
Rose saves christmas! (non-canon)


Rose: *Shoot's out of her bed* it is!?!


Rose: YES! i need to go see Steve! *jumps out of her bedroom window*

Rose landed softly on the ground and started to dash in the direction of Steve house. the snow was crunching under her feet's with every step

Rose: *kick's the door open* MERRY CHRISTMAS!

when she kicked the door breaking it in the process she saw that Steve and his GF (driad) were currently in the process of making something in the kitchen my guess is Christmas coockies

Steve: the same for you too *walk's to the basement* now excuse me i need to get a new door

Shea: hello Rose! do you want to help us make cookies?

<hah! i knew it!>

Rose: more than happy to help

and just like that she started to help and spend good 3 hour's making not only cookies but also a cake that Shea told her is going to be served tomorrow

well after all that she decided that now after helping Steve and Shea she will take a walk around the village and engage into a friendly snow fight with the villager's...they never stood the chance...

Random villager: *get's hit by a snow ball* oh... i lost :( *fall's on the ground* blerg!

Random vilager #2: NO! dont do this to me! come on you can do it! you have a wife and kid waiting at you in home

Random vilager: *look's at Random villager #2* take care of them for me... *pretend's to die* ... ... ... sho i'm dead now

Random vilager #2: i swear i will avenge you! i will do everything in my might to make that sick bastard who shoot you taste the cold chill of a snowba- *get's hit by a snow ball* ...oww :( *fall's on the ground* blerg!

it was a massacre! the villager's were falling to Rose snowball's left and right! none were spared all were mercilessly shoot by her as she stare at them with eye's that were cold as the snow that was thrown at them!

this was a memorable day in the history of the village and one that will never be forgotten! with the year's to come this event will be taught in school's as "the snow war I" one of the most brutal snow war's in history!


welp after this was over Rose visited her loyal dog team of all time "the bark squad!" to be honest this was not a Squad because there were more dog's than four but Rose just didnt give a damn

the dog's were like a little military and treaten Rose like a general and they were now waiting for her command

Rose: *sit's on the ground* ...cuddles!

the dog's launched them self's from their place and jumped at Rose showering her with their Fluffy bodies and licking her face

'ahh i'm healed'

<your depression meter is now at "-100,000%"!>

---Steve POV---

'ahh finally now i will have at least half an hour of rest before i will need to help with something again!'

hehehe...YOU FOOL!

*door get's kicked open*


Rose: Steve!

Steve: can you stop breaking my door's?

Rose: we need a Christmas tree!

Steve: okay...i will go chop one dow-

Rose: NO! *grab's Steve by the shoulders* we are building one!

'i just wanted some rest ;-; '

---timeskip + Rose POV---

the Christmas tree took 3 hour's to make and it was the biggest tree i have ever see in my life! it was ridiculous! it was the size of a four-storey apartment block!

after all this was done and Steve was already going back to his house for his well deserved rest...well unfortunately his GF Shea wanted him to help with the cleaning making him want to cry

<okay what now?>

'wait i guess'

<<God mission! Santa is depressed because parent's are buying the toy's for christmas for their children and he have nothing to do! today if the situation happened again he will killhimsef do something to help Santa!>>

<<reward: a Christmas gift!>>

<<penalty: a bunch of coal>>

just as we both ended reading the mission a portal appeared in front of us and before i could say anything about how weird this whole mission was Rose just sprinted trough the portal while yelling


the world we ended up in was just like the one i lived in before i became a system and from what i could tell we are in New York

<what is your pla->

well my question was answered immediately as Rose was sprinting trough the street's while destroying every Christmas gift people were carrying but that was not the only thing she did! oh no...at some point she break into the house and completely annihilated the Christmas gift's that were in that house but when the owner's walked in to the room to see what is happening they saw only an empty room and the trashed toy's that they bought for their children

this situation happened multiple times trough the night and the police were getting calls from all the places in america and they all said the exact same thing "someone break in into our home and destroyed our Christmas gift's!" that night was forever remembered as the "most f*cked up Christmas night ever"

Rose: *break's into another house*


Rose: well time to-

Owner: who the hell are you!?

to Rose left she saw a man in his twenties siting on a couch with a beer in hand while the second was reaching somewhere probably for a gun

Rose didnt said anything and just sprinted toward's him and punched him in the head with enough strength to knock him out

Little child: *gasp!*

Rose: ...


Little child: *run's up the stair's while crying* NOO DADY! DADA!

<this is getting to far...>

Rose got to him immediately and used a duck tape that she took out from her inventory and sealed his mouth with it and after that she used it to tie his hand's and feet

<this is seriously getting to far!>

she took him on her shoulder like a sack of potatoes and went to a random room where she locked him there

<this just got f*cked up on so many level's!>

'chill out i didnt hurt any of them. the guy lives and the kid just got scared'

<just got scared my ass! you probably traumatized him!>

'nah~ he will be fine! welp time to destroy the Christmas gift's!'

it ended...finally it ended! all the cities in America were now without a Christmas gift and she just teleported to her world and walked to Steve house where everyone was already having the Christmas dinner

<you want to open the reward from the mission?>

'oh yea'

she took out the Christmas gift from her inventory and slowly opened it and what she saw inside made her want to punch that idiot of a God who gave her the mission

Sock's...she got sock's for Christmas...


something is really wrong with me!

well anyway i want to wish you all a good Christmas and a happy new year! bye!