
A toad wanting to eat swan meat

A suave black Mercedes was waiting at the company entrance to pick up CEO Zhi Shan and Chief Director Chang Yong to attend the gala.

Zhi Shan opened the door and sat in the back, while Chang Yong tacitly read the mood and sat in the front.

Unfortunately, there was no gentleman left to open the car door for Su Nan. She, however, still maintained her elegant demeanor and acted as if absolutely nothing was out of place.

She took a deep breath and opened the car door herself. Something told her that she was going to need a lot of patience today.

Zhi Shan's cold piercing eyes uncomfortably glanced at the woman who had invaded his privacy of the car back seat.

Knowing too well his friend's uncomfortable posture, Chang Yong immediately threw him a loaded look and sent him a text, "Come on bro. Where else would she sit? You were the one who invited her you monster."

"Not me, my grandmother." Zhi Shan replied with a blank expression.

"Fine, you win. Shall I ask her to come to the front and sit on my lap?" Chang Yong completely gave up.

His brother was a stone-hearted man when it came to women. Moving him was next to impossible.

Chang Yong exasperatedly asked the driver, "Old Lu, I will personally drive us around tonight. Why don't you take the night off?"

The driver was confused and reluctantly got down.

"That's settled then. Su Nan, why don't you come up here and keep me company?" Chang Yong chuckled awkwardly, trying to lighten up the mood inside the car.

Su Nan was a smart woman. She instantly understood what was going on and did not try to worsen the discomfort.

She let out a light hearty chuckle and quickly shifted to the front.

And thus finally the car's atmosphere lightened up and everybody was on en route to the gala.

"Such a small thing and I have to plan so much! Life of a guy with a fussy high maintenance friend is really not that simple. Sigh." Chang Yong sighed and started driving.

Not long after Zhi Shan remembered something and quickly interjected. "Make a stop at the night market. I have a small work there."

Chang Yong raised his eyes in surprise. This is new?

"I didn't know Mr. Zhi had a thing for the street food." Su Nan giggled playfully.

She was careful not to miss even the smallest opportunity to bond with this handsome and aloof man.

"I like to indulge myself some time too." She added with a cute sheepish look on her face, that absolutely screamed out adorable.

"No, I find street food repulsive." The ruthless guy immediately shot her down.

Chang Yong started sweating bullets. Why does this short car ride feel so fucking long!! he smiled awkwardly and tried to smoothen the situation.

"He he he. You are too uptight bro! Miss Su, just like you, I am also a fan of fried food." He chuckled.

Su Nan smiled but inwardly cursed herself. Somehow at the end of the conversation, she ended up portraying herself as a glutton!!! Damn it.

They soon reached the night market area and since they were only going to be here for a little while, Chang Yong parked the car near the north entrance.

"I will be back soon." Zhi Shan informed his friend with a cold frigid expression and disappeared into the crowd.

Well not really, his lonesome figure shimmered in the moonlight, as his breathtaking face and magnetic posture instantly separated him from the dawdling masses.

"Where is he going?" Su Nan couldn't help but wonder.

Since her glutton status was already established, she might as well use it to her advantage and do some sleuthing.

Su Nan nervously excused herself explaining that she was going to grab some snacks and quickly followed behind Zhi Shan.

Of course, this didn't escape Chang Yong's eyes and he mentally lit a candle for her.

Another blind date has gone down the drain.

Why do women have to scheme so much? All she had to do was act natural and Zhi Shan would have married her. Sigh...

He himself did not understand him. His peculiar friend was picky and not so picky at the same time.

Even then things always turned out so unnecessarily complicated like this.

Oblivious to the fact that her jig was already up, Su Nan hurried behind the tall handsome man weaving through the crowd.

Amidst the middle-class crowd, both of them looked very eye-catching and several heads turned towards their side.

After walking for a while, Zhi Shan finally stopped at his destination and Su Nan stopped a few feet behind him.

"What is he doing here?" Su Nan curiously peeked.

Zhi Shan seemed to be awkwardly talking to a stall vendor. The stall vendor was a young woman probably in her twenties.

Though the woman had pretty good facial features she looked very ragged and tired, hiding all those beautiful charms.

Su Nan clenched the purse she was carrying tightly. She felt a little restless knowing that her arrogant and aloof divine prince voluntarily walked up to some street vendor and was having a conversation with her.

She didn't know if her eyes were imagining things, but she could even sense some faint warmth coming from that icy cold man when he was looking at that beggar.

"Damn it!" Su Nan angrily grumbled under her breath.

It looked like the toad in front of her wanted to eat some high quality, no supreme quality swan meat. Hmph!

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