
man in black NSFW

this chapter will show the mute character that tifa "talked" with at the end of the previous chapter on journey to the GoldenGarden family

if you wondering why i didnt post the two chapter's like i promised well it's simple...i got lazy :p


two day's already passed and the young man in black that Tifa send to find Rose had already traveled half of the distance this would be an impossible thing to do even for the most elite vampires the only one other man alive that could do such a thing is none other than Vlad himself

it was night and he was fallowing the road that lead to the nearest village he was running and every time his foot would touch the ground it would leave a hole

his body left a short trail of black&red mist that disappeared as quickly as the one leaving the trail

after 10 more minutes of running he started to slow down and changed his tempo into a slow walk and after another couple of minutes of walking he saw a wall made entirely out of wood

in that wall there could be seen a small wooden door guarded by two man certainly one of the villager's by the look on how they hold a weapon and their clothing you could know almost immediately that they were farmer's

when the man approached the entrance to the village the two man raised their spear's and said in a shaky voice

Man 1: wh-who's there?

Man 2: s-stop right there!

he did as they said and stopped in front of them he then took off his backpack and started to look for something inside

Man 2: who are you!?

after a couple of second's have passed he still didnt answer and still kept looking for something in his backpack the guy who asked the question got a little angry but before he could say anything the man in black took out a little notebook and a pencil he then started to written something and when he was done he showed them what he wrote

"i am mute can i enter the village i want to get some rest"

however none of them could read so they just stared at each other in confusion and then looked at the man in black again and asked the question again

Man 1: he asked who are you! didnt you hear!?

the man in black who guessed that they could not read now took another approach and pointed his index finger at where his mouth should be and then moved his head saying "no"

this time the two villager's guarding the entrance of the village got the meaning of what he was saying and one of them asked him

Man 1: you can't talk?

the man in black nodded his head and and then started to do something in his notebook again but this time he drew a picture of a bed and showed them

at first they were confused but one they soon got the meaning of what the man in black wanted to tell he wanted to find a place to rest in here

Man 2: okay you can come in but dont try anything o-okay?

the man in black nodded and walked into the village and when he was finally gone one of the villager's guarding the entrance looked at his friend with a curious face and asked him about something that caught his eye

Man 2: were those thing's on his arm's nail's linked with a chain?

Man 1: i- i dont think so why would he do such a thing? maybe those were not nails but some sort of metal pieces glued to his arm

the man in black was now walking through this village trying to find a inn and after a couple of minutes of walking he come to two conclusion's

first! this village is way to large! it was one of those places where it was to large to be called a village but also to small to be called a city

second! this village is in a VERY bad shape the house's look's like they would fall any minute and the people looked like they had been dragged trough a mile of dirt and sh*t the smell of the place wasn't pleasant either in other word's this place was very poor

which is strange because the man in black saw a very good looking villa on a hill in the distance it looked good and was probably the home of some kind of noble that is in charge of this land...oh okay that explained everything

well after a couple more minutes of walking he finally found a tavern when he entered he saw that the inside was in a really bad shape too...but he didnt judge as long as he have a bed it's good!

Owner: welcome!

the man in black didnt say anything but waved his hand in a friendly manner and approached the owner while writing something in his notebook

"can i sleep here?"

the owner thankfully know how to read but it still took him a couple of second's but honestly what did you expect from a poor village it's miracle that someone here except from the nobles can read at all!

Owner: yes of course! we have 3 room's and two of them are currently free it would cost you 3 silver coins for just a room! would you want to stay here for the night?

the man in black just nodded his head and give the owner the 3 silver coin and he give the man in black the key to the room

the man in black bowed his head slightly to the owner which surprised him a little and started to walk to his room while the owner was still looking at him a little shocked that someone would bow to a commoner even if it only a way to thank him

when the man in black entered his room the only thing that he saw was a been in a very poor condition and he swore that he saw a bedbug for a second but he didnt care he slept in worse condition's before...way worse...

he approached the bed and simply collapsed on it almost immediately felling asleep also feeling a little something crawling on his leg while he was falling asleep probably the bedbug from before he just lazily made his body cells kill and eat the intruder and he fell asleep

but apparently fate didnt want him to sleep because an hour later he heard the scream's of what sounded a girl and a man who he recognized as the owner who was saying something like "let her go!" and "i will pay as soon as i can!" after this he heard another male voice saying to "shut up!" and starting to tell something about how he should be grateful that his master was interested in his daughter

well the man in black just by hearing what they are yelling about know what kind of scenario he will be facing apparently the noble of that is in charge of this place want to have his fun with the owner daughter cause she is pretty or something

"well time to kick some ass!"

he thought and exited his room only to see that they were about to kill the owner! as he was on the floor grabbing his right arm who appeared to be broken some guy who had an old rusty armor on him was about to pierce his heart with a spear

so without thinking the man in black used his super speed and grabbed the weapon before it could made contact with the owner of the inn

the owner his daughter and the guard's looked at the man in black with shocked eye's as for them he just appeared out of thin air their eye's could not see him while he was moving when he was using his super speed. after the shock the man with the spear tried to yank the spear out o the man in black hand but it was for nothing no matter how hard he tried the spear would not move!

Spear guy: hey! who do you think you are! if you will not let my spear you will be executed for stopping the village guar-

the man did not get to finish as the blood of the man in black violently burst out of his body tearing up his flesh and launched itself to the spear man consuming him. his body was getting eaten by the blood skin, flesh, organ's and bones nothing was left behind

after it was done the blood started to float in mid air and turned back to the man in black but since his body was already healed the blood needed to make an entrance by tearing his flesh again and returning to his body

in the room there was overwhelming silence everybody needed some time to let the thing that they just watch sink in and soon guard's started to scream in horror while saying something like "monster!" "demon! it's a demon!" but the man in black had to give them credit for courage as they did not run but stayed in place and take out their weapon's

well it was either courage or stupidity maybe both but hey that just meant that he will not need to chase his food like he usually do

the guard's jumped at the man in black but he just raised his left hand made it explode into a mess of shattered bones, blood and flesh that in less than a second reformed into a blade shape that magically turned into steel and attached itself again into the man in black arm now he looked like Alex from prototype with his blade arm

with one swift motion he cut them all in half and as they looked lifeless on the ground he looked at the owner and his daughter that had an look of pure fear in their eye's

"well i guess i will not stay here...great"

the blade arm started to vibrate and melting turning into this weird red slime that started to reform the man in black arm and after his arm was normal again he let out a sigh and walked out of the inn and turned into the direction of the villa quite pissed of

he just wanted to have a good sleep but noo!! a certain jackass just needed to send his d*ckhead guard's to get the owner of the inn he was staying daughter and of course he was to good of a person to ignore the whole thing!

'when i get there i will eat every one of his guard's and then r*pe his ass with the help of a VERY large stick and then force him to eat his own d*ck that i will personally cut off!'

well...he was angry and i he did as he thought because when he was at the entrance of the villa two guard's wanted to stop him but they were eaten by his body in a mater of second's he did the same to everyone that wanted to stop him and when he finally found the noble of the mansion he was...surprised

the Guy that send the Guard was not a "GUY" it was a woman that was currently forcing a 14 year old girl to do NSFW thing's to her private part's using the girl mouth

the woman looked at the man in black but did nothing and still had one of her hand's on the little girl head forcing her to do...well you know what she was doing i dont think i need to explain it

the man in black saw that the little girl was trying her best to get out probably because she needed air but the woman didnt seemed to care and made a loud moan and then looked at the man in black again and asked in a carefree manner

Woman: what do you want?

the man in black didnt say anything and used his super speed and took away the child from between the woman leg's and then grabbed her by the throat

Woman: what do you think you are doing you commoner!

she said all of that with a little difficulty since the man in black applied some pressure in his grip

Woman: come on i'm sure that whatever that you are angry at can be easily solved! money! i can give you money!

man in black: ...

Woman: i can pleasure you! you can use my body however you want! please let me go!

the woman started to panic as the grip started to become more and more tight making it slowly harder and harder to breathe

Woman: you surely wouldn't hurt a lady would you?

and after she said that the unthinkable happened! he let her go! the woman looked at him shocked and was about to call the guard's but she was interrupted to a punch to the face so hard that it deformed most of her face and besides even if she would call for the guard's none would come as they are all dead

the woman looked with her broken face in the direction of the man in black only to see his standing with a notebook in hand and on that notebook was written

"i believe in gender equality!"

the man in black then used his super speed to get out of the villa and find a large wooden stick after he found it he returned to the woman with the broken face

'the problem will be with the d*ck part she is a woman so she does not have any...well i guess her finger will work as well!'