

Always bullied in his first life and becoming great in his second! READ NOW >>> Evander, a weak boy often bullied by his friends, discovers a mysterious ring. The beauty of the ring distracts Evander until he loses focus and is fatally hit by a car. However, Evander does not die and is reborn in the year 2453 as a young man destined to save the world. Evander is chosen as the war leader along with four other chosen ones, great powers are embedded in Evander and must be honed through levels and stages.

Wednesday_Adaire · Sci-fi
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12 Chs

Chapter 3

This is absolutely insane!

I can't describe this place with words.

In contrast to the room where I woke up earlier, another part of this building is incredibly beautiful. The floor is made of transparent glass that almost looks like it's not there at all.

The stairs are like a formation of stones in a river, very neat. These black circles are very soft when stepped on.

Moreover, there are many flying objects like drones in the sky.

"Wow, is this how buildings are in 2453?" I murmured.

"Yeah, but you could say this is still very ordinary. You know, this world has regressed. Compared to 2016, it's not that far off, Evander," replied Aramor, who was in front of me.

I still can't believe it.

2453 seems like a number for a gambling site. I looked at my whole body again, and this time I noticed that faintly written on the back of my left palm, it said, level 1.

"Good morning, Master Evander."

Three women in red jumpsuits greeted me. I nodded awkwardly. It's strange; this is the first time I feel a member of the opposite sex being so friendly to me.

"Do they know me?"

"Of course, when you were found, the person who found you immediately scanned you. Your identity was read. You are a child from the western region who was abandoned near the sea by Garlen soldiers and stranded on the city's surveillance beach. Every knight of The Blue Of The World will be respected and revered. That's why I said you're very lucky, Master Evander," Aramor replied.

I don't know, I feel like laughing out loud.

Master Evander, I feel like my life has leveled up a bit. Whoever The Hailord is, I'm very grateful to you.

We walked through a corridor where the walls had red clumps moving in water.

"What's this?"

"It's a decoration made of seaweed. It doesn't exist in our year; you don't need to wonder what kind of plant it is," said Aramor.

A golden door with thick black edges immediately opened when Aramor touched it.

A long dining table floated on the ceiling. Moreover, this place had a transparent cube roof. Many flowers and plants followed the shape of the building from the outside. Beautiful and amazing! It could be said that this is like a tourist spot in a flower garden.

I looked at the dining table, and I saw three men already standing and bowing their heads towards us.

"Please, come up," said Aramor, his eyes pointing to a square object floating on my right side.

I followed Aramor's instructions. Both of us simultaneously boarded the object. A red light immediately surrounded the square object when my feet were on it. Slowly, the object moved, carrying us towards the floating dining table.

"Good morning, Master Evander."

The three men who were already at the dining table greeted me.

"G-G-Good morning…."

Aramor, who stood in front of me, directed his gaze towards the chairs. Everyone who still bowed their heads made me understand the meaning of Aramor's given code.

"Please, sit down, everyone."

"Thank you, Master Evander. Before we proceed, I would like to introduce myself to you. My name is Helios XIX; I am a scientist as well as the head researcher of the Saturn-Earth project. And this is our prime minister, Roger, I'm sure you already know him, and the head of the city's monitoring system, Frank, is the one sitting to your left," said the man named Helios.

I nodded hesitantly.

"Before we start, I would like to ask, do you remember the attack that happened five days ago?" asked Roger.

I looked at Aramor; he gave a twisted smile. Following his instructions, I shook my head and said, "No, I don't remember anything."

"I'm sure Warrior Aramor has explained everything to you. You have been chosen as a knight of The Blue Of The World. After this banquet, you must join the other three who are already inside the black pentagon. Your time is short, and the fate of the Earth is in your hands. Even though you're not someone who has been trained as a knight like them, I hope you can adapt and maximize all the destinies given by The Hailord," Frank replied. Somehow, out of the three, he looked cynical when he glanced at me.

"I-I will do my best to protect this city," I replied nervously.

"Good, then, quickly finish your meal, Evander."

"Frank, we've discussed this before. He is Master Evander; you can't--."

"He's Evander, a stranger who got stranded and used that ring. We don't even know what really happened; it might not even belong to him! I won't address him as Master because he's different from the other three who have been chosen for a long time! Tch! Trusting the safety of the Earth to a stranger, I don't think The Hailord really wants to protect us!" Frank replied loudly, cutting off Helios XIX's sentence.


Roger slammed the table, silencing everyone. He then shifted his gaze to me and said, "Apologies for the chaos, Master Evander. You don't need to take what Frank said too seriously. Immediately after this banquet, I will provide him with a lesson."

I nodded hesitantly. Frank's eyes stared at me again like a hungry lion. My stomach felt nauseous, maybe because I was nervous about what just happened.

I looked back at Aramor; he seemed to glance at the plate. The code he gave me made me immediately pick up the plate and say, "Alright, everyone, please enjoy the meal that has been prepared."


"Why is he so angry and resentful towards me?"

I asked Aramor as we traveled towards the black pentagon located on the east side of the city. It wasn't too far; we used a vehicle that was dark black and shaped like a UFO.

"Because he wants his son to be one of the knights. Since he saw you arrive, he immediately protested to the prime minister and all the city's officials. But, no one dared to oppose The Hailord's decree. In the book of fate, it is mentioned that four knights will come to save the Earth from destruction. The ring is already enough evidence that no one can disturb fate," Aramor replied.

"Who's his son?"

"Gelael, their family is annoying. You'll know and understand their nature yourself later on. By the way, we're almost at the black pentagon. Prepare yourself, Evander," Aramor said.

From the front window, I could see a pentagon-shaped building supported by five hand-shaped pillars. The building was surrounded by red light and looked so grand.

Can I survive there?