
Left Behind

Song Yue clutched her shirt end nervously. The devil was here again.

She considered herself to be pretty brave, but the perfect man in front of her somehow instilled unknown fear within her.

While she was fidgeting anxiously, the cold voice attacked her again. "Are you not planning on taking up my offer?"

Maybe because she was uncomfortable, but the woman completely missed the slight hint of warmth in the cold mesmerizing face.

"This... I am ... Ummm... Sorry. I don't need any repayment. Thank you for your kindness." Song Yue stammered with her head down not daring to meet the devil in his eyes.

"Ok. As you wish." Zhi Shan had already lost his patience and started walking back.

He had even personally offered to help her out, not once but twice. This was his limit.

If she still didn't want to take his help, then it was not his problem. This would be the end of their negotiations.

As he turned to look at the woman who had blatantly refused him, his eyes fell on that old wobbly stall which she used to cook and sell her street food from.

If she is not accepting his direct help, then maybe he could renovate the stall for her through some charity organization.

Zhi Shan quickly walked back and reached the Mercedes.

"Yo. You didn't buy anything? Then why did you go?" Chang Yong craned his neck and nagged his friend out of curiosity.

"Nothing. Just some business dealings." Zhi Shan answered with a troubled expression.

Huh? What business dealings did this young master have in a random market area? Can you not reply in a single sentence and explain more!!! Chang Yong cried inside.

But Zhi Shan was still thinking about that weird stupid woman, who didn't know how to use an opportunity.

He couldn't help but wonder why this woman who so obviously needed money couldn't just take some monetary help from him.

"Let's go." He murmured still deep in thought.

"What? You want to ditch your date even before reaching the gala? The old hag will kill you."

"Hmph. She should have thought of that before following me."

Black lines covered Chang Yong's head. Of course, the devil noticed her! Why wouldn't he!

He looked at his friend's impassive face and decisively gave up. There was really no coming back from this!

And just like that the black Mercedes silently took off, without any consideration for the third passenger.

Su Nan stared at the disappearing car dumbfounded.


The vein on her forehead almost popped from this blatant indifference and disrespect. Who did he think he was??

She was also the daughter of a wealthy family, an heiress!! How dare he treats me like this!!

And the next second, her eyes fell on the haggard-looking woman in the corner stall.

"Damn it. It has to be this bitch's fault. She must have done something to make him angry. And now, he is taking this anger out on me!!" Su Nan stared daggers at the oblivious woman who was busily cooking something.

Gritting her teeth in anger, Su Nan hastily fished out a phone from her purse.

"Hello. I am sending you a photo and my location. Find out everything about this woman. Get rid of her."

"Yes madam." The voice on the other end obediently answered.

Su Nan cut the call with an evil glint on her face. "Playing games with me? Let's see what you can do now! Hmph." She scoffed angrily.

Then she suddenly remembered something. She called the number again and changed her instructions.

Thank god! She almost forgot. Su Nan cursed her stupidity and how she almost acted like just another dumb jealous woman.

She needed to be smarter than this. Zhi Shan personally seemed to know this woman after all, even if it was just a tiny bit.

If by chance, he investigates her disappearance in the future, it can't look like she did something underhanded and evil.

Everything has to be done in a very casual manner and above the table method.

"Don't harm her. Just chase her out of this city. Get her landlord to evict her. Get her debt collectors to snatch her belongings and so on. Do you understand?"

Her cold calculative voice sounded through the phone, completely sealing Song Yue's fate.

Su Nan then adjusted her lavish evening gown and swiftly called another number.

So what if they left without her, the old madam's voice was final in that household and all she needed to do was get on her good side.

Within minutes of her placing the call, her family's car soon arrived at the night market. Su Nan quickly got into it and the driver hurried over to the gala.

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