
I am Vegeta

When I died I expected to be reincarnated, Which I did but the thing is...I didn't expect to be reincarnated twice... Unfortunately, the past has always come back to haunt you Naruto in db super.

Imabethatguy12345 · Others
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21 Chs

Chapter 14

In while both Vegeta and his gang, they finally arive at the battlefield only to be stunned, Vegeta himself is stunned and couldnt stop staring at the wide eyed girl with a shocked look.

Krillin- We're finally here! Where's Frieza--? 

After Krillin notices the young man, Frieza, and King Cold in the air he says in a stunned tone.

Krillin- " Oh... There he is..."

The young man proceeds to slash Frieza into tiny bits with his sword before obliterating him with a ki blast

Krillin- And there... And there... (gets hit in the face by one of Frieza's organs) And here... (looks down at the organ) Is that his brain?

The young man spins and sheathes his sword

Gohan- "Guys, I think that person is a Super Saiyan!"

Krillin squinted his eyes before nodding

Krillin-  "Spiky gold hair, incredible power..."

I say nothing, I however stare at the hyuga with a wide eyed look, before mumbling under my breath.

Vegeta- "Hinata?"

Bulma Glances at me she sees my longing look, before looking at the girls in his sight a ting of jealousy appears in her stomach as she narrows her eyes at the woman

Krillin- "Hey vegeta look, do you think that guys a supersaiyan?"

I ignore him and fly into the battle.