
I Am The Strongest Original

OK I'm having fun writing this and please don't take this seriously there's obviously gonna be mistakes This Ain't HISTORICALLY ACCURATE

PrimordialOrigins · TV
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17 Chs

Birth and First Hunt

Eden's first moments were spent nestled comfortably inside his mother's womb, alongside his twin brother, Niklaus Mikealson. Michael, their father, anxiously waited by their mother's side, eager to meet his twin sons.

As the day of their birth approached, Michael was the first one to hold the babies up to examine them thoroughly. Ensuring that they had no defects before he handed them back over to their mother's embrace, Michael's pride at his perfectly healthy baby sons shone through.

The boys basked in the warmth and safety of their home, with their parents' care and protection. Michael, a respected and powerful man in their community, was determined to raise his sons to be strong, just like him. It was clear from the very beginning that Niklaus and Eden were special in their ways. Niklaus had an innate charisma, while Eden possessed an impressive set of abilities that set him apart.

As the boys grew older, Michael instilled in them the importance of loyalty to their family and the supernatural community they belonged to. He also taught them the responsibility that came with their unique abilities. Michael trained both boys to face when war

When the day of their first hunt arrived, both Niklaus and Eden were beyond excited to test their skills. Armed with swords and bows, and with their older brother Elijah by their side, they set off into the forest.

As they ventured through the lush greenery, they spotted a massive moose calmly grazing on the vegetation, and Michael guided them on how to track their prey.

Despite his father's guidance, Niklaus's impatience got the better of him, and his arrow missed the target.

The moose ran, and Michael immediately scolded Niklaus for his recklessness. Meanwhile, Eden listened carefully to his father's counsel, waiting for the perfect moment to aim.

He showed unparalleled accuracy and agility, and with a single shot, he hit the moose directly in the eye.

Elias then used his impeccable swordsmanship to finish off the creature cleanly, demonstrating the teamwork and strategy their father had instilled in them.

Returning home victorious, Niklaus received a stern rebuke from their father for his impatience, resulting in a black eye and bruises.

Meanwhile, Eden felt a sense of pride for his skills, knowing that he had shown immense potential in their very first hunt.