

Always bullied in his first life and becoming great in his second! READ NOW >>> Evander, a weak boy often bullied by his friends, discovers a mysterious ring. The beauty of the ring distracts Evander until he loses focus and is fatally hit by a car. However, Evander does not die and is reborn in the year 2453 as a young man destined to save the world. Evander is chosen as the war leader along with four other chosen ones, great powers are embedded in Evander and must be honed through levels and stages.

Wednesday_Adaire · Sci-fi
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12 Chs

Chapter 4

"Welcome to Pentagon Black. Please speak on the screen to connect with the officers inside," Aramor approached the screen on the right side of the entrance. He waved his hand towards the camera above and said, "Good morning, I'm Warrior Aramor bringing Master Evander, the knight of The Blue Of The World who has been awaited since two days ago."

A few moments later, the lift-shaped entrance door opened. There were three sections inside the door.

"Wow, cool."

Aramor chuckled, "I'm the same as you. When I arrived this year, I was amazed by all the greatness and grandeur it offers."

We began to step in. Shouts and noises were heard from above. I raised my head and asked, "A fighting place upstairs?"

"More like a training place," Aramor replied. He then walked back towards a transparent booth illuminated by green light like a curtain.

I followed him. The cold atmosphere greeted us as soon as we entered this room.

"Are you ready, Evander?" Aramor asked.

"Whether I'm ready or not, I have to be ready, right?"

Aramor replied, "Good boy."

He pressed a gray-colored button floating in the front right corner of the booth. Slowly, the platform under our feet began to descend. It turned out this booth functioned like an elevator, but instead of going up, a transparent shield emerged from below the platform emitting a lavender scent.

"Where is it going to take us?"

"To the preparation room. Your belongings are still below; the room and training are above," Aramor replied.

"What about you?"

"I'll stay here too, as your aide. I'll follow you wherever you go, Evander," he said with a smile.

Thank goodness. I felt very relieved. I couldn't imagine what it would be like if Aramor left me alone.


After a while, we arrived in a very spacious room. Two people in jumpsuits covering their faces were standing. One was black and the other was white.

As usual, Aramor stepped forward first. When he arrived in front of the two mysterious people, he said, "Warrior Aramor arrives with Master Evander. The latest knight who has just recovered."

"Bring him here."

I didn't know which one of them said that; it was too difficult to guess because no faces were visible.

Aramor stepped aside from them and gave me a signal to step forward.

The person in white approached and grabbed my hand roughly.


He pressed the middle finger adorned by the blue ring. Slowly, my nail turned blue, matching the light from the ring I saw before I died.

"Accepted," he said. He stepped back, and the one in black took over.

"Excuse me, Master," said the person in black. He then placed his hand on the back of my left hand, and something felt stinging, very painful.

I tried my best not to scream. It felt like being pressed by a hot iron and sprinkled with salt.

"Please, enter, Master Evander."

The person in black stepped aside from me and pressed the wall behind them. A thick black light emerged from the top of the wall, covering the entire wall.

"Welcome, Master Evander."

The voice that came out sounded like a female robot. The black smoke disappeared, and now an iron door appeared.

Aramor nodded and immediately walked, stopping in front of the door and turning to me, saying, "Touch your hand that he held earlier."

I pressed the back of my hand against the iron door, and now a siren-like sound was heard. Simultaneously, the door began to slide to the left and opened.

"Let's go," Aramor whispered in my ear.

The room was all white with faces of young people displayed on the left and right sides.

"That's your rack," Aramor said.

Yes, my face also appeared on the right side, right next to the rack of a silver-haired girl.

"Are all these people the same as me?"

"Yes, she's Sena, Timon, and Carsten," Aramor replied. "Quickly open your locker."

"Wait, how did they bring up my face? I mean—"

"Don't ask unnecessary questions; time is precious. Remember! You only have the power in your left hand. They are all above level five; you have to hurry," Aramor interrupted me.

I opened the locker, revealing a bag and a flat object with the inscription, Evander TBOTW IV.

"Wear this on your hand," Aramor said, his eyes pointing to the flat object I was looking at.

"Like this?" I asked, placing the object on the back of my right hand.

A moment later, the object released a string that wrapped around the back of my hand, and slowly the object merged with my skin. Once again, another strange thing that amazed me.

"I didn't even feel any pain or discomfort. What is this?"

"Press the back of your right hand," Aramor said.

I immediately did so, and a hologram display appeared. There was my photo, name, age, energy, and supporting element.

"Evander Smith, 21 years old, what? I wasn't this old when I died. Energy 100%, red garnet. What's that?"

"Red garnet is an enhancer of your power; you'll receive and learn it when your level reaches fifteen. So, you shouldn't waste time," Aramor said firmly.

"What's the maximum level of power we have?"

"30, so try to reach level 10 within a month, and you must be able to do it, Evander."

Aramor looked at me intensely, his eyes seeming to hold great hope for the task entrusted to me.

"What if I fail, Aramor?"

"You will be revived by Garlen and become a slave on Saturn. You will suffer terribly, not just you, the other three knights will also fail. Because the power of The Blue Of The World lies in their cooperation. Suppose you are the leader, then you have 40% of the power, while the other three complement the remaining 60%. If one dies or fails, it's certain that all of you will become their slaves, and the Earth will be destroyed," Aramor replied.

My heart felt mixed emotions, imagining being tortured by creatures I didn't even know how terrifying they were.

"And what if I succeed?"

"You will be a hero in the world; you will receive many riches from this city. Likewise, with the other knights. But, the leader will receive more wealth and power, Evander."

"It seems you are very confident that I can become the leader, Aramor. I'm flattered," I said, picking up the bag still inside the locker.

Aramor just shrugged his shoulders.