I sent her a secret message.

"I understand you are angry, but use this free time as an opportunity to catch up to Shaltear with the books, you can use that knowledge you get from them later to impress Lord Ainz twice as much."

"...I see your point, very well."

Her expression was a lot more amiable now, so with everything cleared up, I excused myself and left the room, I then teleported to the sixth floor.

As Thoth teleported to the sixth floor, Ainz mused to himself: 'This is a good opportunity to watch Thoth more closely.'

The Overlord had noticed the Guardian acting a bit out of character, not being naive or childish but being rather mature and knowledgable, though Ainz is also aware that act was always meant to be used to lower the guard of his enemies, hence why hasn't acted upon it yet.

Since no one here was an enemy, there would be no need to act naive and childish, that could be logically explained, but it needed to be investigated anyway.

Aura will buy him time if Thoth turns out to be out of control, He will also bring Nabe along just in case, and he'll also have Albedo and Shaltear on standby should the worst happen.

"Albedo, I understand you are nervous for my sake, so you may be prepared to set out at any moment's notice, should any danger arise, you will be the first I will inform."

"Ah, Thank you for your consideration Lord Ainz!" She shook with joy that her lord considered her feelings.

Ainz would later inform Shaltear separately to be prepared, intentionally leaving the details of why vague, just as he did with Albedo, he easily manipulated her into not asking for more details.

"This should be enough..." 'I hope I'm just being paranoid.' Ainz said and thought as he made preparations to leave Nazarick, he experimented more with his armor and weaponry while he still had some free time.

While Ainz was doing all of this, I teleported to the sixth floor of the Colosseum.

Aura was still there. If she left or if she spent the whole night here is unknown, but when she saw me, an excited smile bloomed on her face.

"Thoth! Did you ask Lord Ainz?"

"Yes, and he agreed! I'll-" I was going to continue speaking, but the dark elf, in her excitement, grabbed me in a hug and started spinning.

'Let's wait for her to calm down.' I thought to myself, I could speak just fine, but I doubted she would hear me if she was this excited.

"Sorry, sorry, I'm just really happy I can finally prove useful!"

"Trust me, I believe that, I'll come get you today when it's time to head out okay?"

"Sure! Oh!" She clapped her hands in front of her face as she remembered something, "before you go, how about you come by sometimes? My pets seem to like you a lot."

"Sure, I'd love to." I nodded, and with a wave, teleported away.

I then proceeded to check up on my angels, nothing much has changed, except Ainz sent out Lupus to Carne Village since he thinks my angels are too weak to stop any real threat.

True, but ouch, emotional damage my guy, not cool.

Enri also used the horn to summon the goblins, they are pretty much the same, with the same names and appearances.

They are now about to finish constructing the fence, which is great news since soon the Hamster won't be there to protect them from hostile monsters.

I also looked outside, specifically at the dummy hills and fake Nazarick which were being built in the Forest of Tob.

I smiled slightly in excitement as I remembered Emperor Jircnif something something.

Though I must say, I'm curious if Nabe is going to come with us, Ainz alone is already overkill, and now two Guardians are also coming with him, a battle maid would just be the cherry on top, though I do want her to come as well.

Why? Cause I want to interact with the NPCs! They are fascinating to watch and speak with, each one quirkier than the last, also, Nabe is one of the rare ones who isn't fucking insane, so that gives her some points.

'Hell, even Shaltear and Albedo are great people! They were made by the supreme ones after all!'

'...What was that?' My face shifted from quiet excitement to a cold poker face as I realized my subconscious was being twisted.

'Those chicks are anything but great people, what kind of naive idiot would think that?'

This is not good, if the naive and childish part of me starts to take over, I will make a lot of blunders. "I will need to keep a closer eye on my behavior in the future."

Great, another concerning thing popped up now, awesome, though at least I will remember to keep the act up.

Yes, I completely gave up trying to act immature, since it was mentally exhausting, and as an 18-year-old man, I refused to act like a child, it was humiliating.

Though in my lore, it said I only acted naive and childish to make my enemies confused or something along those lines, so I should be fine.

Besides, I can always prove my loyalty by getting subjected to a lie-detector spell or something, so no worries.

If I'm on that list Albedo has which is constantly monitoring the loyalty of all of the various Guardians, then that is another piece of irrefutable evidence.

'Yeah, so calm down dumbass, stop overthinking.' I took a deep breath and picked out a book to read for the next few hours until Ainz called for me.



NAZARICK NPC's (0): NONE (1 USD/month)



SUPREME BEINGS (1): ElusiveBucket (6 USD/month)