
I Became A Villain To Save The World

She's tired of this boring world. People learn and study magic but there's nothing to use it on. So she decides to become the enemy the world long-deserves.

Mapaloo · Fantasy
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2 Chs


I grab the knife, do a little twirl, kneel beside the girl and slit her throat.

The smell of fresh blood spreads into the immediate vicinity. The girl, whose body is severely beaten, is now laying lifeless on the ground, with tears still visible in her eyes.

"After such anticipation, I am greatly disappointed. I thought Ms Prodigy here would at least put up a decent fight. Well anyway, who will be the next challenger hm? Remember, if no one will bother to take me on, I'll just wipe out all of you in an instant."

The crowd below gaze in frozen awe. Well, it's only natural. I slaughtered their most capable fighter with ease. The hope in their eyes vanish in an instant.

"Did you not hear me? Unless you want more of your friends to die, come attack me."

Then, someone, a young boy, steps forward. Despite his young and innocent appearance, he is now the bravest among the hundreds of cowardly students hiding behind each other. 

"Hoo, is someone finally making a move?"

"I am Adalbert Adenhart!" the child announces nervously. "What you are doing is wrong!" 

"Then do something about it." I reply. 

"Come down here and fight me fairly!"


I quickly appear in front of the boy. My sudden arrival catches him off guard. 


"Alright, I'm here now."

"I-I swear on my sister's life, that I will kill you!"

Adalbert raises his hands. I step back and ready myself for his attack. 

"With the faith to smite my foe in a single swing, I summon: DURENDAL AND JOYEUSE!!"



"HELLOOO! You awake?" shouts a familiar voice. 


"I'm up, I'm up!"

In a half-asleep trance, I rush and undo the complex system of locks holding my door hostage.

"Hey there!" greets a girl with spectacles so huge, it looks as though they're wearing her instead of the other way around.

"Good mor-…what are you wearing?"

"Glasses! Don't they make me look smart?!"

"Uh, sure. So, why are you here?" I glance at the clock hanging on the wall to my left. "It's 7 a.m."

"The academy issued these out yesterday." the cheery girl hands me a breached envelope. I take out the letter inside and begin reading it.

'Due to the sudden absence of numerous teachers, the first day of school will be shortened significantly. And as such, school will begin one hour earlier than usual.'

"I had a feeling you'd miss your letter, so I came by to wake you up!"

I sigh heavily. 

"Thanks, Adelaide. Come inside."

This is a friend of mine. We met each other by chance a few years ago. Ever since then we've been inseparable, much to my dismay. Now she often stops by my place since it's quite close to the academy. 

"You can do whatever, I'm going to get myself done."

After a few minutes, I emerge from my room all dressed in the standard issue uniform. A black blazer, skirt, and stockings paired with a crimson shirt and brown, leather penny loafers.

"Ready to go?" asks Adelaide, who's busy helping herself to a slice of cake that I was saving for later. 

"…let's just go." I grab my school-bag, and we head out for the academy. 
