
I Became A Villain To Save The World

She's tired of this boring world. People learn and study magic but there's nothing to use it on. So she decides to become the enemy the world long-deserves.

Mapaloo · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

Hoards of students walk through the streets towards the academy like sheep. Sounds of chattering and solid soles tapping on cement fill the atmosphere. The sun shines brightly on the students, making them glow beautifully. The air is nice and warm, not too warm, but just the right warmth that makes you want to fall asleep. 

"Uwaaaa!! I'm always amazed no matter how many times I see the academy!" exclaims Adelaide.

"It's alright. It's just an obnoxious display of power anyway." I reply monotonously.

"Eh!? It's just 'alright'?! Are we seeing the same building?"

The building in question is Callixtus Academy. A once prestigious school of magic-craft that taught many well-renowned heroes and now central hub of everything occult. Since a mysterious event a few decades ago, all monsters have become docile, so the need for adventurers and heroes plummeted. This didn't prompt the school to close down, but while the school does still teach, there's not much to do after being taught. 

"Stop shouting."

"Stop being so booooring. You always act like everything's black and white."

"Maybe you're just a bit too colourful."


"Anyway, you did the test already, right?"

"Yup! If you weren't so lazy, you could've gotten yours done too, you know."

"Meh. I can just do it today. Doing something like that in front of so many people is awkward."

"It really isn't though. You get to see all sorts of people with so many different results. It's so fun!"

"Yeah…sure. So what type did you get?"


"Eh? Is it special?"

"Apparently. The examiner said my mana resembles that of a sword. It's an Irregularity, so I get to be placed in the Elite class!"

"Wow…it's no surprise you got something weird."

"Hey, it's not weird!"

After a bit more chatter, we get to the main academy building. Young-looking students are all gathered in front, each in different groups talking with one another.

A beautiful woman then walks into the yard. She's wearing typical business attire, but her dazzling face and figure makes her outfit look like something out of a modelling magazine.

"May I have your attention please?!" she asks. All the students look towards her, some waiting for her to continue talking, most admiring her beauty. "I am Ms Lovelocke. I'll be in charge of the examination for the students who were absent on the arranged date."

"Did she do your exam?" I ask Adelaide.

"No…some old man did mine." she replies.

"All the students who already received their Distinction will proceed to class. Please, all the Irregular students proceed through the left entrance, all the Regulars, proceed through the right. There will be teachers to guide you further. And of course, those without Distinctions will remain."

"Good luck!" wishes Adelaide. 

Her and a few other peculiar looking students then head through the left entrance as Ms Lovelocke commanded. Most students however, head through the right entrance. 

Me and 4 others are left behind with Ms Lovelocke.

"Alright. Now we will perform the examination."

"Right here?" asks a tough-looking guy.

"Yes. I'd prefer to get this done as soon as possible. Now, when I call your name, come place your hand on this." Ms Lovelocke pulls out a lengthy, gold staff from behind her back. "This device absorbs mana, and if there's someone with the right skills, they'll be able to analyse the mana inside. That person is me."

"Now then, can Elize Von Arbor please come forward."

A pretty girl with long, curly brown hair responds and walks up to Ms Lovelocke. 

"Please, place your hand on the staff."

The girl wraps her hand around the staff. For a moment, nothing happens, but then Elize's eyes widen as though reacting to something. 

"I-it feels like it's draining my energy," she says.

"That's because it is absorbing your mana, don't worry, nothing dangerous will happen." Ms Lovelocke affirms. 

The staff then brightens up. It's now shining graciously with a corona of golden light. Ms Lovelocke then gropes the staff and closes her eyes in deep thought.

"Hm, I see. You're an Irregular. Your Distinction is ❬Dendriform❭. Your mana is like a tree, deep-rooted and one with nature."

Elize's face lights up, though she looks exhausted. Maybe she was hoping for that particular Distinction, or maybe she just wanted to be in the Elite class.

"Alright, next is…"

The other three get examined. Two of which are Regular, and one, the big, macho man, gets the ❬Malleiform❭ Distinction. Apparently it's like a hammer or something.

"Kallichore Kamillia, please come forward."

That's my name. Just like with the other 4, I grip the staff. Slowly, I can feel it consume my mana. It feels extremely pleasant. The sensation feels like laying in a bath with the water at the perfect temperature. Unlike with Elize however, I don't feel drained or tired. The rod begins glowing as usual. But what isn't usual, is Ms Lovelocke's facial expression. 

"W-what is this!?" she says in a concerned tone. 

"Is something wrong?" I ask. 

"I've never seen this in person before!" She's completely ignoring me. "This-this is…❬Deiform❭!"

"Uh, is it something bad?"

"Absolutely not!!" she exclaims. "Ms Kallichore, you have the mana of a GOD!"


The 4 standing behind us flinch at Ms Lovelocke's exclaim. 

"You are definitely going to the Elite class. You might even become the Class Representative! Or better yet, Student Council President!!" 

This is way too much for me.

"Uh, hm." Ms Lovelocke regains her composure. "It seems we have a line-up of interesting students this year. Oh yes, before I forget, let me give you all a quick summary on what a Distinction is. I'm sure you all know, that it is basically what form your mana takes. It could be a hammer, or a sickle, or even a dog. But like most things, it isn't as simple as that. The form your mana takes deeply correlates with you as a human being."

"And most of the time, your mana is associated with some particular element. Like with Ms Elize, her mana is associated with nature, and so, she will be at her utmost strongest when surrounded by nature." explains Ms Lovelocke. 

"Then, what is my mana associated with?" I ask.

"Well, everything, I suppose."


"Your mana is so pure and perfect, that you're at your utmost strongest all the time. That's just how magnificent ❬Deiform❭ is."

"Ugh, I was hoping for something cool, but this is just overwhelming."

"Well, that's just how it is with magic. Everything is unpredictable. Now then, since we're done here, you all may join up with your respective classes."

And so we head off. Me and macho man are guided by a smart-looking maid to the Elite class, and the other 3 head to the normal classes.

This is the start of my not-so-awesome academic career.