
An Unexpected Surprise

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After drinking the Manablood, Viena sat on the stool and began meditating.

Normally, meditation was best done in a safe and quiet place to avoid outside disturbance. The first floor of the mage tower was actually not a suitable place.

Nonetheless, in Viena's heart, Reed was the best possible support, and the safest place was by his side, so she started to meditate without any hesitation.

Reed did not mind. He also wanted to carefully observe the effect of Manablood on humans.

He always felt that the value of Manablood was very great, and it was just a waste for it to be relegated as the vampires' rations.

After drinking the magic potion that tasted like milk, Viena continued to build the magic model of Meditation in her spiritual sea.

With repeated construction of the magic model in her spiritual sea, Viena only felt a powerful surge of magic gushing out of her body.

The Manablood in her stomach released a powerful surge of mana.


Immediately restores 50 mana after drinking.

Increase the recovery speed of vampires by 1000% after drinking and can heal wounds.

Explanation: Blood that soaks the sacred artifact of the vampires and is infused with incredible energy.

Viena naturally did not know the detailed data of the magic power she had just consumed, but right then, she intuitively felt that the powerful surge of mana was being released by the Manablood in her body.

Viena was only a Level 1 apprentice mage, and the mana obtained by Meditation was at a completely different level.

It was like the gap between a magic lamp and the sun.

But unexpectedly, this supposed wild and uncontrollable mana within her body was like a tamed kitty and was able to move according to her spiritual guidance.

For an apprentice mage wanting to break through and become a full-fledged mage, they must be able to engrave a spell of more than 50 magic nodes in their spiritual sea.

Although almost every apprentice mage had built the magic model of Mage's Hand in their mind, Mage's Hand's magic model only had 30 magic nodes. As it was the simplest of all magics, one could only be an apprentice mage after constructing the magic model of Mage's Hand.

In the eyes of many mages, Mage's Hand could not even be regarded as a First Circle spell.

With the exception of Mage's Hand, all of the First Circle Spells had more than 50 magic nodes.

Therefore, an apprentice mage must be able to form a magic model of more than 50 nodes in order to be a full-fledged mage.

Forming a magic model required not only mental power but also a lot of mana.

If a normal apprentice mage wanted to form a magic model, they need to create each node one by one. The amount of mana an apprentice mage could mobilize was just too little, and the process of creating a magic node could take several months.

This was also why it was so difficult for an apprentice mage to be a proper full-fledged mage... their mana was too little.

However, Viena, who had drunk the Manablood potion, had tasted the pleasure of being able to mobilize a large amount of magic power.

The abundant mana was continuously being released by the Manablood potion, which made it very easy for Viena to rouse them, and a magic node that usually took half a month in the past only needed three minutes to successfully form.

Viena was delighted, but in the blink of an eye, she felt a little guilty.

If it had not been for her ordinary magical talents, Master Reed would not have needed to give her such a precious magic potion.

I will not let Master Reed down.

Viena hyped herself up silently and began to form a mage node. She had originally chosen Fireball, a spell with good offensive power, but she then recalled the improved Mage's Hand Reed had shown her at the top of the mage tower.

She quietly made a decision in her heart.

Reed looked at the mana around Viena get stronger and stronger, and he was a little surprised.

It seemed like Manablood was not only useful for the vampires but was also great for humans.

He suddenly felt some magical fluctuations from Viena, and he frowned.

Forming a magic model?

This familiar feeling had been experienced by the Progenitor Vampire countless times, and he too had tried it many times while trying to improve the spell.

He did not disturb Viena and instead found a place to sit down and act as her guardian.

The most dangerous thing when forming a magic model was being interrupted during the process as it could easily cause a magic backlash. It was extremely uncomfortable for him, a person with a supreme affinity for magic, let alone Viena.

Reed exuded his mental powers and observed the little maid who was forming her magic model from the level of magic.

What surprised him was the entire process seemed to be unexpectedly stable.

While there were mana fluctuations, it remained fairly stable as the surrounding mana was being gathered.

It seemed like Viena had a font of magic within her that was constantly supplying her with mana.

Reed had a thought in mind.

As time went on, many apprentice mages in the tower too had noticed the strong magic, and all of them came to the first floor in a blink of an eye.

"This is??"

"Miss Viena seemed to be forming the magic model."

"Why can Viena converge such a huge amount of mana?"

"Viena can actually control such a huge amount of magic? Goddess of Magic above, this is amazing."

The apprentice mages were surprised as they felt the mana exuding from Viena's body. Magic was not a well-behaved cat, and more like a violent beast.

For an apprentice mage, having more mana was not necessarily better, as they were able to control it past a certain amount, and the most direct consequence was that they would be blown up by the magic.

However, the magic power on Viena's body was more potent than that of a full-fledged mage, and that fact shocked them.

Did Master Reed feed Miss Viena dragon blood?

As the group of people waited with a complicated and anxious mood, a solhour, two solhours, and five solhours passed.

Suddenly, the mana tide stopped, and just as the apprentices were at a loss, Viena's aura abruptly changed as she opened her eyes.

Upon seeing Reed before her, her blue agate-like eyes bloomed with dazzling light, and the joy of her face was like a child who had gotten her most desired gift.

"Master Reed, I have become a full-fledged mage."


There was an uproar among the apprentice mages, and immense envy appeared in everyone's eyes.

A full-fledged mage.

This was the first time an apprentice mage had became a mage since the establishment of the Vermillion Tower.

"Miss Viena, you must have the favor of the Goddess of Magic."

"Master Reed, did you feed Viena dragon blood?"

"That's great, there's finally someone among us that had become a mage. Long live Master Reed."

Reed too was in a happy mood, he had not expected the effect of Manablood would be so strong that it could help Viena form her magic model, and becoming a mage.

But what surprised him even more was a system prompt that appeared.


Apprentice mage of the Vermillion Tower, Viena Bellamy has broken through and become a mage. The strength of the Vermillion Tower has increased. Reward: Character Experience—200.