
who were you talking to?

Rose: this one makes you faster and this one make's you fall really slow and that one just heals you

Rose said as she was explaining the effect's of the potion that were in her shop to a old magician who was listening very carefully to what she was saying

it's been a week since Rose open he shop and let me tell you something she got FILTHY rich! she already had 10 energy stone's (1000 platinum coin's) the crimson armor was a real hit it was sold almost instantly and nothing was left of it

it's been a five day's until the last one was sold and the customer's were always asking for it. and yea we could make more but why? if something is rare then people will pay more right? also Rose had a genius idea to create a bunch of golem's and replace one of their arm with a drill to mine the minerals for her

the golems had one duty "mine under the ground just between the underworld and the surface and put every mineral into the inventory" that was the command they fallowed

you probably wondering how they could put what they mine into her inventory right? well thanks to her getting rich she bought the {comprehension of space magic} from the fantasy shop and after many trial and error she created a magic circle that connected the real world to her inventory but the trick is that thing's can only get in but they cant get out

anyway she painted the circle on the torso of the golems and now when they mine the minerals for us they use the normal hand to collect them and put them into the inventory

also funny thing they found "palladinium" which means that they are hard mode ore's in terraria which is weird since Rose didnt destroy any altars to make them appear who know's maybe it was steve

as soon as i learned of this i made Rose replace the drill's on the golems into a paladinium one to let them mine mythrill if they found one because remember the ore's in terraria were upgraded by author-sama making them better then the original! a mythrill in this world is way weaker then the one in terraria!

also since we had some spare palladinium we made one armor out of it...yes only one after all we dont want to break this world with cheat item's

the armor costed 10.000 gold coins and no one bought it but not because they didnt believe Rose about how durable it was but because it was too expensive for them however defiantly worth the price the palladinium of terraria is just a little bit better then the mythrill of this world and the skill of the armor is to OP

basicaly the special skill of this armor gives you a 3 sec regeneration when you hit an enemy! the regeneration was on level with the "potion of regeneration" from terraria

the crimson armor regeneration need's a couple of second's to kick in and even then it works slower than the one that the palladinium one has so yea defiantly worth the price

magician: excuse me miss do you have magic staff here?

<you can make one from ore's and a bunch of crystals like amethyst, lapis or diamond the better the ore you are using the better the staff will be>

Rose: well no but i can make one for you how does a silver staff sound's like?

magician: sound's wonderful my dear!

Rose got to the room behind the counter and took out some silver bar's and a sapphire gem. yup! just one! how you ask? well simple she didnt use the terraria crafting system but the minecraft one making her use way less mineral's then you normally would

after she made it she exited the room only to see "bob" the golem she made to watch the shop and kick the sh*t out of the thieves throw a guy who screamed "let me go you ******* puppet!"

Rose: here you go mister it will be 5 golden coins also the staff has a special function if you put a little magic power into it then it will fire a blue magic ball dealing damage to your enemy's

Magician: amazing! a good thing to have when you dont have the time to say a spell! thank you young miss!

the magician took the staff and give Rose the money she then sit down on her chair behind the counter she looked at her shop full of people and smiled a little

Rose: okay 5 minutes until i close so get what you want to buy and prepare to leave!

the people heard that and quickly took the things they wanted to buy and made a line to the counter after 5 minutes the last person left the shop and Rose closed the door and changed the sign "open" to "closed"

<hey Rose didnt you want to buy a new bloodline? you can buy ten if you want you are that rich!>

'ah yes! i forgot about that!'

<the werecat one?>


<okay prepare for some pain>

'waitwhat? AUCH!'

<does it hurt?>


<yea sorry i didnt warn you sooner>

Rose collapsed on the floor and her body started to change a little for first she got a little taller and now had the high of a 13 year old instead of a 10 year old girl

her hair was now more...eehh...i think "more fluffy" is the correct term while her fang's were now a little longer and looked more sharper then the previous one's her nails got harder and could now be used as a weapon to pierce a steal armor not that she need that since "steve strength" makes her punch so deadly that literary anything that is not a vampire (in her home world) explode! but still a nice thing to have! the last thing that changed was her eyes they were a deep metallic gold in color they looked almost hypnotizing

Rose: *huff* it *huff* wasnt so bad

<if you say so...every stat's has doubled in strength congratulation's>

Rose: thank's! anyway what bloodline should i buy next?

<you want another one?>

Rose: i got a 50% discount for the next one for completing the mission right? i need to make a good use of that!

<oh yea the mission!>

<<system mission: buy your first bloodline!!>>

<<reward: 50% off for the next bloodline you buy>>

Rose: ok so about my next bloodline

<you have regeneration powers a ridiculous amount of strength and your agility is one of the best i ever seen the only thing that need's an upgrade is your magic density so i recommend a bloodline that will upgrade that>

'hmm i got no idea what to buy'

<my data show's me that a big upgrade in magic density can be obtained by buying the fallowing bloodlines {red devil bloodline} {Goblin Sorcerer} {Lunatic Cultist} {high-elf} and the {high-dark elf} >

Rose: i dont want a elf bloodline and i surely dont want a goblin bloodline! what about the other two? i can guess what a devil is but what about the lunatic cultist?

<a idiot worshiping the elder god>

Rose: mhm...the red devil one!

<you need to but the {demon} bloodline and then upgrade it into a {red devil bloodline}>

Rose: how do i do that?

<according to my data you need to go to the underworld and absorb and absorb the demonic energy there>

Rose: well okay buy the demon bloodline and-

???: emm excuse me?!

Rose head snapped in the direction of the closed doors and after getting up from the floor she walked to the door and open it up

in front of her were standing 4 people and behind them was a chariot they were dressed very well and had a lot of jewelry

there were two adult's one was a very tall blonde guy rocking a majestic beard while the other was a beautiful woman with white hair who was wearing a big blue dress the other two were children a girl that looked 15 year old she was as beautiful as her mother but she got the blonde hair from her father the last one was a boy who looked 5 year old he had the white hair of his mother and was looking at Rose with curiosity

boy: who were you talking to?


i hope you like the chapter if yes give the novel a power stone i love you all i hope you stay safe and happy and i just realized that at this point i kinda s*cking you "D" but i dont care give me power stones you beautiful people!!!