
preparation for the brain of cthulhu and terraria lore

okay so i to all that had the problem with the "error 404 we cant find this page" and could not read the story...i have no f*cking idea what happened! hoever the phone app showed me the novel normally without any problems so if something similar happen's in the future then either wait until you can read the novel again on the PC & laptop or dowland the app on the phone that's all i can say :/

also i will not post a chapter a day anymore for a month because of my work sorry guy's hope you can understand!


after a whole two day's of mining Rose found some of crimtane ore and thank's to the minecraft power's instead of 15 crimtare bar (smelted crimtare ore) she needed only 5 like you would craft a normal helmet in minecraft!

WHOA THERE! i hear you say "what minecraft power's didnt you upgrade into a video game system and fantasy system?" that's probably the question that some of you may think and well the answer is simple yes i did but the skills are still there because why the hell would i lose a skill that Rose already has? and also since minecraft is a video game than that means that me keeping this skill's is logical

well going back to rose and the crimtare armor i noticed something and stopped Rose right before she was about to craft her new armor

<wait! look at the name of it!>

Rose stopped and give me a confused look she then looked into her inventory to check the name of the ore and then she too understand why i stopped her

"Crimtane Bar (incomplete) - the armor will not posses the special effect when crafted"

'why? are we missing something?'

<hmmm *gasp* of course! in terraria to craft this you also need a "tissue sample"! >


<from a monster not human>

'still eww'

Rose looked at the big black and red metal she was holding probably thinking if it's worth it to mix it with the "tissue sample" after a minute she put the Crimtare Bar 's into the inventory and asked

'where do i find the monster?'

<in the crimson biome you need to find a massive cave and enter it at the bottom there will be a large area and there will be heart's like real organic heart's that you need to destroy after you destroy three of those a monster will appear>

in the book lore that the developers released! the crimson and corruption biome were explained apparently the crimson biome is one gigantic living organism that works like a parasite sucking the energy of the world that is into there was also written that there are crimson cult's that made sacrifice's to the crimson and yes i know that we dont see something like this in the game but hey that what was written in that 6 page book they released!

as for the corruption it is apparently a literally manifestation of evil! and i quote "when the first man sinned the corruption took birth" or something like that! i mean it sound's cool as hell but still it's a bad thing for us

there is also the third biome that is unlockable when you enter hard mode in the game called "hallow" it it filled with colors and multiple "friendly" creatures like fairies & unicorn's but dont let the look deceive you this thing cares only about murder! it purpose is to kill any living being no mater if friend or enemy why does it do this you ask? well simple if nothing lives on the planet then nothing will harm the planet! this is described in the book as a "defense mechanism" of the world which is also not good for us

but wait! what about the wall of flesh? this a the boss you need to kill the wall of flesh to release the ancient spirit of light and darkness to have the hallow but since this world is already hard mode does that mean the wall of flesh does not exist? or does it exist but it does not hold those spirit's inside of it?

i really hope it does exist because i want the loot of that thing! ok..ok..calm down me there will be plenty of time to fight that thing and besides we need a lot of preparation to stand a chance against it i mean the description of that boss is literally "The master and core of the world..."

well when i was explaining the biomes of terraria Rose was already at the village and when she walked up to steve she started to explain the problem she had

Rose: steve i need to find a crimson biome its all red and full of monster's there is a thing there that will help me create a cool armor

Steve: all red? i found one that's all dark but not red it is also full of monster's and has hundred of holes leading deep into the ground

<that's the corruption>

Rose: that one is called corruption

Steve: a fitting name... well i will go explore the new world tomorrow because i need to update my map so if you want you can come with me and maybe we would find this new biome

Rose: sound's cool i'm in!

Steve: nice! do we need anything?

Rose: i plan to fight a giant brain monster there so probably a lot of fighting potions and lot's of arrow's because apparently it can fly

Steve: ooookaaayyy... i'm not even going to ask... ah! by the way you know what these are? no! wait give me a second... *get's up*

after steve got up he covered all the windows in the room and made sure that it's all completely dark or well as dark as you could get while in a living room at day he then took a big shining ball of light from his inventory and said

Steve: you know what this is?

<a star fragment! Rose that could help you magic core!>

'it can make it bigger?'

<or make it denser i dont know yet>

Rose: that's a star fragment

Steve: what does it do?

<when you place three of them in the crafting table they will turn blue and you can consume them to make your magic core better>

Rose: place three of them on the crafting table and find out! also where did you find these?

Steve : they fell from the sky! well i guess it make sense if they are star fragment's

'what else can we make with them?'

<jester's arrow's powerful arrows with covered in star energy plus this is also an ammunition to a bazooka that shoot's them out like missiles!>


<i know right!! unfortunatly we dont have the materials necessary to craft them>

*sad Rose noises*

<but we can find them in to time!>

*happy Rose noises*

ok i need to more time about the marvel thing but dont worry it will be worth it be patient!!

blabladorcreators' thoughts